Mandy Moore Movie Night

As I’ve mentioned on several occasions, I am totally awesome. Really. The coolest.

If there was any doubt in your mind, I’d like to present to you a visual representation of my Saturday night. Trent was out of town on business and I was supposed to have a movie night with someone (AHEM, Mikayla!), but at the last minute she changed her mind and decided to go out barhopping. I am not jealous. I swear. I’m not. Stop looking at me. I am not jealous!

How could I be? I ended up having movie night by myself. And not just any movie night, Mandy Moore Movie Night (MMMN).

Did I mention how awesome I am?

Let me present the players. The first tool needed for MMMN is a collection of required reading. These were provided by my daughter’s babysitter.
Required Reading

Next, make sure you have a ferocious guard dog in case of a burgler or in case you don’t feel like getting up to go to the kitchen, but you have a dirty plate full of salsa and cream cheese that needs to be cleaned.
Also, note the pink carpet.

For MMMN, you must stay hydrated! Additionally, wine helps make cheesy dialouge much more profound.

Keep arts and crafts handy, as MMMN films don’t always require a large use of brain cells. These will keep you busy enough that you won’t notice the lack of plot or realistic premise. I prefered to use the baby book I’ve been trying to make for Lucy since she was born.
Lucy’s Baby Book

Lucy’s Baby Book Inside

Lucy’s Baby Book Again

Now lets get to the real deal. MANDY!
Walk to Remember
TBS seemed to be aware I was hosting a MMMN party all by my lonesome and felt it would be a good idea to contribute an airing of A Walk to Remember, starring homely Mandy who is just screaming for a Hollywood makeover.

Presenting… the Hollywood makeover!
Mandy’s Makeover

First cute MMM boy of the night.

Moving on to Chasing Liberty and the second MMM cute boy of the night.
Was his name Ben?

Then Mandy got a little slutty.

And now, the big finale! The hands down cutest boy in a MMM and therefore the unofficial winner of MMMN (You didn’t realize there was a winner, did you?! Could this event BE more fun?)……
from Because I Said So.

Uh oh, looks like Johnny thinks it’s time for bed…and I agree. And no, I’m not drunk. OK, maybe a little.

Space Camp Thursday

Space Camp Thursday

Pretty woman had the debate team, I screwed the whole damn Space Camp.” – Provided by a co-worker who really likes coming up with quotes to go with my Space Camp pictures. I believe this is because of an intense jealously she feels, as she did not have the opportunity to attend Space Camp. I understand her pain. Space Camp is cool, it’s OK to be jealous.

Further Humiliation (Attention)

You think I like the attention, huh? Or else why would I continuously beat the dead horse that is my time spent at Space Camp. But no, I just keep writing about it. I first mentioned it here. Then here. And now…

Space Camp

Did I mention I was kind of slutty at Space Camp? Wheeeee!

Space Camp

You can tell I’m very upset the rest of my group did not inform me that we were all wearing our flight jackets that day. Seriously, dude, don’t even look at me! I’m hideous without my flight jacket!

Space Camp

Where do you go for awkward, sweaty hand-holding at Space Camp. A replica of the Apollo pod, of course! And boy, do we look pissed we were interrupted.

Happy Fourth of July!

Hope your day was full of last minute cupcakes, fireworks, alcohol, swimming pools and BBQ, like mine!





13 Months

Dear Lucy,

Today you turn 395 days old. Where has the time gone, little one? Sometime in the last month you decided that you were physically and emotionally your own person. No longer an extension of your mom and dad, but a little girl with your own wants and needs. And what happens if someone does not respond IMMEDIATELY to one of those wants or needs? The screeching…oh, lord, the screeching.


Not really screaming, the screeching is your new protest noise. We should bottle it up and sell it to anti-war activists, because one tenth of a second of this noise would send all pro-war politicians into a state of panic. Lucy, is the screeching really necessary? Last night while I was cleaning up after dinner, you followed your dad onto the porch where you proceeded to knock a box of matchsticks all over the ground. Your dad was on the phone with a friend/client and grabbed you before you could shove 10 matchsticks in your mouth. And then came the screeching. All I could hear over the sound of your agony over not being able to DIGEST MATCHSTICKS was your father telling the other end of the phone, “No, she’s fine. She’s fine. Just angry. No, I don’t need to go. Seriously, she’s fine.” I’m sure his friend thought we were ceremoniously breaking your arms from all of the screeching.


You’ve also developed a very distinct personality, very different from all of the other babies we know that are your age. Man, kid, you’re loud. And boistrous. And hilarious. And loud. Most of the other kids we know spend most of their time with their brows furrowed in intense concentration, silently taking in their environment. You spend your time exploring and knocking stuff over and talking and singing to yourself. You are constantly on the move, constantly testing us. You love to play chase, even though the minute we start to chase you, you fall to the ground and lay flat on your stomach waiting to be tickled. Your laugh is infectious. It’s not the sweet, quiet giggle of a little child, but a deep, belly-laugh that echoes throughout the house.

Pool Girls

I hope you always laugh like that, Lucy. I hope no one ever convinces you that you are too loud or too out-going. Or that you need to change who you are because of what others think. I hope you can always be as independent, curious and free-thinking as you are right now. Just slow down a bit with the growing up, because it’s going by way too fast and I need more time to breathe it all in.

Baby doll

Love always,
Mama (or Na Na, as you refuse to call me Mama, even though I’ve heard you say it and I know you can because when I say, “where’s Mama?” you smile coyly and say, “Na Na?” in a sing-song voice and then laugh and run away…stinker)

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