
Nope, nothing, nada, niet, niente. No baby. Boo.

I think that I will have this baby sometime in the year 2011. Until then I will just be miserable and pregnant.

Also, a warning to anyone calling about the baby. CHECK YOUR TV SCHEDULES BEFORE YOU START FREAKING OUT AND CALLING THE HOSPITAL!!! When you’re calling during the 2-hour season finale of Grey’s Anatomy, I’m not going to answer. This is a fact. So just wait until 10 o’clock, and try again.

Thank you.

Yup, she’s a’comin!

So I went back to the doctor yesterday and they told me the baby probably won’t come this week, but she could come this week so I should be prepared. Prepared?! How the holy hell do I prepare?! So my preparation has consisted of trying not to break out into hives and taking my sorry (large) behind in to work every day, even through I would rather just sleep and lay on my couch and watch daytime television, which is the best way to prepare for the oncoming birth. I just really need to rest and, unfortunately, I’m not really getting that chance. Though I did take Monday off of work, which was FABULOUS!

And now, it seems that every time I do try and relax the world is trying to scare the crap out of me! Every single TV show I watch seems to be featuring one of these things:

a. A pregnant mother in a car accident where she dies, but the baby lives.
b. A pregnant woman with a deadly virus with which she infects her baby and they both die.
c. A pregnant woman finds out her father isn’t really dead but just left her mother for his secretary so she goes missing in an attempt to find him causing the FBI to put out a missing persons report and search New York to find her. Oh, and she also has AIDS so she can’t deliver vaginally and when they find her she’s stuck in her car on the side of the road in labor.
d. A new mother tries to drown her baby in a bathtub, but then the doctors find out that she really just has some disease, which causes a vitamin deficiency therefore causing her to have psychotic episodes where she hears voices that are telling her to kill the baby. She then attempts to smother him at the hospital and he dies, but it turns out he dies of the same vitamin deficiency and not from the smothering, but the mother still feels so guilty that when she finds out she also has cancer she refuses treatment and dies.

Seriously, prime time is killing me!!!

Also, I now have to wear what the equivilant of a diaper so I don’t pee myself every time I sit, stand, laugh, sneeze or breathe. God, pregnancy really is a magical time.

Holy Crap, she’s coming

I’m 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced. Help me GOD!

Between a Rock and a Shitty Place

Bringing a baby into the world is a HUGE reponsibility that I really was not prepared to take on. But I feel like me and the Bearded Wonder have really come quite a ways since the big day in September when we realized “Holy crap, we’re pregnant.” We have worked extremely hard to get to a place, financially, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, where we can feel comfortable bringing a new life into this world. We’ve made a ton of progress. Unfortunately, Lucy really doesn’t give a damn if we’re ready or not, she’s a-comin’!

One of the biggest issues we’re dealing with is how to afford this new family. The medical costs alone are enough to give me a seizure, but add in all of the diapers and the clothes and the car seats, et cetera, and I may just go in to cardiac arrest. Luckily, we have an amazing group of family and friends that have helped out with everything that they can.

Now we have been offered a chance for me to possibly stay home and not return to work. But I’m not sure it’s worth what I will pay in the end. I won’t go into more detail, but let’s just say there are worries on my part because you don’t get ANYTHING for FREE. There is no such thing. But is the cost worth me being able to stay home for an extra few months with my daughter?

Crap. Responsibility is a bitch.

Scaring the CRAP out of me

This weekend Trent and I had a full day of birthing classes. We had decided we didn’t have the time to have a class once-a-week, so we enrolled in the all-day Saturday class, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. First mistake: Trying to squeeze all of that into one day is not only exhausting, but extremely frightening. Trent handled it all pretty well, especially since most of the class was directed at him. It was explaining what all the “partner” needs to do in order to keep the “mom” calm and the whole process moving along. I, on the other hand, did not handle it very well, and have now decided that I may just keep Lucy in. I mean, seriously, does she really need to experience the outside world? And as much as I hate being pregnant, I could probably just deal with it for the rest of my life…right?

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