The Obligatory New Years Post

Why, hello. Have you missed me, dear Internet? Have you spent hours Googling and searching and scrolling through mindless crap just waiting for me to reappear? What? You were with your family eating turkey and opening presents? What do you mean I’m not the “most important thing in your life?” I feel so betrayed.

So I didn’t really keep up too well on my early resolution to not post for a few weeks. It was actually harder than I thought. Something funny would happen like finding a cockroach in my mother’s wine glass and I would want to start up my computer and tell you all about it. And a few times, I strayed. But I really am back now. Sort of.

As most do after the end of another year, I attempted to come up with some new resolutions to improve myself and my life. I really don’t love the idea of resolutions. I think that if you want to change something about your life, you shouldn’t wait for a certain date on the calendar to do so. But, I am a follower, so here are a few things I’m planning to focus on in 2008.

Be a more patient person: I need to stop expecting everyone to go at my pace, and instead learn to be a bit more flexible. Or else I need to surround myself with Megan-clones. Except then I would probably be annoyed at how often I would have to look at my own ass.

Expand my design and photography skills: In 2007 I discovered the artist in me does exist! Really, it does! I was never good at drawing or painting or singing or acting, but I can take a mean snapshot. In 2007 I want to continue expanding my knowledge by taking a real design class and enlarging my collection of camera lenses. Because I have lots of free time…right…

Try to be less blond: This is an oxymoron, as I am a blond. I will probably always be a blond, as that redhead experiment didn’t go so well. But lately it’s been taking over my life. I’ve fallen on my ass running to catch elevators, I’ve mixed up dates of important meetings, and basically have been acting like an all-around ditz. It must stop. So I’m going to try and be more organized, less cluttered and less blond. Except for my hair. I’m not going through that again.

Listen to more/better music: I’ve already started with the 2007 playlist, but I need to listen to more music that fills me up, instead of music that just fills up dead air.

Find something outdoors that I love, and do it: I’m thinking about starting to ride horses again. Just thinking. And hoping. And wishing. And praying.

Blog when I want to, not when I have to: I’ve already started this one, lets hope it sticks.

Continued Education

Some lovely Mamas from my Mamas Group allowed me to use their children as test subjects in my never ending quest to not suck at taking pictures…man, is my glass half empty today or what. I was a little bummed because I thought the pictures were going to turn out much better than they did, but, because I had such gorgeous subjects, they’re still pretty cute.

First up was Noah, my poor little guinea pig. This unlucky child was my first subject to bask in the horrible backlight that I couldn’t figure out, but I still got some good shots.


Second was the only fearsome twosome of the day…I guess Mama Jen had no idea I had never attempted to get two kiddos in one shot before. Let’s say there was a LOT of unused photos from this session…


Third was Betsy, whose mom Sarah watches Lucy once in a while. She is one happy kid! Almost all of her pictures looked like this.


And last, but certainly not least, was Sidney. This little girl was so busy, you could tell she was just taking in everything around her. Quite the mover and shaker, I must say.


And my little darling…well, she performed her photographer assistant duties wonderfully. But I think she was just there for the snacks.


To see all of the images from this shoot, click here. And you should, they’re super-cute.


Today is my coworker Kristi’s birthday, and as I am poor and uncreative, she is getting (along with a pastry from Starbucks, I know, what a gift) this post. Where I say what I would get her if she hadn’t forced me to go to an outlet mall and spend my entire grocery budget at the Gap on our work trip this week. Really, Kristi, you did this to yourself.

Anywho, I’ve searched and searched the whole World Wide Web for a gift for the girl who has everything. And when I say “everything” I mean the camera I want, the computer I want, and a John Deere t-shirt?

I think I found it…

Birthday Gift

I’m starting a pool at the office to buy this for her…maybe I’ll just “borrow” some from the football pool, since I haven’t really contributed to it due to the awesomeness of my team.

So, happy birthday Kristi! I hope this post was the gift you’ve been waiting your whole life for.

Overheard in the Ozarks

“I don’t think this is Poison.”
“I sucked Janie Lane’s &#$!, I know Poison when I hear it, bitch. Well, I guess he’s from Warrant, but whatever.”

“Did you see the waitresses shirt.”
“No, what did it say.”
“Trust me. It’s kosher….with an arrow pointing down.”

“I just put another 50 cents in the skiball machine, and it ate my money.”
“You know it’s unplugged, right?”
“Whatever, they’re afraid of my skiball dominance.”

“I’m waiting for my B&B (Benedictine & Brandy) to enjoy my balls.”


A few weeks ago I headed off to Denver for a work conference, leaving Lu behind for the first time since she was born. I’d like to tell you how horrible it was, how I cried and bawled and changed my mind at the last minute, rushing off the plane to be with my little monkey. But, people, I didn’t. I sat my butt on that cushy Frontier Airlines seat and read me a magazine. An entire magazine. Do you hear the birds singing? The clouds parting? It was the most magnificent flight of my life. Then, that night, I drank cocktails with real live adults. Maybe one or two cocktails over my limit, but hey, what can you do?

And maybe, if I’d remembered that in less than 24 hours the rest of the family would be joining me for a long weekend, culminating with another flight, this one consisting of a toddler stomping on my lap and screaming and throwing toys at the poor lady in front of us, I’d savored those cocktails a bit longer….

Special thanks to Allison and Steve, who not only fed us and provided us with lots of beer and wine and a warm place to sleep, but acted like a Lu-tantrum was funny instead of exceedingly embarassing.

If you can’t view this show, click here or here. Or get a better computer. Or possibly a more advanced computer operator. That’s you. Yeah, you.

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