The 2007 Holiday Season, in Photos

OK, after much procrastination and all-around laziness, here are the highlights (and lowlights) of the 2007 holiday tour.

First, we had a quick family holiday in Kansas City. And just in case Mother Nature was worried we may be too excited for the Florida sun, she hit us with a huge ice storm. Gee, thanks. I was starting to defrost a little, but you just took care of that, didn’t you.

Icy Tree

Although the ice just pissed me off, Lu seemed to like it. And she’s become obessed with eating snow. Did I mention she falls down a lot? I think it may have had an affect…

Lucy Ice Princess

So at our little KC Christmas with Trent’s mom and step-dad, once again I was totally outdone by Trent’s mom. I got Lucy an Ugly Doll and coloring book for Christmas…she got her a tricycle, duplos and a bubble machine.


In case you were wondering, this is the face one makes when first confronted with the joy of the bubble machine. Let’s just say the coloring book was less impressive after this.

Bubble Face

Then we headed out to Tennessee to visit Trent’s dad and step-mom. They live in the middle of nowhere, on Poor House Road. Seriously, it’s called Poor House Road. We stole a street sign and hung it up in our house. Just seems more fitting.

Poor House

I spent much of our time in Tennessee sneaking off to take pictures. Trent has started to get a little ansy with me taking pictures of all sorts of stuff and then running out of memory before we get to the important events. Like, say, Christmas. So I threw him a bone and we took this family shot.


You gotta love Lucy’s big “CHEEEESSSEEE!”

Then I ran off and took some more pictures of horses.

But Trent got to drive his dad’s Porche, so that got him off my back. At least for a while.

So I continued taking random pictures. Hey, everyone loves a festive wreath, right?

The highlight of the trip to Tennessee had to be the Christmas Eve Day party at the farm center. Very “Little House on the Prairie.”
Farm Center Band

After a quick stop back in KC, we headed back to the airport on our way to Florida to visit my parents. We knew it would be warm there, but 80 degrees?!?!?! Do you remember what we were leaving?
Icy Tree

So the 80 degree weather was quite the treat, and we took advantage by heading to the beach. Lucy was a little afraid at first…
Testing the Gulf

But after some encouragement, she was loving it! That is, until the salt water got in her eyes. Then the sand seemed much more inviting.
Getting Her Feet Wet

In Florida, we realized that Lucy and my dad have the exact same haircut. Or lack thereof.
Same Hair

This has to be my favorite picture from the whole trip. This is exactly how I used to look on the beach with my family as a kid. Wind blowing in my face. The smell of salt and the sea. Sand caked in every nook of my body. It’s so incredible seeing Lucy with those same expressions. It makes all of those plane trips worth it….maybe?

A bright spot in all the grey


Photo Upload = Brain Implosion


I’ve done it.

All of the photos from November thru yesterday are uploaded to Flickr.


In the upcoming days I plan to write about some of the photos and our whole holiday season (minus Thanksgiving, when I forgot my camera). I’ll also send out one of my mighty email updates. But tonight. I rest.

Click on the Most Recent Photos icons on the left side of this page to view, if you just can’t wait another day.

Continued Education

Some lovely Mamas from my Mamas Group allowed me to use their children as test subjects in my never ending quest to not suck at taking pictures…man, is my glass half empty today or what. I was a little bummed because I thought the pictures were going to turn out much better than they did, but, because I had such gorgeous subjects, they’re still pretty cute.

First up was Noah, my poor little guinea pig. This unlucky child was my first subject to bask in the horrible backlight that I couldn’t figure out, but I still got some good shots.


Second was the only fearsome twosome of the day…I guess Mama Jen had no idea I had never attempted to get two kiddos in one shot before. Let’s say there was a LOT of unused photos from this session…


Third was Betsy, whose mom Sarah watches Lucy once in a while. She is one happy kid! Almost all of her pictures looked like this.


And last, but certainly not least, was Sidney. This little girl was so busy, you could tell she was just taking in everything around her. Quite the mover and shaker, I must say.


And my little darling…well, she performed her photographer assistant duties wonderfully. But I think she was just there for the snacks.


To see all of the images from this shoot, click here. And you should, they’re super-cute.


While we were at the farm this past weekend, my good ole’ pal Mikayla asked me to try and get some good pictures of her two dogs, which she will be breeding in the upcoming year. I wanted the pictures to look like the pictures you’ll find here….but, alas, my camera is cheaper and my skills with it suckier. So we had to settle for the following.

They like big sticks.

This is Abby. She is all muscle, and although she can be a bit needy and conspired with my own dog to keep me awake half the night on Saturday, she is a barrel of love.

This is Satchel. Codename: Fun Bobby. Enough said.

Wanna see something creepy. Zoom in on the picture of Satchel and guess what you find?

Crazy Photographer

Crazy photographer….

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