Giving Instead of Receiving with the KC Pet Project

KC Pet Project Kittens

This year for Lucy’s birthday, we decided to change things up a bit. While we are so grateful to our friends and family for all the amazing gifts they bestow upon our kids, we are full to the brim with stuff. My kids don’t need anything, really. So instead of asking people to bring gifts to Lulu’s birthday party, we asked them to bring donations for the animals of the KC Pet Project!

KC Pet Project

We are a family of animal-lovers, and are proud that all of our pets, both past and present, have been adopted through local shelters. We love the KC Pet Project, because it’s the largest no-kill animal shelter in the area. The shelter cares for over 9,000 animals a year! I contacted the KC Pet Project and told them about Lucy’s donations, and they were kind enough to give the kids and I a tour of their facility. We brought along a friend of Lucy’s who is also a big animal fan (especially kittens!), and we were able to see the cat and kitten room, the veterinary recovery wing and the dog area. The entire operation is so amazing, and we are super grateful we were able to help out in our small way. Lucy’s friends and family really stepped up, and we were able to donate a couple bags of dog and cat food and toys!

To learn more about the KC Pet Project, and to learn how you can help, please visit their website or follow them on Facebook!

When Life Is Crazy (Fun)

When life is so fun and busy and silly that you don’t have time to blog, all you can do is post a few snaps from your phone and hope the joy shines through! I’m supposedly getting a new iPhone soon to replace my old iPhone 4, and I CANNOT WAIT to use it’s fancy new camera. The Crazybananas Instagram is about to get even busier! But before I say goodbye, here are some snaps with my old buddy from the last few weeks. Life is good, you guys!

They decided to make Halloween decorations #halloween #october #crafty #kids

Teddy does fall. #teddygram #instateddy #puppy #rottie #dog #fall #autumn #leaves

No schooooolllll!!!! So we went to the zoooooo!!!! #kczoo #buddies #bridge #microfashion #lovethem

The view from my bike ❤️ #bike #family #sundayfunday #together #love

Batter up!!! #tateandkel #baseball #boys #buddies

Not following the safety instructions...thank goodness. #kids #fun #swing #upsidedown #peace #daredevils

It's rodeo field trip day at school! Lulu is so pumped! #cowgirl #boots #rodeo #americanroyal #kc #smsd

Uncle Scott AND Papa Lee are here?! Well these kids are having a pretty good day, aren't they? #family #love #grindersstonewall

They got me an ice cream cake ❤️ #happybirthday

Scouted around for mini shoot locations today, and we have a winner!!! #shawneemissionpark #fall #photographer #kcphotographer #kc #kansascity

Early morning foggy bike ride with the boy in the red striped jammies. #toofast #blur #bike #tater

Guess who surprised us at Lulu's soccer game! Brooklyn!!! Hooray! #cousins #love #family

This has been a three year process with our sensitive girl, but we're getting soooo close! #dad #daughter #bike #ride #yay

She speaks penguin  #kc #kczoo #penguin #penguinpower #futurezookeeper

No school today, a nearly empty zoo and someone's favorite carousel animal was free! I'd give today an A+! #kc #kczoo #carousel #elephant #tater

They just dumped a giant crate of apples into the mill and it was AMAZING! #louisburgcidermill #kansas #fall #apples

I cannot believe my little nuggets are 14 today!!! Happy golden birthday to three of the most awesome people I've had the pleasure of knowing! I am so lucky to be your Aunt ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for always pretending to laugh at my bad jokes  I love you! #goldenb

On the trail with my favorite little man ❤️ #love #fall #bike

I get to share my birthday with my puppy! Fun, huh? Theodore Roosevelt Peters turned 1 year old today! He likes eating Lucy's stuffed animals, digging holes in the backyard, and long belly rubs. We're so lucky he's part of our crazy family! We waited a lo

Spying on my boys at the bookstore... ❤️ #love #reading

Storms Over the Plains

I’m finally going through the final images from our Western Kansas road trip and I found these of one of the several storms that pounded across the plains while we were there. While it looks pretty scary, this particular storm actually wasn’t that bad. One really amazing thing about spending time with people in agriculture, is how much the weather and our environment affects their daily life. In the city, when there is a big storm, we are all annoyed by the small inconveniences, whereas when your livelihood depends on your crops receiving some moisture, these types of storms are met with joyful smiles. Western Kansas has been in a drought for several years, and are behind on rain for this year, so a little rain is very welcome. To learn more about my in-laws’ farm, you can follow them on Facebook at The Coberly Farm.





Big Splash for Big Brothers Big Sisters


The other day the kids had a half day of school, and we were looking for something fun to do. As a Big Sister in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, I’m always looking for ways to support this organization. This spring, BBBS has partnered with Great Wolf Lodge in Kansas City, Kansas to offer discounted day passes to their indoor waterpark in an event called Big Splash. This is one of the few times during the year when people are permitted to use the waterpark without staying at the hotel, which is pretty pricy! At $10 per person, this is a steal! We ended up spending the entire afternoon splashing and playing, and the kids had an amazing time. If you are looking for a fun activity, Big Splash is definitely the way to go!

To buy your own day pass tickets, click here. For more information on Big Splash for BBBS, click here.

Photos of Motherhood


Source / Source / Source

I admit it, I’ve been sort of done with Pinterest lately. For so long it’s just felt like one more social media outlet I have to update, and since I’m not much of a crafter or cook, it didn’t really appeal to me. But I’m starting to get my Pinterest groove back. The other day I created a new board called “Motherhood” with photos that make me tear up. Sure, I’m a sensitive soul, but I really believe that motherhood is one of the most beautiful things to witness, and candid photos of moms just get me all weepy. I love moms. They (we) rule. This is the way Pinterest works for me…not in trying to find perfection so that I can attain it, but in finding real life beauty and sharing it.

For more of my Motherhood board, click here. For my sorely neglected Pinterest profile, click here.

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