
When I started this new job in April, I was a bit worried, as my last job was just horrendous. Frightening. Scary. A huge yuck-fest. But the new job has turned out to be the complete opposite. The people are fairly friendly and easy-going, the work is stimulating and I don’t feel like stabbing pencils in my eyes on a daily basis. A huge improvement.

And I really needed to be working in an environment like this. I was leaving my daughter, becoming the only breadwinner for my family, and with all of that stress, I needed my work life to not only be fulfilling, but fun. I know some people can separate work from personal life, and that works for them, but I need to enjoy the people I’m working with. I need to like them and feel like they enjoy my company as well. And even though I know we won’t always agree on everything (or anything), I do feel like we’re a team and we all are working toward the same goal. Now let’s all sit in a circle and sing kumbya! Damnit, people. Sing!

One of my coworkers, Kristi, has been a great support during these first few months. She’s drug me into the fray, somewhat kicking and screaming, and I’ve come out as a better employee and colleague. She also makes fun of my iPod playlists and buys me Zac Efron memorabilia, which is obviously a sign of a dedicated coworker. This weekend Kristi’s husband, Dan, who I only know through overheard cell phone conversations and long stories over beers is coming home from Iraq. I’m so happy and excited for her, and I’m really looking forward to meeting Dan the man. And asking if I can borrow his new camera. And use his new Mac. And if he’ll play Quake with my husband.

Don’t worry Kristi, I won’t tell him about all of the Disney channel movies you’ve been watching in his absence. It’s our little secret. And when I say “our,” I mean you, me and the Internet. I’m sure he’ll never find out.

Welcome home, Dan!

Dan in Iraq

Out of Office:

So, I’m traveling today for work and don’t really have anything to post. In honor of my former co-workers, who’ve been gravely neglected lately, I’m posting this You Tube video called LOLCATS (sorry, current co-workers who can’t view this).

Boy, do I miss public relations and marketing for felines.

I hope you sense the sarcasm. Or else you may think I’m kidding. But I’m not. Seriously, I’m not.

Getcha’ Head in the Game

I know you are all clawing your eyes out over the fact that yesterday there was no, GASP, Space Camp picture of the week. Please, dry your eyes, faithful readers. All three of you must get a grip. Yesterday was a bit manic, but I promise Space Camp Thursday will be back with avengence next week. And yes, I do have enough Space Camp pictures to keep us swimming in control gyroscopes until at least 2008. Never fear!

I’m starting to think this site has turned into a place where I just flaunt my tendancy to be a bit on the dorky side. It never used to be like this, was it? I seem to remember a time when I actually had intelligent opinions and funny stories. Now it’s all about Space Camp and Harry Potter. Trent mentioned to me yesterday that we were possibly the geekiest couple on the planet, him with his Quake t-shirt and me in my Harry Potter tee, both almost reflectively white as if we haven’t left the house in a few weeks. Lucy tends to walk (toddle) 5 feet in front of us in public places, muttering incoherent baby talk the entire way. “Freaking dork-ass parents. God, I hope no one notices we’re together. For the love of all things holy, Mother, please take a shower and stop talking about Zac Efron. People are staring!”

Sorry, Lucy. I’m taking the road less traveled. And it’s making all the difference.

Here we go again!

Oh, I’m sorry. I just passed out.

And no, I did not draw that “stuff” on his face. I would never defile Troy Bolton like that. Perez Hilton did it, bastard. And, as previously mentioned, I can’t get another picture because of the “Entertainment” blockers on my work Internet. Bastards.

I may have been mentioning these strange obsessions a bit too much at work. Co-workers are starting to drop subtle hints.

Work Poster

Like buying a large High School Musical 2 poster and hanging it up in my cube. Dude, I’m totally getting a promotion. I mean, could there be anyone more professional than me?

I’ve Been Blocked

I don’t like to talk about my job too much on this site because I’ve found that even if co-workers don’t know about this site immediately, they will eventually find it. And really, it’s bad enough when they find out that I’m an undercover Space Camp-attending, Harry Potter-loving, High School Musical-watching dork (OK, so I’m not really that undercover about it), so I really don’t need them reading about themselves or anyone else we work with on this site. Also, I like this job. I’d like to keep it. Unlike that one job with the crazy cat lady that made me want to shove pencils in my eyes. Or the one after that with the insane woman who would walk into the office, slam all of the doors, stomp up the stairs, throw a tantrum and then come back downstairs and call a meeting so she could stare at all of us for 20 minutes to see if it actually is possible for someone to melt into their own chair. I don’t mind talking about them. Crazy ass people.

But the new job is pretty nice so I’ll refrain from talking about anyone’s quirks, at least until I can come up with suitable nicknames that will disguise the fact that I’m talking about them.

One pet peeve I will mention, though, is my new office’s Internet filters. In the ongoing fight against worker distraction, they tend to block everything on the planet. When I need to find a new Photoshop brush for a project…blocked (under Hobbies). When I need to find out where to get new blades for our paper cutter…blocked (again, someone, somewhere must have a paper cutting hobby). When I need to find a video of someone using a certain type of miter saw…blocked (under Video).

But now they’ve gone too far. They’ve blocked Entertainment. People.com. Cnn.com Entertainment. E! Online. How am I to find out when Lindsey Lohan gets out of rehab or when Britney finally is sent to a mental institution?! Do they not understand what important business this is?!

Obviously I believe we should protest. Possibly get together a huge group and stand out in the street and hold up signs with sticks. We could sing “Seize the day!” and do choreographed dances with Christian Bale. We could yell at the “scabs” in bad New York accents, possibly with what’s-his-name from Doogie Howser….

Who’s with me?!


I’m not a person who gets angry. I’ll get upset, frustrated, even frazzled, but rarely angry. I hardly ever get to a point where my blood is boiling and smoke is coming out of my ears and I can’t even think straight. But that’s where I am right now.

The biggest problem is, I’m not sure who to blame for my current situation. Whose fault is it when you get screwed over by someone? Is it your own fault, for trusting that person in the first place? Should you have checked and re-checked, to ensure you were going to get the result you deserved in the end? Or sometimes are people just absolute fuck-tards who treat other people like shit and get away with it because of some junior high monarchal mentality?

What hurts so much is not the money I will lose because of this certain person’s thoughtlessness, but the time I spent working on a project I was very proud of, which will now never see the light of day. The hours and hours coding and converting and editing, which were hours I could have spent doing something more productive. Like mainlining vodka.

People have told me I need to get over this. I need to move on. Live and learn. Next time, don’t trust people. But I hate that. I want to trust people. I want to be naive enough to think people will follow through with their committments. I want the fact that I think that way not to mean that I’m naive, just an optimist.

But most of all, I want to hit rewind, and not watch the hours and hours of homevideos I had to review for this project. And I want to spend that time with my daughter and husband and friends. But I can’t have that, can I?

See? Now I’m angry again.

Updated: Read this. Seriously, read it. It took away all of my anger and made me believe in something better. At least for a moment.

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