
My new boss is such a whiney, little thing. She cries about the silliest things, and she’s never satisfied with my work. She’s always sneaking off for naps during the day, but the minute I try to take a break she demands my attention. She requires me to work early, late and on weekends, for a shitty salary.

That’s right, I’m now officially a stay at home mom.

Working Mom

Tomorrow I have to go in to the office and sit down with my boss for the first time since my baby girl was born. It’s only been three and a half weeks, but I just can’t imagine going back to my full time job and leaving her every day. I can’t fathom leaving her with a stranger at 7:30 a.m. and not seeing her for 9 hours. Yuck. Hopefully I can negotiate some sort of new contract where I work from home for 100 grand a year. Yup. Good plan, huh?

Vacation Day

Tomorrow I get my first real vacation day at my job in months. In the last 9 1/2 months I’ve taken a total of 2 vacation days. It’s just very hard to find a day off at my job, and even when I do get a day, I usually have a conference call or two.

Anyway, tomorrow my vacation day is a fun-filled extravaganza! It’s prenatal test time. It’s when Santa or the Easter Bunny or whatever magical creature brings all sorts of gifts, like gestational diabetes testing! Lucky me!

Do I know how to party, or what?

Viva Las Vegas

Ahh, the joys of a mental breakdown. The pressure at work and home has finally started to explode out of all of the holes in my head (eyes, ears, nose, etc.) and everyone had better step out of the way to avoid flying debris. Today, after a bit of exploding this morning, I headed out to Las Vegas for work. I’ve never been to Vegas, and honestly didn’t think my first trip would be for work while pregnant. Kind of takes the fun out of all of it. At least I have cable, though.

Tonight my boss wants to drive around the strip and *hopefully* eat something, somewhere. Tomorrow is the big presentation and Monday I head home. I’m already getting very excited for next weekend when all of this will be over and I can hopefully get some sleep!

List of thoughts running through my brain at work today in no particular order

1. Ahhhh! The emails are overwhelming me! Why so many emails?!
2. Breathe. Just answer them one at a time.
3. No I cannot redo that calendar for you!
4. I need some chocolate cake.
5. OK, time to redo that calendar. Crap.
6. Ummm….I don’t remember what I was just doing. I hope it wasn’t too important.
7. Where is that DAMN CHOCOLATE CAKE!
8. Could that throbbing in my forehead please cease!
9. Thank friggin’ God, chocolate cake.
10. I need a nap.
11. Is it lunchtime yet?
12. What?! It’s already 4:40? Crap.

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