Happy Weekend!


Hello Friday, you look super cute this morning! We are having our Internet worked on at the office today, so I’m planning for an early exit and possibly some happy hour fun. Let’s just say, I’m pretty happy about it. We don’t have any huge plans for the weekend, but we’re going to try and see Brave at the drive in tomorrow night if it isn’t 100 degrees (more on the local drive in here). I’m hoping it will be the first time we finally get through a Pixar movie without any tears…mine or Lu’s. Those things are intense!


Here are some fun links to get you through the weekend:

The Dolores Park Summer Mix that Maggie put together has been on repeat in my office the last week. It’s that good.

In other music news, I’m currently obsessed with the rap group Chiddy Bang. I heard a radio interview with the guys in this group and they were so well-spoken and so good at what they do. Chiddy even holds the world record for longest freestyle rap (9 hours!), he’s ridiculous. (FYI, some of their stuff is super NSFW, so keep the speakers low if you’re listening at the office.)

This anniversary tradition is so creative and fun! I hope I can convince Trent to do this once we hit 10 years.

Are content and advertising merging? Great article on Say Media. (via Design Mom)

Have you all heard of the Alt Channel? It’s basically taking ideas/programs from Alt Summit and making them available to those of us who can’t make it to the conference. So rad! I just took an Illustrator for Blogging class this week, and plan to take a ton more. They are super affordable too (my class was about $15)!


And now, for this week’s Instagrams! Remember, you can find me over there @crazy_bananas. Happy snapping!





Why I Don’t Have Time to Post…


Every day I’ve been trying to fight the summertime working mom “guilt” (I hate that word, boo!) by doing some summery activity after work. I pick the kids up from daycare and then we’re off to the pool or sprinklers or baseball games or somewhere else where I can take photos of them so someday they can look back and feel like they had a good summer. Or maybe it’s so I can look back and feel like I gave them a good summer. Either way, we’re hot, tired and satisfied. Posting may be light for a while as we get our summer routine going and I wrap up some big projects at work, but I’m sure you all understand. Instead of reading, you can just get outside and soak up some sun, like we are. Just remember, SPF 50+ for us pale, freckled folk!

(You can follow me on Twitter (@Crazybananas) or Instagram (@Crazy_Bananas) for real time updates of our summer fun!)

Happy Weekend!

happy weekend 6-14

Hooray, it’s the weekend! And for the first time in MONTHS, we have nothing going on. No recitals or birthdays or weddings or airplane trips or school events or soccer games or dance classes…NADA! I might be a little excited about this. I think we’re going to try and splash around in the sprinklers with friends, hang at the pool, buy Lulu her new bike and plant some flowers. And nap, probably. Lots of naps.

It feels like it’s already been summer for ages, but due to our crazy travel/life schedule, last night was the first time we were able to go to the pool. And whoa, is it different this year. Last year Tate was tiny, so I just parked his sleeping butt in a stroller and played with Lu for hours. These days he is all over the place, which makes pool time a bit crazy. Hopefully I’ll get the hang of it soon, or else we may be stuck in grass sprinklers all summer.

Here are a few things I loved around the web this week:

This raspberry/ice cream pie is on my list of must do’s this weekend…that is, if I ever manage to leave my house.

Still on the lookout for a Father’s Day gift? Check out the Alison Show’s free printable for a perfect foot massage. Although, I’d give this to my husband. Giving it to my own dad might be a little creepy.

This tutorial is so beautiful! Not only does it teach a super cute and easy hairstyle, it’s shot in such a lovely way.

Will someone throw a movie night party with me? Puh-leeese!

I recently finished all three seasons of Community and it’s officially one of my favorite shows. You have to watch from the beginning, or it’s really hard to get in to (trust me, I’ve put it off for years because I kept trying to start in the middle and kept getting confused), but it’s so worth it.

Okie dokie, time for this week’s Instagrams! Most of our photos this week are from the wedding weekend in Manhattan, but I sneaked a few other randoms in there too. Remember, if you’re on Instagram, you can find me at Crazy_Bananas.






Let’s Play 20 Questions

As part of the redesign and relaunch of Crazybananas, I went back and put together a new FAQ section to answer all of your burning questions. You can thank me later. This little section can always be found by clicking the FAQ button on the left sidebar, but for today, I thought I’d feature it front and center as well.

1. What the heck does Crazybananas mean? Yeah, if I would have known when I created this site at the wise age of 21 that I’d still be doing this eight years later, I probably would have put more thought in to the name. The truth is during my senior year of college, a partner in my final journalism class and I were joking around about starting a business and we decided if we did, it would be called Crazy Bananas. Because when you’re crazy, you’re bananas. Dudes, we were hilarious. Anyway, then I basically stole the name when I created this website because I couldn’t think of anything else. He forgave me and was one of my first and most loyal readers (Hi Eric!).

{Super attractive photo of me during the early days of the blog…
ahhh college…and wood paneling.}

2. What was the first thing you wrote about on this blog? When I started Crazybananas, I was living in Florence, Italy and using the site as a platform to update friends and family on my adventures. My first post was cleverly titled “My First Entry,” and it went a little something like this:

Ciao tutto! I’m in Italy and I’m finally trying to make this web blog work. I’m not very computer literate, but I’m trying at least. Things are amazing here. This city (Florence) is great and I’ve made a lot of good friends already. I’ve also been to Roma and Cinque Terre (on the Mediteranean Sea). In a few weeks I’m heading off to Venice. OK, that’s all for now. I just wanted to see if I could make this thing work:)

Don’t be jealous of my fabulousity. (All of my posts from Italy can be found here.)

Belle a Venezia

Il Duomo at Night

{Photo from a day trip to Venice and night photo of the Florence Duomo from Piazza Michelangelo…I did not have a great camera or any camera skills when I was 21}

3. Why have you continued blogging all these years? I’m a starter. I like to start things. Projects. TV series. Cooking experiements. Whatever. But, honestly, I’m not much of a finisher. I’m as surprised as anyone that this blog is still up and running, because usually I lose interest in things pretty quickly. I think the somewhat short answer is I really like writing here. When I started it was to talk to a few specific people and then it grew and expanded and changed. Even though my day job can be a bit mind numbing, this gave me a place to be creative, snarky and funny. I am able to be myself here. I also love that I unknowingly created a digital scrapbook of my life as a young mom. It makes me smile to know that someday my kids will read this and understand me a bit better.

4. If you had to pick between Justin Timberlake, Ryan Gosling and Neal Patrick Harris, who would you pick? That is an unfair and stupid question and I will not dignify it with an answer. (But if I did it would be, d. all of the above.)

5. What’s your favorite current television show? That would be a three way tie between Doctor Who, Game of Thrones and Fringe. Nerds of Earth, unite!


{Me kissing a plush Tardis on a rooftop in NYC. Nerd alert!}

6. Favorite movie? I used to say it was Shakespeare in Love because I used to be ridiculous. Now I guess I’d say Bridget Jones Diary because my love for Mark Darcy springs eternal.


7. Did you really go to Space Camp? Yes, yes I did.

Space Camp

Space Camp Babes

Space Camp

When I was growing up, my dad had a grant with NASA and had several ongoing experiments on shuttle missions and on the International Space Station. I was (am) a space nerd. I went to Space Camp for two summers, during what can only be categorized as the most awkward years of my life (space nerd + puberty = oh no) and loved every minute of it. Those nerds are my people.

All of my Space Camp posts can be found here.

8. What is your favorite color? Orange.

9. Do you think you’re a good photographer? I used to say no, but now I’d say yes. Mostly because I’ve worked really hard at it and also because with age I have grown vain and obnoixous.

10. What kind of camera do you use? I have a few: A Canon Digital Rebel XT for still photos (example), the Sony Cybershot is my little point and shoot (example), a Kodak Playsport HD Video Camera for motion (example), an old Diana F+ for film (example) and my iPhone for everything in between (example). I also use Photoshop CS5, Illustrator CS5 and InDesign CS5 to edit photos and put together layouts / image spreads. For iPhone photos I use several apps to edit images. A few favorites are Instagram, PicFrame, Best Camera, TiltShiftGen and Mill Colour. I also like the Shake It Photo app because it makes that awesome Polaroid sound when you take a picture. (For a recent roundup of my favorite camera apps, click here.)


{Smile!!! Seriously, dude. Smile.}

11. Which member of The Babysitters’ Club are you most like and why? I guess I’d say Claudia, because I desperately want to be able to pull off earrings made of beaded feathers. I used to want to be Dawn, but we all know I’d never make it as a vegan. I also had a few years of thinking I was Mary Ann, but that was mostly due to my ongoing crush on Logan Bruno.

12. If I were to meet you in person, what should I do to get your attention? HUGGGZZZ!!! Just kidding, don’t touch me. I don’t like to be touched. I guess you could just yell my name. Or, if we want to start a super secret society, you could give me the code word. I suppose I should make up a code word then, huh? Okay, the code word is “tardis.” If you don’t know what that means, please don’t bother trying to join my super secret society because we’re very exclusive and don’t want your kind of trash around.

(You’re not trash. I promise. I love you! Hugs!)

13. What’s your sign? Virgo. Not joking. Totally a virgo. Me and Cameron Diaz. We rule!

14. I’m visiting Kansas City, what should I do while I’m there? Okay, first of all, you’re gonna need to eat some BBQ inside a gas station. Other than that, check out the Kansas City section for more ideas! Thanks for visiting! You look cute in those boots!

15. How do you balance everything?! Hahahahaha. Ha. I don’t balance anything, but I try very, very hard. I think the most important thing is to try and be a present as possible. When I’m at work or putting together materials for a client, I do my best to just get it done. When I’m with my kids I do my best to enjoy every second of it. I’m a huge proponent of To Do lists and keeping journals/scratch pads around so when I get an idea, I can jot it down quickly and then get on with whatever I’m doing, instead of letting my mind wander.


{Me, generally, working moming it.}

16. If you could give a younger you some advice, what would it be? Do what makes you happy, not what you think you should do to make everyone else happy. Explore your creativity. It’s there, even if you doubt it. The friends you think are amazing, really are amazing. The ones you think are a little off? They are batshit insane and you should stay as far away from them as possible. You will be an incredible mom. Drink more water. Wear SPF 100+. Try macaroons, you’ll love them. You’re prettier than you think you are, so stop telling yourself otherwise. Don’t worry that you’re too old to watch television shows made for teens, because someday you’ll be thirty and you’ll still be doing it. It’s because you’re awesome.

17. You’re kidding about your love of Britney Spears, right? That girl is crazy. If you ever speak of B. Spears in that way I will cut you. Not kidding. My love for B. Spears is non negotiable. How’s that for crazy? (Bananas.) (Yeah, I just did that. You’re welcome.)

18. Do you plan on selling any of your artwork or photos? Yes, I do! Plans are in the works and I’ll keep you all updated as I know more.

19. Do you do sponsored posts or reviews? I do! If you’d like to sponsor Crazybananas or have me do a review of your product, please shoot me over an email at megan [at] crazybananas [dot] com. But beware, if your pitch sucks, I reserve the right to respond to your request with a photo of Wil Wheaton collating paper.

20. How can I contact you? You can email me at megan [at] crazybananas [dot] com or you can find me all over the web at my About Me page.


{Trust me, you totally do.}

Farm Wedding Wrap-Up


Last weekend, under the huge Kansas sky and with the wind whipping at our faces, we watched as Trent’s beautiful sister was married to a wonderful man that is now and forever part of our crazy family. Sorry, buddy, that’s life! Lulu served as one of two flower girls (the other was new baby cousin Brooklyn!) and was so nervous to walk down the aisle by herself. I was so proud of her for sticking it out and making it not only down the aisle, but also standing in front of 200 people for the entire wedding. Lulu rules.


The first few days were spent turning the family farmhouse and yard into a beautiful wedding site. Trent’s other sister was married in the same spot a few years ago, so the family had some experience throwing a huge event at the house. Thursday and Friday were filled with people rushing around, putting up giant tents for the reception, delivering hay bales for the attendees to sit on, building an archway out of sticks and branches, putting together centerpieces and drinking gallons of iced tea. As always, I was marginally helpful due to a few crazy kiddos I had to keep an eye on. We also got to meet and hang out with baby Brooklyn for the first time, which was such a treat! I loved watching Lulu get to be the big cousin for once (all her other cousins are older) and fall so madly in love with the newest member of the family.

On Thursday all the girls got manicures and pedicures, which Lulu adored. Poor Grandpa was stuck watching the babes at home, and I think that was more exhausting than the wedding itself! That night Lulu and I went to a Ladies Cocktail Hour to celebrate the bride, where Lu basically spun around in the backyard for an hour and I drank wine. I’d call that a successful evening!


The rehearsal was the only time I even busted out my real camera, since Trent’s sister asked I take some shots for her. I’m glad I did, because I certainly didn’t think to do it on the wedding day (there was just too much going on to be lugging around that big ole’ camera).


The day of the wedding was hectic and crazy, but the bride was actually quite calm. Trent and I used our last wedding experience as a warning, and decided to have our babysitter come out and stay at the house, so we could enjoy the festivities without having to deal with a crazy toddler. This was probably the best decision we’ve ever made. She hung out with Tate until the reception, where he came out and showed off for everyone for 30 minutes, and then she put him to bed. She hung out inside in case he woke up and Trent, Lu and I were able to party down without worry. And when the time finally came for Lulu to head to bed, we sent her in and went back out to the party. Seriously. Best. Decision. Ever.


The ceremony was lovely and the reception was rockin’. The couple hired dueling piano players, who were a fun departure from the DJ or band that usually serve as wedding entertainment. We danced all night, and the bride even did a full rendition of the Thriller dance in her white gown. It was fairly epic. The best moment of the night for me was watching the first dance between the newly married couple, and seeing Lulu and her cousin slow dancing together in the garden behind them. Trent may have even teared up a little on that one.


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