Cupcake Cannon

Yeah, I’m gonna need one of these.

Really, I Just Wanted An Excuse to Say “Vomit Comit”

A few weeks ago, Trent and I were sitting in our kitchen, having a nice Sunday brunch after a VERY rare instance of the whole family sleeping in. Lucy was running around in a tutu or something, and we sat at the table reading newspapers, checking Twitter, discussing the world issues of the day. Until, all of a sudden, this happened:

Twitter Zombie Action Plan

And yes, I tweeted it. Because, SERIOUSLY?! A zombie action plan?! And then:

Twitter Zombie Action Plan

Now this is where things get a little hairy. I had a couple of responses via Twitter on the hilarity of the zombie action plan (ZAP?), including one from a sorta-web-famous blogger. When I told Trent about the response, he immediately went to Twitter to see what I’d posted…and then sorta got mad. Ish. Not like, I-wanna-divorce-you-mad, but more like gah-what-the-hell-is-your-problem-woman-mad. Because, let’s face it, I’m an exaggerator. I strech the truth a teeny bit. Or a lot. Depends on what’s funnier. And everyone who knows me knows that it’s just a fact of life. If you do something funny around me, the story will be retold and I will probably make you sound ten feet tall. It’s what I do. I do it here on this website, I do it on Twitter, I do it in real life (have I ever told you how a friend of mine really thought my mom was the CEO of QVC because I used to kiddingly call her that…yeah). So, in order to appease the gods of marital bliss, I posted this:

Twitter Zombie Action Plan

And that is TOTALLY true.

P.S. In the days following this heated exchange, we received two books on how to survive the zombie apocolypse from Amazon. I swear.

P.P.S. In the spirit of honestly I must tell you something. I have not, nor have I ever had the chance to go to outer space. And my dad never worked for NASA. Wow, that felt good.

P.P.P.S. Technically my dad worked for a state-run program that had a NASA grant. And he was in zero gravity doing experiments. Just not outer space. I never was, because I am lame. He is, in fact, a rock star.

P.P.P.P.S. The plane my dad took to zero gravity is called the “Vomit Comit.” I just think that’s an interesting fact.

The End.





Am Alive

And still redesigning (read: eating cheese popcorn and watching re-runs of Glee). I will be back by the end of November, totally promise. Or not. We’ll see. ‘Til then, you can always find me over at Twitter spouting genius. Crazybananas in individually wrapped goodness.


Maybe it’s the change in the seasons. The blue skies of summer quickly transforming to grey, the leaves turning from green to red to brown, then falling to the ground. The air brisker, the wind stronger, the frost on the car windows in the morning. I don’t really know. But I have been so uninspired lately. I’m having a hard time reflecting, finding the beauty all around me, even though I know it’s there. I’m happy, I just don’t feel like writing about that happiness, putting it all out there for everyone to see.

I’m feeling fairly content, but I have found myself taking more mental pictures, as opposed to physical ones.

Until I get my groove back, so to speak, here are some things that have been making me smile lately. Little bits of inspiration from around the web, wrapped up in a pretty little virtual bow, just for you.

The Berlin Reunion – Read this and then watch the video below. I totally cried. And then Trent walked in on me and asked why I was crying about a bunch of giant puppets. Because I have issues, Trent! Let me be!


Steven Colbert Vs. Glamour Magazine ReadersStephen wins “marry” in a “Do, Dump, Marry” game between him, Jimmy Fallon, and Conan as outlined in Glamour magazine. But then he realizes while the readers would “marry” him, they’d be cheating on him with Jimmy Fallon. Hilarity ensues. (via Jezebel)

The Bloggess – Do you all read The Bloggess? No. Well, stop reading this right now and get over there. Warning, you may snort out loud so refrain from drinking soda pop while reading. It will hurt. You’ve been warned. Also, you’ll learn what to do if you’re afraid of black people. Or pandas.

Where the Wild Things Are – The movie came out last week. You should go see it. And then let me know how awesome it is, so if I ever get a chance to get out of my parenting duties for an evening, I will go see it too. If you don’t trust me, you can check out my buddy’s Scene Stealers review here. They’re usually right about these things. (Save that one time they said Harry Potter was bad and I shunned them forever.)

On another note, the movie’s soundtrack by Karen O. and the Kids is seriously fantastic. Beautiful, haunting and lovely. Lucy’s current favorite song is All Is Love and she requests it at least twelve times a day.

New Moon Soundtrack – Speaking of movie soundtracks, our favorite sparkling vampire is going to be back in the theaters in a month, so to get all the crazy Twilighters all hyped up like kids drowning in pixie sticks, they released the movie’s soundtrack last week. While I know the shimmery blood suckers only appeal to a specific demographic (insane people, yes, myself included), the soundtrack is pretty damn good, and includes tunes by Death Cab, Bon Iver & St. Vincent, Lykke Li, Thom Yorke, The Killers and a ton more. My current favorite from the album is Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (who I used to obsess over in college and love, looooveee, and don’t hype up nearly enough) with Done All Wrong. You can buy it here or on iTunes.

Balloons – Anyone else have balloons on the brain lately. I can’t imagine why. Whatever the reason I really want to take some balloon pictures. Maybe that will crack my uninspired streak.

mongolfiere in parata

Image via Flickr.

Fortunes – This was in my fortune cookie last week. Am waiting patiently for this “unexpected event.” And hoping it includes copious amounts of pie.

Well, this could go either way...

A Day at the Office – Last week I sent this to Trent and Heath and was all “This is totally what you guys are doing in the office all day, isn’t it?” And they were all “No….” But I could tell they were lying.

Apparently all I need to be inspired is a good Backstreet Boys song. Who knew? I figured I was an *Nsync kind of girl.


This here website has been up and running for OVER FIVE YEARS now. Please, just take a moment to let that one sink in. Other than my husband, I’ve never even had a relationship last longer than three years, let alone five. And we all know what’s happened to most of my hobbies (oh, shut up, I’m very important and busy) that have fallen by the wayside. Sometimes I look back at this site and can’t believe how much has changed in my life. I mean, back when we started this site, I didn’t know anyone who had a blog, and now I read tons of them regularly. Other bloggers have taught me how to take photos, how to sew (ahem, I will do this…someday), how to do my hair, where to buy awesomely weird furniture and everything else that I could possibly imagine.

But the time has come for some changes around here, and since I usually go at projects like this with extreme vigor just to have them totally pitter out after a few days, I’m taking this one slowly. I’ve gone through four redesigns since I started writing online, but haven’t touched the design here since 2007. In web-years, this site’s design is having a mid-life crisis, and only I can save it from buying itself an overpriced red sports car and finding a boyfriend 10 years younger (although, if anyone has any boyfriend suggestions, I’m sure my site will consider them) is by giving it a facelift.

Step One: My masthead.

(For those of you that don’t speak “Internet,” it’s the title at the top of the page.)

Oh, golly, if I could only show you all of the mastheads that this poor site has had to endure. Do you all remember the “iPod Baby?” Technically, Trent did that one, right after we got our hands on Photoshop for the first time, but holy cow, it freaked me out. It was like a giant blob with headphones over a frightening color background that could only be described as “PINK!!!!!”

So the masthead that I’ve had on this site for the past two and a half years was one I created while still new to Photoshop and in the midst of thinking of a clever tagline to go after the whole “Crazybananas” part. I was messing around with the template and had the placeholder text “a working mom gone crazy” as my tag when I uploaded it to the site to make sure the sizing was correct. Then I fell asleep for two and a half years, woke up, and realized that tag is so dumb it makes my eyes bleed. And also, butterflies? Why did I think having a butterfly on my website was a good idea? I don’t even like butterflies.

What I need from you people are some suggestions for a new tagline and anything you’d like to see in my masthead. Any ideas, oh creative ones? Should I just stick a LOLCatz up there and call it a day? Do you miss the butterfly? Too bad, it’s gone forever. But any other ideas I’ll definitely consider. Especially since I don’t seem to have any of my own.

Let the creativity commence!

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