Lost in Babyland


I had big aspirations to write a lovely, lengthy post about all the differences between new motherhood with Lu and my current state of baby nirvana with Tate…but then I realized the biggest difference is the lack of time. Several times in the last few days I had to stop and say to myself, “Is what you are focusing on really that important?” And each time, the answer was no. I had this strange idea that I would get so much done during my maternity leave. I had tasks and ideas and projects all ready in waiting to be tackled by my uber-productive post-partum self. But, alas, it was not to be. And not for the reasons you think.

I have tons of energy (considering the sleep I’m not getting), Lucy is still attending full day preschool (if we take her out, she’d lose her spot, so we pay regardless), and it’s the middle of winter (less outdoor work in general). But, still, the days go by so quickly. They start at 4:30 or 5 and don’t end until midnight, and yet I feel there is never enough time. I’m lucky to get two or three things accomplished during the day, and even then, I feel totally frazzled. But most of the reason I am so unproductive is because of this:


He’s laughing. Already.

Sometimes when I’m nursing him in the quiet awesomeness of my bed, my head starts to wander and I start to make to-do lists for the day. And just when I’m wondering if the feeding will ever be DONE ALREADY, I look down and my little Bubba (yes, I’ve taken to calling him Bubba…I know, I know) breaks about into that fantastic grin and I think, “What the hell am I worrying about?” I only get five more weeks of this daily fun, and then it’s back to my daily work grind. Screw the to-do list, I just want to hang with my little dude, snuggling and loving on him as much as possible. And that’s exactly what I’m planning on doing.

So the biggest difference this time around…more selfishness. Less answering of the phone, less cleaning and cooking and stepford wifery. More pizza and mac n’ cheese and movie nights in the big bed. And less giving a crap if the way I’m doing it offends or annoys anyone. Sorry people, I’m busy. I’ve got a Bubba to squeeze.

Best Buds

Sawyer is back!!!! (and Mikayla too…)


Tate’s official BFF has been away for a long while, but he’s finally back in Kansas City, so we had a play date in the only place I could think of…my bed. That’s pretty much where I spend all of my time these days, so we just invited them in. All five of us (Lucy, Tate, Sawyer, Mikayla and I) squished in the big bed, watching cartoons, nursing, eating smoothies and basically having the best time ever.


Aw, Mikayla, remember the good old days when the “best time ever” meant getting wasted and eating late night Jimmy Johns. And look at us now! Whoda thunk it…

A Glimpse


Yeah, it’s been a while, I know…sorry about that. I suppose I greatly underestimated the amount of time it would take to care for a small human, and due to the neediness of said small human, I’ve found very little time to write anything here. In order of importance it goes, Tate/Lucy, Trent, Professor Molly McGoo, Other Family Members that want time with us at random intervals, Friends That I See in Real Life, Sleep…and then, last but not least, the Internet. So, basically, you all are at the end of the totem pole.

But really, how much does my writing here matter anyway? When Lu was an infant, this was my only portal for sharing my experiences, photos, videos, etc. Now, when Tate does something awesome, like smiling for the first time, I can immediately text my inlaws and Tweet my friends and update my Facebook profile. So I find little reason to update here as well.

Mostly, my updates here have been for my own gain. I want to remember all of this, and I’m sure that in time Facebook and Twitter will fade away and new applications will take their place. I want to make sure that even when those web worlds disappear, I still have a record somewhere of my life and what was happening in it. You may say this blog would/could/has lost relevance and will disappear, but I’ve been writing here for almost seven years, and though there are definite times of drought, I always end up right back where I started. Oh Crazybananas dot com, you saucy minx, always drawing me back in.

So between the feedings and the diaper changes and the preschool dropoffs and the work obligations and everything else that begs for my attention, I promise to try and continue updating here. Even if I’m the only one reading it.

4 Weeks (1 Month?) Old

Dear Tate,

Today is four weeks from the day you appeared in our lives, which I guess means you’re a month old. I’m actually not sure…are you a month old on the 20th of January, since you were born on December 20th? Or are you a month old at four weeks? Do I care? No, not really. You will quickly learn that I’m in charge around here, so if I say four weeks equals a month, then that is the way it shall be. Amen.

Announcement Pic?

I want a baby burrito for Christmas.

What can I say about you, my dearest Tater Tot, that wouldn’t sound cliché? You are everything I ever wanted and more. The addition our family really never knew it was missing. Okay, so those are completely cliché statements, but they are truer than I can describe. I spent the last month of my pregnancy with you trying to do everything as a family of three that I could think of, knowing our lives were about to change drastically. And yes, there has been change. I miss sleep (and caffeine for that matter), but really, the change hasn’t been as daunting as I feared. You, by your very nature, have blended quite wonderfully in to our weird family life; so much so, that I barely remember there was a time when you weren’t a part of it.

Omfg, could he be more adorable? No, no he could not.


And that nature of yours, my goodness child, it couldn’t be more charming. You are a sweet baby, one that rarely cries unless something is actually wrong. I mean, yes, you scream bloody murder if I leave your diaper soiled for a moment too long or I don’t feed you immediately as hunger hits, but other than that your personality is so peaceful. I know babies aren’t supposed to smile for a few weeks, and everyone on the planet will tell me it’s just gas, but I constantly catch you grinning ear to ear. Especially when your sister walks into a room. She gets up in your face and tickles your cheek, and though I tell her to back off (“You’re smothering him!”) you just smile and encourage her to continue. Stinker.

Sleepy BFF

Big Sister!!!

Tate, you have added so much to our lives. So much love, chaos and happiness. When I had Lucy, I became something new, something I wasn’t before. I became a mother. But you, my dearest, when I had you, my heart grew to sizes I didn’t know existed. Yes, she made me a mother. But you made us a family.

My Buddy


And so ends 2010….

…and I know that I am the luckiest….









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