I’m Out
With the holiday upon us I will be taking my leave from this lovely bloggity blog to spend time eating, drinking, drinking, drinking and playing Rock Band 2. I took a WHOLE WEEK off from work, so by Wednesday I just may be legally comatose. Don’t you worry about me.
But you, my lovelies, I will worry about you. What shall you read while I’m away? Well, I may try and post a picture or two of our festivus miracle, or maybe some video of the family talent show that is threatening to eat my brain. But if that’s not enough, here are some options for next week:
Monday: Read this, then watch the video below. If I ever get married again (I mean, renew vows, not get married to someone else, seriously) I would want to do it like this. All brides-to-be should take notice [Mikayla, this one’s for you].
Tuesday: Read the Adventures of RPAZZ. For those Twilight fans who love the books, but think Robert Pattison is a little icky, this site will crack you up. I particularly like this post. Oh, Rob, I will never “stop believin’.”
Wednedsay: Stop freaking out about the decorations and the presents and the family and all of the things that are stressing you out. If you need help, read this article from Real Simple dot come on 5 Reminders to Keep You Balanced this Holiday Season. Also, wish Trent a happy birthday with me!!! HAAAAPPPYYYYY BIIIIRRRRTTHHDAAAAAY!
Thursday: Celebrate the birth of Jesus with some gift giving and drunken family time. Add this song (it will start streaming when the page loads) to your Christmas soundtrack, and maybe it will drown out the sound of your Uncle Joe puking in the bathroom after one too many bourbon and cokes.
Friday: Recover. Sleep. Maybe go see a movie. I may go see this one. Take some of that holiday gift money and make a donation to Kiva dot org. Remember last year when I received Kiva gift certificates for both my birthday and for Christmas (click here to jog your memory)? Well, the fabulous women that I donated to have both repaid huge portions of their loans, giving me money back that I could either take for myself, or redonate. Guess which one I chose?
My goal is to donate to a woman entrepreneur in all of the regions offered, and so far I have donated in Asia and Africa. Yesterday I used my repaid money to give a loan to another woman, this one starting a clothing sales business in Peru.
After all the excess of the holidays, it will feel good to give a little back. Karma, baby. Pure karma.