Daddy’s Girl
I put Lucy down for her nap about an hour ago. When Lucy is sleeping, she has a sound machine that’s usually on. We started using it when she was teeny, and it worked so well, we decided not to get rid of it. You just set that sucker to white noise and we could have a keg party in the other room without her making a peep.
I was just in the kitchen (possibly getting myself a white chocolate-covered Oreo) when I heard a loud, high-pitched beeping noise. It got louder and louder, but I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. I finally realized it was coming from the baby monitor, but when I turned it off the noise didn’t go away. I went into the baby’s room and found it was coming from the sound machine. The machine is also an alarm clock and apparently at some point the alarm set button was accidentally hit. I hit snooze and then found out how to turn off the damn alarm, then looked into the crib. The baby didn’t move an inch. The alarm had probably been on for 3 or 4 minutes when I finally got it turned off, and she didn’t budge. Her daddy was very proud.
Now I’m having visions of dragging the child out of bed for school. Actually, I’ll probably be alternating between dragging her and her father out at the same time. Crap.

um. That may have been my fault. Remember last week when you told me I could go wake her up (my FAVORITE part of visiting Lucy)? Well I followed your instructions to turn off the noise maker and then turn off the lights after. Because I couldn’t see the noise maker I just started pushing buttons, enjoying the various noises it makes (I liked the rain forest). My bad!
Makes you wonder if she will wake up to the smoke alarm. Kids never do. Scary.