The Professor

Professor Molly McGoo, Ph.D., has been grossly overlooked in the past, well, um, year or two of entries on this site. Our lovely dog is one of the coolest animals on the planet. She was sort of a rebound dog after the death of our gorgeous first puppy, Cali, but she has turned into the most wonderful pet on the planet. Besides being a Nobel Prize winner, she is also sweet and lets baby Lucy smack her in the nose on a daily basis.



The Kids

She’s such a badass!

7 Months

Lucinda Sloan Peters! You must stop growing, immediately! You are becoming quite too large to carry around and the fact that I can no longer leave a room without you is seriously hampering my ability to make a good martini. This month you have become my lovely, little appendage. Even though before this month you were less mobile and less independent, you were also not as attached to me. If I left the room, then, hey, no biggie. You’d just drool and coo at whoever else was around, including the dog. Now, when I leave, you squeal and writhe as if I had just cut off each of your little toes one by one.

<crazy hair

Other than your incessant need to have me on your visual radar, this was a month of independence. And oh boy, it came in waves. First, you started eating solids foods and pooping solid (and very smelly) poops, then came the scooting and the backwards crawling. Tomorrow you’re probably going to tell me not to wait up as you’re headed out to the movies with some skanky boy named Leon and you’re planning on staying out late.

lucy and grandpa lee

You officially have said “da da,” and by officially, I mean you’ve looked at your dad and said it. I love watching the two of you together. When we left town for a few days over the holiday without your dad, you got pretty sick with your first cold. The minute we stepped back in the house and you saw your daddy standing there I thought you were going to leap across the room. Your whole body jumped forward toward him and I seriously thought I was going to drop you.

christmas lucy

Speaking of the uber-sickness we both encountered this month, there was one positive thing that came out of it. Cuddling. You’ve never been much of a cuddler, but since you refused to sleep when you were sick, we ended up spending many nights curled up together in bed. And even though I was sure the lack of sleep was going to kill me, I really did like the cuddling. Now, in the mornings, I bring you straight to bed with me once you get up. I feed you there and then you hang out for a while, playing with a few toys we keep next to the bed or slapping your dad in the head. I cherish these moments with my gorgeous family. This was one of the best gifts this Christmas.

mama and lucy

Welcome to a new year, Lucy. I know that 2007 will be a better one just because you are in it.


Uploading for the Masses

Since I have felt the need to saturate the web with my presence, I worried a bit that you all had stopped reading this, my first and my favorite, place to sprew garbage on the Internet. When my comments dropped drastically, I went through a sort of 9th grade barrage of feelings. Was I no longer funny? Am I boring now that I’m at home all day with the monkey baby? No one likes me?

But, after checking my site stats, I guess you are still reading, just not commenting. Which I understand as I’m usually sending emails, posting on Facebook and running this site. So, my lovely readers, I forgive you. I promise soon I will tell stories of drunken family Christmas parties that will make even the most cynical reader crack a grin.

But until then, I have been putting off posting pictures because, well, it’s a pain in the ass. I’ve been uploading to so many sites (see saturation above) and creating so many damn Christmas gifts with pictures of the child, I just didn’t have the time to upload for the masses. But, here you go. The few below are some of my favorites, click on them to view the whole collection.






Trent and Lucy.jpg

For some deja vu, go to my Facebook site.

Vote people!

Today’s the day, people! Doesn’t matter who you’re voting for (well, I guess it does, but that’s neither here nor there), just get out there and vote. Lucy and I are headed out to our voting location right now, and she’s all dressed up for the occasion.


Even if you don’t agree with her (which is silly because she is too damn cute) you should still vote! Click here to find your voting location.

Does anyone else think she’ll probably grow up just like Alex P. Keaton and be super-conservative due to her parents pushing their tree-hugging, hippie, liberal agenda on her at an early age?

*Special thanks to Aunt Allison for the t-shirt

5 months

Dear Lucy,

This morning, when you woke up an hour and a half early, I wasn’t sure what your deal was. But now I think you may have realized that today was your 5-month birthday and were too excited to sleep. That seems to be a running trend this month, being too excited to sleep. My formerly fabulous napper has become the girl who naps for an hour and then wakes up, plays in her crib for an hour then falls asleep for fifteen minutes right before it’s time to get up. This means you’ve also become one crabby little monkey. Lucky for you, you’re cute even when you’re crabby, or we’d be in trouble.

This month you have also decided that nursing is for babies, and you, little Lucy, are no longer a baby! When I try to tell you that, in fact, yes, you are still a baby, you just laugh and smile and one time I think you even rolled your eyes. Just yesterday I finally figured out a new tactic to get you to sit still and eat, although I’m sure it’s not recommended by the American Association of Pediatrics. I have to sit right in front of the TV and face you toward it, and you become so distracted by the lights and colors you forget that you’re eating. You should see your face when you realize you’ve been tricked. You look so pissed and betrayed, but then the colors light up again and you zone out. Gee, that’s what I call responsible parenting.

You’ve started to fill out even more and are turning into quite the little chunk. Hauling you around in your carseat is virtually impossible, so yesterday you sat in your first high chair. Yesterday we also decided you were finally ready to try your first bit of ‘solid’ food. As unappetizing as the rice cereal looked to us, you LOVED the stuff. You kept grabbing the spoon out of our hands and trying to feed youself because we just couldn’t get it in your mouth fast enough.


I guess that was the big lesson of this month. You’re starting to grow up and are slowing becoming more and more independent. You are officially a little person now, with mood swings and a sense of humor. Even though you are getting more frustrated more often, you are also laughing more often. Every time you catch my eye you bust out into a huge grin. You act like seeing my face is the best thing in the whole world. The feeling is mutual.


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