Rocking the Vote

When I was about 10 years old I voted in my first election. It was 1992, and I voted for Bill Clinton. I was one of only two people in the entire fourth grade to do so, and although it was supposed to be an anonymous, fake, elementary school election, somehow everyone in my class knew that Adam Troupe and I were the crazy liberals in the class. Granted, I attended a conservative, Catholic school in a small Kansas town, so anyone who’s dad didn’t own a gun seemed frighteningly liberal to my peers. And again, I was 10, so I really had no idea what I was talking about and neither did anyone else.
I remember watching the Rock the Vote campaign in that election and in many since. Rock the Vote made wanting to vote, wanting to be involved in the process, not only cool, but fun as well. It made a younger generation, one that was mostly apathetic, want to know the issues and debate about their beliefs. And better than that, it made voting easy. Need to register? Well just show up at this concert and we’ll get you all set up. What a brilliant idea!
Most people who know me know who I’m voting for in November. It’s no secret. Maybe/Probably I’ll write about it here at some point, but regardless of how you may feel about my voting preferences, you have to admit that Rock the Vote is one badass organization. This past weekend I saw what some well placed radio ads and amazing bands can do. It’s incredible how many people will show up when they hear the word FREE.

We registered over 300 new voters on Sunday, and I couldn’t be more proud of the fact that the packed crowd (estimated over 5,000) was a mixed one. Republicans, libertarians, democrats and independents came out in droves to hear great music and support their favorite politicians. One of the greatest moments of the show was when incumbent Kansas senator Dennis Moore (D) came on stage in his pressed khakis and dress shirt with a guitar and played “This Land is Your Land” while the crowd sang along.
Of course, the bands were effing incredible. Somehow, in the past three years filled with diapers and new businesses and life changing decisions, I’d forgotten how much I love a real live show. These were bands that got the crowd hyped up, made us laugh and dance around. I haven’t felt so free in a long time. For once, I was able to act my age instead of feigning all the maturity and responsibility that has become the norm in my life. It was incredibly liberating.
And also, when you work for Rock the Vote you get to hang out with incredibly cool people, radio personalities and bands. Your backstage pass is inevitable and that can certainly do something for someone’s ego. Not that my ego needs inflating. No sir.

I put together a playlist of most of the bands that performed at the show this weekend (I can’t find any online songs by The Belated, a local KC band, but the rest of the participating bands are included). A few words about the headliners:
– The Wombats: I wanted to see these guys live just so I could text my brother-in-law who kept singing their hit song on our family vacation a few weeks ago, therefore keeping in constantly in my head. I ended up loving their whole set, and wish they could’ve played longer and to the later crowd.
– Carolina Liar: When they came out in matching Boy Scout uniforms, I figured I was in for quite the show. This is one of those bands that oozes sex appeal, and it doesn’t hurt that their music is pretty incredible. They got the crowd riled up and really set a tone for the night.
– Ludo: I can’t say enough good things about this band. Weezer meets Reliant K meets Red Hot Chilli Peppers….with a zillion other influences in between. They were funny, on point, and they rocked hardcore. I didn’t want their set to end.

Rock the Vote has tons of events up until the November election, and you can get an entire list of them by emailing kcrockthevote at gmail dot com. Or just email me and I will forward you all the info. Check out the playlist below and then make plans to get involved! It will only get better.