City Hangover
Every time I go to NYC, I leave wishing I could put a downpayment on a small, ridiculously expensive apartment and move there within the week. But a few weeks ago I was at the in-laws’ farm and got to watch the sunset over the pond whilst typing away on the back deck. And on that day, all I wanted to do was move to the country. So I guess that makes me a very indecisive person, and partially explains why I am never the one in charge of making large decisions regarding our family living situation. I’d pack everyone up and two weeks later mention how I miss the humid air of Kansas honeysuckle and Trent would slap me upside the head.

so true, so true! wouldn’t you love to be one of those wealthy folk who can own homes in several places? I’d have my main one (where I sit right now, loving the Wisconsin spring breezes), a cottage on a coast (Great Lakes or ocean, wouldn’t matter), and a big city studio apt. for visiting, just for fun.
It’s all a dream, of course. But dreams are good.