Confessions on Life, Death and God

This year for Christmas, along with the required romantic comedy in my stocking, Trent got me two lovely gifts. In packages, wrapped up tight, were two Postsecret books. I’ve been following Postsecret for ages, but had never gotten around to purchasing any of the several bound compilations of secrets that creator Frank Warren had put together. I read through the first one, again, amazed and intrigued by the secrets all these strangers put out in to the universe. It truly is a remarkable project, one that always knocks me down flat, even after all these years.

The other book was the newest Postsecret compilation, called “Confessions on Life, Death and God.” This one struck me even more, as secrets that were as light and airy as could be were mixed in with deep, dark confessions about faith, religion and spirituality. The one that struck me the most? One that simply stated:

“I am a Christian who no longer believes in God, but I will never become an atheist because I hate how they think they are smarter than those who believe.”


I have another long term web-crush on the site Crush + Lovely, a team that puts together the video series “50 People, One Question.” They teamed up with Postsecret to create the video below, based on the book mentioned above. I think watching it will be a wonderful start to your week. A very happy Monday to you.

My Secret: Someday, I hope to be brave enough to share my secret with someone. Anyone.

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