Friends Are Awesome

Another lovely sidenote of the wedding I photographed this weekend was the fact that I got to spend time with two of my favorite people on the planet. Ever since our wonderful “Nacho Cheese” (Abbie) moved to Alabama, we rarely get to spend time together. Though Mara and I have spent more time together lately than any two friends with obsessive personalites should (vampires! wizards! movies from 1983! redheads!), we truly never has as much fun as we do when Miss Abbie is with us. She balances us out, bringing to the mix fart jokes, country line dances set to rap music, and the ability to finally make Mara laugh. Case in point, the following selection of photos, which shows our threesome’s relationship better than any of my words could.

(Photos totally stolen from Abbie’s facebook)

Watch as Abbie and I decide we want a picture of three of us, then spend forever trying to get Mara to smile, while she pouts about taking a photo. Check out Mara’s face, it’s classic “Mara.” Techniques for capturing said elusive smile include silly faces, striking a pose, the robot (which unfortunately translates to jazz hands on film), and smootching:

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Friendship is such a good thing.

(Note: Both Mara and Abbs look so damn cute, and I look sweaty and disgusting. I blame that on the fact that I was not informed I should dress up AND spent a good portion of the afternoon sweating and sitting on the grass while I took pictures. And I had to borrow a shirt from Abbie because after the first two hours of shooting, my shirt was covered in sweat stains. I know, you really wanted to know that.)

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