

I grew up fascinated with space travel. Like lots of little kids, I dreamed of heading up in a rocket to outer space and discovering new worlds, but unlike lots of kids, I actually saw this as a real life actuality, not just a dream. My dad (in the photo above looking totally boss) worked with NASA from the late 1980s until 1998. I saw every shuttle in the NASA fleet launch (excepting Challenger, which was destroyed before my dad’s projects began) along with several rockets. I’ve explained over and over again on this site what NASA and the importance of space exploration mean to me, but with the successful landing of Mars Curiosity last week (see here for more info), my love has been reignited.

Unfortunately, as always, the launch of this magnificent project has led many to question NASA and it’s funding. My personal Facebook page was filled with people debating the cost of a project like Curiosity and whether or not it would benefit our country. It’s funny, because I see crappy political arguments on Facebook all the time, and even if they rile me up, I never respond. It’s just not worth the anguish and you never end up getting anywhere positive. But this time, hoo boy, my blood was boiling. I wrote and rewrote responses, which I kept deleting because I knew, unfortunately, rarely can people with uninformed opinions be swayed. So instead I posted this video, with words by the genius astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, which summed it up better than I ever could:

Some of my favorite quotes from this incredible compilation:

“NASA got founded on the fear factor of Sputnik…we got to the moon on that fear factor. Space enthusiasts say ‘Oh, we went to the moon in ’69, we’ll be on Mars in another 10 years.’ They completely did not understand why we got to the moon in the first place. We were at war! Once we saw that Russia was not ready to go to the moon, we stopped going to the moon.”

“All of this was focused on enabling people to make tomorrow come. That was a cultural mindset…and we reaped the benefits of economic growth, because you had people who wanted to become scientists and engineers, people who enable tomorrow to exist today.”

“Do you realize that the $850 billion bank bailout, that sum of money, is more than the entire 50 year running budget of NASA?”

“I worry that congress doesn’t factor in the consequences of those decisions on tomorrow. They’re playing for the quarterly report, they’re playing for the next election cycle and that is mortgaging the actual future of this nation.”

“A half a penny, that buys the space station, the space shuttles, the NASA centers, the rovers, the astronauts…all of that. How much would you pay for the universe?”


Want to learn more about science and the space program, but don’t have time to do the research? Follow these people (and Mars rovers) on Twitter! Just another reason to love the Internet.

Neil deGrasse Tyson
– Astrophysicist, American Museum of Natural History. Author: Space Chronicle, The Pluto Files,. Host: StarTalk Radio

Mike Massimino – NASA astronaut

Curiosity Rover
– The Mars rover that landed last week has it’s own Twitter account, and it’s fantastic!

Space Camp USA – The official Twitter for the U.S. Space & Rocket Center is home to Space Camp, Aviation Challenge and NASA’s Official Visitor Information Center for Marshall Space Flight Center

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory – NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages many of NASA’s robotic missions exploring Earth, the solar system and our universe.

Happy Weekend!


Oh, hey everyone. It’s Friday, isn’t it? My brain is so fuzzy, I’m not sure if I actually remember what the day is anyway. This week I had such grand plans, but after a super productive Monday (I went running at 5 a.m.! I have to say that because I did nothing else all week except lay around like Jabba the Hut) everything went swiftly downhill. Monday night I came down with a fever and by Tuesday night, after fighting through a day at work and even a happy hour, I was down for the count. I spent Wednesday on my couch and my bed, alternating between eating soup and moaning.

Wednesday night Lulu had her first sleepover at a friend’s house and she was so very excited. They had an amazing time until I received a call yesterday afternoon to let me know the mom of Lu’s friend had found lice in her hair. Yup, Lu had lice. And then when I picked up Tate from daycare, I checked him and hoo boy, he had it too! Yay. And guess who else was infected…yours truly. It just keeps getting better, doesn’t it.

I don’t share this to be gross or whiny, I share it because I feel like a lot of the time blogs can make people look way more fab than they probably are in real life. I mean, I am pretty amazing most of the time, but sometimes I’m in a shower cap vacuuming all my furniture and washing every piece of linen I own while picking bug eggs out of my kids hair. Let’s keep it real, people.

Again, and yes I know this is annoying, my new life mantra and attitude made this situation so much less horrible than it could have been. Though I was mortified that my kid apparently brought lice to someone’s home, the other mom couldn’t have been more gracious. Turns out she’s a pharma rep with a friend who has spent the last few years developing an organic, safe lice treatment, so she knew exactly what to do. She even had a kit on hand that she gave to me to get rid of all those little buggers. (Sidenote: This product is AMAZING. If you ever have to deal with lice, I highly recommend. Safe enough for little Tater and got rid of everything.) It could’ve been so much worse. We were lucky. And a bonus, the treatment made my hair look model gorgeous, so there’s that.


OK, enough griping, here’s some fun links to get you through the weekend, whether you’re holed up with a headcold/lice or just trying to stay out of the heat:

– Have you been watching the Olympics? Obviously we have, and we are loving the swimming and the gymnastics. Ever wondered how those leotards stay right where they are supposed to? Check out this article on how they are made. Super interesting stuff. I had no idea how detailed it all was.

– Speaking of gymnastics, tonight NBC is airing a documentary on the “Magnificent Seven” and you’d better believe Lu and I will be watching!

– This workout segment on the Sarah James show looks perfect for me. And by perfect, I mean quick and convenient.

– This documentary on HBO about supermodels aging looks fantastic. Can’t wait to check it out.

– Omigod avocado salad nom nom nom.

– I’ve always wanted to take the kids camping, but haven’t bitten the bullet yet. This post on backpacking with kids gets me excited though. We might need to bust out that old tent!

– Lane made homemade face scrub and I WANT IT NOW.

Here are some Instagrams from the past few days (weeks, years, hell, I have no idea…). You can follow our adventures by following me over there @crazy_bananas. Have a happy weekend, all!







Happy Weekend!


Happy Friday, everybody! This week has been so overflowing with fun and good times, that even though I know I’m exhausted, I’m still smiling. I’m working on some secret projects that I get to share in the next few weeks and I just cannot wait. Tonight I am headed to the Kauffman Program Graduation Ceremony at Arrowhead Stadium. I have mentioned before that I’m a Big Sister through BBBS-KC, and my Little Sis is a proud Kauffman Scholar. Once she graduates from the program she has to begin prepping to leave for college. I’m so proud of her! This weekend we also have two birthday celebrations (one for a friend of Lulu’s and one for a friend of mine), so suffice to say, we’ll be busy partying it up.

Here are some fun links from around the www this week:

– This video of famous artists doing their work is just fascinating. I loved the one with Monet in the waterlily garden and the one with Renoir being assisted by his young son. My favorite is the video with Jackson Pollack, who says to the filmmaker, “When I’m painting I have a general notion of what I’m about.” So awesome.

– This time lapse capture of the Earth from the International Space Station gave me chills.

– Why yes, that is a backyard shed transformed into a Tardis. And yes, I definitely need one.

– Jasmine Star’s Shooting Star Series is my favorite photography “How To” these days. Her videos are always spot on. This one’s on how to photograph wedding rings.

– My childhood idol Sally Ride, the first female astronaut, died this week from cancer. Here is a list of five things even I didn’t know about her (and I knew a lot). Sidenote: The fact that a “reporter” had the audacity to ask her if she had ever “weeped on the job” is so infuriating. Bah!


Here are this week’s Instagram shots. Pretty please, come follow me over there if you’re so inclined. You can find me @crazy_bananas. Happy weekend!






Happy Weekend!

Hooray, it’s finally Friday! Did this week fly by for you? Because I could swear it’s still Wednesday in my brain. We are headed to the lake today for a fun weekend of fishing, swimming and generally trying to stay cool in the expected 106 degree heat. My other main goal will be keeping the baby (who does not have any fear and will dive head first in to any body of water) from killing himself. Fingers crossed!


Here are some links that got me thinking and laughing this week:

– Have you all heard of WIGS? It’s a channel on YouTube that is producing and releasing high quality dramatic shows via the web. Some people are saying it’s what will replace the now dying genre of soap operas (RIP AMC). I don’t know about that, but I’ve watched a few of the series and there are definitely some big stars participating. So far my favorite is “Christine” starring America Ferrara as a girl at a speed dating event.

– This self-written obituary by a man who knew he would die soon is charming, funny and poignant. He confesses to misdeeds as a teenager and apologizes to his wife for smoking (which gave him the throat cancer that he died from). Really lovely.

– The BBC wrote a feature on Kansas City’s renaissance and for once focused on our amazing culture and arts, instead of BBQ and cowboy boots. It’s a great read! (Note: I love BBQ and cowboy boots, don’t get me wrong, but it was nice to be called out for all of the other parts of our incredible city for a change!)

– I’m obsessed with this photo shoot of Keith Richards and his family. This is what I picture when I imagine my future…well, without the formerly drugged out rockstar.


Last weekend was one of the first ones in a while where we were all home in Kansas City AND Trent was able to stay away from work all weekend long. It was glorious! And lazy! Lazy gloriousness! We ended up going down to the Nelson-Atkins Museum where they were doing this cool installation creating a super huge picnic blanket. It was definitely a bit hot to be out there, but we had a little picnic in the shade and ran around for a bit anyway. We’re hoping to take the kids down for a real weekend visit before the end of the summer, since it’s one of our favorite places in the city (you can see more posts from previous trips in 2004 and 2011). Most of our Instagram pics from this week are from our afternoon at the Nelson, although there is some other fun stuff sprinkled in as well. If you’re on Instagram, remember you can find me @crazy_bananas.





The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

Sometimes the Internet just makes me so stinkin’ happy. Case in point, “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.”

As you can see from the video above, “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries” is a web series based on the classic novel Pride & Prejudice. The series is set in modern time, and Lizzie (Elizabeth Bennet) and her friend Charlotte Lu (Charlotte Lucas) create a video blog for a class project. The series basically follows the exact plot of the book (with some modern additions of course) as told by Lizzie through her blog. Most of the time in front of the camera is focused on Lizzie, but as the series has gone on, we’ve finally gotten to meet some of the other characters, like her sisters, new neighbor Bing Lee (Mr. Bingly) and his evil sister Caroline. Mr. Collins has even made an appearance! Each week I’m getting more and more excited for Mr. Darcy to finally appear on screen as well!

Seriously, this series is so flipping charming. New episodes air every Monday and Thursday, and the creators have even taken things one step further, by cultivating Twitter accounts for the characters, Tumblr’s for Jane and Lydia (I heart Lydia) and a ton of other web promotion.

Go check out “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries” and I’ll see you in three hours when you finish all the webisodes. Trust me, you’ll get sucked in just like I did.

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