1. What the heck does Crazy Bananas mean? I get this question all the time! You know, if I would have known when I created this site at the wise age of 21-years-old I’d still be doing this 12 years later, I probably would have put more thought in to the name. But the truth is during my senior year of college, a partner in my final journalism class and I were joking around about starting a business and we decided if we did, it would be called Crazy Bananas. Because when you’re crazy, you’re bananas. You guys, we were hilarious. Anyway, when my boyfriend pitched me the idea of starting a blog, it was the first name that came to mind. Over the years I’ve considered changing it, but I think the name is part of me now, and that’s pretty rad.
2. What was the first thing you wrote about on this blog? When I started Crazy Bananas, I was living in Florence, Italy and using the site as a platform to update friends and family on my adventures. My first post was cleverly titled “My First Entry,” and it went a little something like this:
Ciao tutto! I’m in Italy and I’m finally trying to make this web blog work. I’m not very computer literate, but I’m trying at least. Things are amazing here. This city (Florence) is great and I’ve made a lot of good friends already. I’ve also been to Roma and Cinque Terre (on the Mediteranean Sea). In a few weeks I’m heading off to Venice. OK, that’s all for now. I just wanted to see if I could make this thing work:)
Don’t be jealous of my fabulousity. (All of my posts from Italy can be found here.)
3. Why have you continued blogging all these years? For many years I wrote here solely because it made me feel good. I’m a writer and storyteller at heart, and being able to share in this space fueled me as I trudged through my real life. When I was working a full time job in corporate marketing services, this blog gave me a creative outlet and kept the fires burning. There were many MANY times I considered quitting, but I never could go through with it. Turns out, keeping this blog up and running was the best thing I could have done for my career! When I decided to start my own small business, I had a ready-made portfolio of skills including web design, photography and a thick writing portfolio…all because of this blog! While these days I write and photograph because it’s my job, I still find it endlessly fun. There is something pretty magical about putting your ideas out into the universe and watching them come to fruition. Basically, I’m saying if you are thinking about starting a blog…DO IT!
4. If you had to pick between Justin Timberlake, Ryan Gosling and Neal Patrick Harris, who would you pick? That is an unfair and stupid question and I will not dignify it with an answer. (But if I did it would be, d. all of the above.)
5. What’s your favorite television show? I am a bit of a supernerd, so I’d have to put Doctor Who at the top of my list. Nerds of Earth, unite!
6. Favorite movie? I would love to tell you that it’s some period drama or intense indie film, but I have to keep it real…it’s You’ve Got Mail. Yep, I’m amazing.
7. Did you really go to Space Camp? Yes, yes I did.

When I was growing up, my dad had a grant with NASA and had several ongoing experiments on shuttle missions and on the International Space Station. I was (am) a space nerd. I went to Space Camp for two summers, during what can only be categorized as the most awkward years of my life (space nerd + puberty) and loved every minute of it. Those nerds are my people.
All of my Space Camp posts can be found here.
8. What is your favorite color? Orange or yellow.
9. What kind of camera do you use? I have a few: I mostly use a Canon 5D Mark III for my photography studio work and client work (example), and I also use it for most of my videos. I have a back up Canon 60D (example), which was my main camera before I purchased the 5D and many of the photos on this blog were captured with it; I sometimes use a GoPro for underwater or motion videos (example) as it’s almost indestructible; rarely I bust out my old Diana F+ for film (example); and I use my iPhone 6 for everything in between (example). I also use Photoshop and Lightroom to edit photos and put together layouts / image spreads. For iPhone photos I use several apps to edit images. A few favorites are Afterlight, VSCOcam, and Snapseed. I also use a few apps to edit photos with text on the go, such as Over. (For a roundup of my favorite camera apps, click here.)
10. Which member of The Babysitters’ Club are you most like and why? I guess I’d say Claudia, because I desperately want to be able to pull off earrings made of beaded feathers. I used to want to be Dawn, but we all know I’d never make it as a vegan. I also had a few years of thinking I was Mary Ann, but that was mostly due to my ongoing crush on Logan Bruno.
11. If I were to meet you in person, what should I do to get your attention? HUGGGZZZ!!! Just kidding, don’t touch me. I don’t like to be touched. I guess you could just yell my name. Or, if we want to start a super secret society, you could give me the code word. I suppose I should make up a code word then, huh? Okay, the code word is “tardis.” If you don’t know what that means, please don’t bother trying to join my super secret society because we’re very exclusive and don’t want your kind of trash around.
(You’re not trash. I promise. I love you! Hugs!)
12. I’m visiting Kansas City, what should I do while I’m there? Okay, first of all, you’re gonna need to eat some BBQ inside a gas station. Other than that, check out the Kansas City section for more ideas! Thanks for visiting! You look cute in those boots!
13. How do you balance everything?! Hahahahaha. Ha. I don’t balance anything, but I try very, very hard. I think the most important thing is to try and be as present as possible. When I’m working or at a photography shoot, I do my best to be focused on the task at hand. When I’m with my kids I do my best to enjoy every second of it. I’m slowly learning to put down my phone and enjoy where I am right now. All I can control what is happening today, and though I can do my best to plan for tomorrow, I don’t control the Universe and things don’t always go according to my plan.
13. If you could give a younger you some advice, what would it be? Do what makes you happy, not what you think you should do to make everyone else happy. Explore your creativity. It’s there, even if you doubt it. The friends you think are amazing, really are amazing. The ones that aren’t so amazing…well, you will probably want to let those ones go. You will be an incredible mom. Drink more water. Wear SPF 100+. Embrace the geek you are, instead of trying to be cool. People who try to be cool, usually aren’t. Don’t worry that you’re too old to watch television shows made for teenagers, because someday you’ll be thirty and you’ll still be doing it. It’s because you’re awesome.
14. You’re kidding about your love of Britney Spears, right? That girl is crazy. Don’t ever speak of my love B. Spears in that way in front of me! Not kidding. My love for B. Spears is non negotiable. How’s that for crazy? (Bananas.) (Yeah, I just did that. You’re welcome.)
15. Do you plan on selling any of your artwork or photos? Yes, I do! Plans are in the works and I’ll keep you all updated as I know more.
16. Do you do sponsored posts or reviews? I do! If you’d like to sponsor Crazy Bananas or have me do a review of your product, please shoot me over an email at megan [at] crazybananas [dot] com. You can also see my Media Page for more info!
17. How can I contact you? You can email me at megan [at] crazybananas [dot] com or you can visit the Contact page to send me a note.