Cheap, cheap, glug, glug….urp…
Today I am fulfilling a dream that has lasted almost three years. In the summer of 2005, my friend Mikayla suggested we get together a group of friends and form a team to compete in Kansas City’s Pub Crawl for Cancer. Yes. Pub crawl. For cancer. Basically, a whole bunch of 20-somethings get together in teams and go from bar to bar. At each bar the teams are required to drink four pitchers of beer before proceeding to the next bar on your list, with five bars total per team. That’s 20 pitchers of beer, people! And as a 22-year-old slacker, it sounded like the most fun that would ever be had. Ever.
But as the date for the pub crawl neared, I missed a period. And another. And, whoops, I was pregnant. You all know the rest of the story (which ended very well thankyouverymuch), but suffice to say I did not make it to the pub crawl. I spent that day with Trent’s mother, planning my wedding and picking up my husband, Mikayla and other crawl team members from the bars when they could no longer walk. Fun times.
But today I will finally get to participate in drinking my weight in alcohol for a good cause. Technically, it’s a work event and I will probably be the oldest person in attendence, but hopefully it will be at least some fun. I realized how old and worn I was when I woke up this morning dreading going to this event and just wanting to go to the park with Lucy instead. Ah well.
I’m planning on live-Twittering the event, this way even if I am a big loser I will look extremely important texting on my cell phone. Right? Check out my Twitter feed and play how drunk is Megan. I hear it’s a hit in retirement homes.

Glad to hear you got to go. We were acutally in Beloit for a wedding.
I enjoyed following your updates on Twitter! Now you can rest and recover.