National Coming Out Day

There are many, many political issues on which my friends and I do not agree. I am very lucky, in that my lovely friends span the gamut in terms of political beliefs, religion, philosophy, etc. I say I’m lucky because really, how much fun would it be if we all agreed on everything? No debate, no bettering of ourselves…that would be super lame. So I find myself quite thankful that I have intelligent people in my life that disagree with me and push me to really understand why I believe what I do. Thank you, oh intelligent people. Without you, I’d never know if I was Team Edward or Team Jacob.

But in all seriousness, today is National Coming Out Day, a very special day for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people to celebrate themselves and each other. It is also a day for those of us who consider ourselves to be Straight Allies to stand up and support our LGBT friends in their (and all of our, really) fight for equal rights. I cannot imagine not being able to see Trent in the hospital if he was sick, or not being able to have my daughter in my life because of my sexual orientation. Why can’t I imagine this? Because it’s silly, sad, medieval and something that just shouldn’t exist in any society, let alone one that claims to be a beacon for freedom in the world.

A very encouraging sign is that I literally cannot name one friend, regardless of political or religious affiliation, who disagrees with me on this topic. I truly believe that this issue is a generational one, with out of date politicians and media whores unfortunately still in control of the national debate. I am sure when my generation takes control, politically, socially and in media, this debate will easily cease to exist. I am positive that when my children and my friends’ children are in their late twenties, this issue will be so far in the past, they will hardly acknowledge it.

But until then, it is our generation – smart, successful, intelligent, thoughtful people like us – who need to stand up to ridiculous posturing from politicians and hateful media mongrels and say, “What you are doing is NOT okay! You do NOT speak for me!”

Happy National Coming Out Day, everyone! Let’s all step up and support our LGBT friends and show them they are not alone in their fight. Let’s make the awful trend of suicide amongst LGBT youth a thing of the past, by showing them love and empowerment and fighting against those who want to make them feel less than. Let’s prove to them, and to ourselves, that we are better than what those in power seem to want us to believe.

The City is Magic

I know it’s crazy to some, but to me, this is the place at the end of the rabbit hole. Less than 24 hours until I’m back there again. I could not be more excited.

Why Wasn’t This On My 100 Things List?

A few weeks back, my friend and fellow watcher of awful television, Lane, sent me a quick email. It seems Miss Lane often attends book signings at a certain bookstore in Kansas City, especially for gifts for her young nieces. And this certain bookstore now sends her emails about upcoming writers that will be doing book signings in the city. And who was coming to our frozen tundra, you ask?

Ummmm…..yeah. Right?

LC. Lauren Conrad. From The Hills. Lovers of crappy TV unite! And begin to geek out!

So Lane and I decided to attend this very special event, where our sure to be BFF Lauren would be signing her new novel, “Sweet Little Lies,” which is basically The Hills written down on paper and bound in a hardcover. Whatever, it’s LC! Squeeee!!!!!

As the event got closer, Lane and I started trading emails about how we were going to charm Miss Conrad into being our new best friend so she would eventually ask us to join in her new reality show and we’d become rich and famous. Obviously. One particular email from Lane pointed me to the site Go Fug Yourself dot com, where they had featured LC and a fabulous yellow coat.

I immediately replied:

To: Lane
From: Megan
Sub: Re: A Little Something

DUDE! I totally have a coat that is almost, just like that! I’m gonna wear it on Monday, and she’ll be all, “Wow, girl, that coat is amazing!” And I’ll be all, “I know, right? Let’s be best friends forever!” And then I’ll fly off to Paris and have lunch with famous designers and she’ll probably write a character for me in her new book.

That, or she’ll call security. It could go either way.

Then Lane sent back to me:

To: Megan
From: Lane
Sub: Re: Re: A Little Something

OMG! You have a coat like that??? Why have I never seen it? I swear I will not steal it from you. (maybe not)

Which is when the backtracking started. See, my coat is not exactly like LC’s. It’s shorter, and a different color yellow, but hell, it’s close enough and you bet your collection of Star Trek memorabilia I was gonna wear it.

When we arrived at the event venue (a church….weird) I noticed that Miss Lane had gone home to change into some stylish outfit, while I was wearing my classic work attire (black pants, random top, salt/sand from the snow splashed all over my backside) with my famous yellow coat. Which, I may add, is totally a Fall coat and I was freaking freezing. But I knew my friendship with LC was in jeopardy, so I sucked it up.

The two of us acted like complete psychos while waiting for LC to arrive. We giggled. We tweeted. We made fun of all the other attendees. We discussed what the heck we were going to say to LC. We laughed hysterically. We shot dirty looks at the girls sitting next to us with their YSL bags and LV coats.

And Lane made fun of my coat. She tweeted about my coat. Laughed at my assertion that it looked anything like the coat we’d seen LC wearing on that fashion website.

Our ticket numbers were finally called and we got in line to get our books signed. All the while nervously trying to figure out what we were going to say to LC (who, I might add, looks exactly like she does on TV, exactly). We got up to the front, where some lady brought her kid and totally charmed LC and her entourage, and I silently cursed my decision not to bring Lulu. Lane (that creep) snuck behind me so I’d have to go first. Crap! Now what? I walked up to the table, and handed my book to one of LC’s assistants, who passed it on to LC to sign. She looked up at me, and very nicely said hello. Here is an abridged version of our conversation:

LC – Hello!
Me – Um, hi…(looks down like a freak show)
LC – How are you?
Me – Fine, um, thanks.
LC – I love your coat!
Me – (blink, blink, blink)
LC’s Assistant – Yeah, it looks a lot like yours (to LC). The one from the other day.
Me – (Look at Lane….blink, blink, blink)
Lane – (Hands her book over to be signed) Great, now I’ll never hear the end of this.
Me – I told you!!!
Lane – She wore it because she said it looked like yours and I told her it didn’t.
Me – (Dances off the stage)
LC – Well, it is a little darker.
Me – (Dies. Boom. The End.)

Back in the audience, Lane and I couldn’t freaking believe what had just happened. I quickly tweeted my version of events so I wouldn’t forget…and Lane replied with the following:

So unfair. I will never hear the end of this. Ever. Seriously.

And then this….

Also, I hope everyone likes the coat, because I think she’ll be wearing it until she’s 80.

I mean, I guess I didn’t get invited to Paris or New York or L.A. But still. I think the night turned out better than anticipated.

My response:

@laneodle, suck it!!! I win at life!!!

I am nothing, if not classy.

Mild Interruption By People Doing Very Good Things

Cancer Sucks

(Photo via Amycgx’s Flickr)

The following message is from the lovely Jennifer, godmother of Carson the most adorable little boy on the planet, therefore, totally awesome. Jennifer has something to say, and I’d like you to listen up. Yes, you. The one eating Doritos at their desk while surfing And you, playing that zombie killing game (ahem, Trent). Take it away, Jennifer:

I was recently asked by a life long friend if I would join her in a cause very dear to her heart, breast cancer research. When she was 10 years old, my friend Brooke lost her mother to breast cancer. I have other very dear and close friends in my life who have lost loved ones to breast cancer or have loved ones currently fighting the battle. I am very lucky that in my life, in my family, we have not directly been affected by breast cancer, but that does not mean I should sit idly by and do nothing to fight this disease. So when Brooke asked me to participate in the Avon Breast Cancer walk I happily agreed to support my friend and all of my friends who have been affected by breast cancer. In June 2010 I will be walking a marathon and a half, 39 miles in two days, along with hundreds of other women in support of breast cancer research. Along with training for the walk, I also need to raise $1800 in donations to breast cancer research. Please take a moment of your time and help support the cause of breast cancer research. Any donation makes a difference. Thank you!

I too have known way, way too many lovely women who have battled the evil bitch that is breast cancer. Some won that battle, and some did not, but they ALL benefitted from the amazing research that has been and is being done to cure this awful disease. If you can, please help support Jennifer by clicking here. According to the American Cancer Society, the chance of a woman having invasive breast cancer some time during her life is a little less 1 in 8. The chance of dying from breast cancer is about 1 in 35. But breast cancer death rates have been going down, probably the result of finding the cancer earlier and better treatment. Anything you can do to help is much, much appreciated!

And now back to our regularly scheduled discussion of sparkly vampires…


I’ve refrained from posting about the Haiti situation here because no words I have could ever come close to describing what a great human disaster this is. I’ve been posting on Twitter, some things you can do to help the people of Haiti, but for the purposes of this space, I’ll just link to this article that outlines six easy (and secure) ways you can help. Trent and I have donated what we can to the Red Cross and Architecture for Humanity, and lord knows it wasn’t much, but every, single penny will help.

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