Happy Weekend!


Happy Friday, everybody! Today is a fairly gloomy one here in Kansas City, and my Friday is honestly off to a rough start. I’m hoping there is nowhere to go from here, but up. Right? Right. OK, then. Trent and I are pretty excited for the long weekend, because my in-laws will be taking BOTH KIDS for TWO DAYS! I just may nap, watch movies and eat Taco Bell all weekend long.

Here are some fun links from around the www this week:

– Loved this post from Fat Mum Slim about getting over your fears after you take a big professional leap. I’m heading slowly (oh so slowly) in that direction and the worry can just eat you up.

– I heard this remix of Mr. Rogers a few weeks ago, but the other day a story on NPR reminded me of it. The person who remixed it was hired by PBS, and people were a bit afraid his creation would be disrespectful to Mr. Rogers’ memory or it would seem silly. Instead he ended up making a really moving piece. I highly recommend watching it. (Also, have you seen the video of Mr. Rogers testifying before congress in 1969 about public television for children and government funding? It will give you chills.)

– Lane’s getting all crafty these days, and she made the cutest tie dye napkins. Now all she needs to do is throw a hippie themed dinner party. Get on it, Lane!

– Trent and I have been having some major discussions regarding Lulu’s schooling and what we need to do to make sure she gets the best education possible. I swear, I’ve had more than a handful of conversations lately about homeschooling (not with Trent, mostly with other working moms) and while I know it probably would never work for us, James over at Bleubird has me inspired and a bit envious.

– Let’s invent some artisan bread!

– Ramsey’s blog always has the best tech tips, and this one on the free app Songza is on point. It’s like Pandora, but instead of picking an artist you like, you pick a mood. Like, music for a Friday night with friends or music for sleeping in on Sundays. So smart!

– Some rogue artists in Latvia went out to the cotton fields, harvested a crap ton of cotton, then threw it off a roof in a big city to make it look like it was snowing. The reactions from surprised people in the streets are so fun.

– MSN and Buick teamed up to make this awesome set of short videos featuring Kansas City as shown by some creative and fun people who live here. So many hidden local gems and they make our city shine. Nice job, people!


Here are some Instagrams from this past week. Come follow our adventures over there @crazy_bananas!

I figured it out, @sloanie764! #hairography #braidtasticGet in my belly. #onefunthing

Apparently some goofballs got a hold of my phone this morning.Me, instagramming @sloanie764 while she is instagramming me. #meta

Farmers market flowers. #onefunthingTime at the ranch this morning. #horse #barn #onefunthing

Starbucks with my peeps.Tate is afraid of the windshield wipers, so Lu has to hold his hand in the car when it's raining.

The 2011 Blurb Book


I’ve posted in the past about that I get made at Blurb.com every year (you can see more here), but I couldn’t help but share the newest addition to our collection. Yes, I do realize that we are now in the third quarter of 2012, but cut me some slack, 2011 was a huge year for us. In fact, the 2011 book was twice the size of any other year we’ve done so far. I blame a few things, but mostly, I think it was the addition of Mr. Tate. Technically, he’s a part of the 2010 book, but only for a few pages at the end since he was born around Christmas. So the 2011 book was the first book full of both kids, which led the amount of pictures to double. In addition, Lu graduated preschool, started Kindergarten, we went to Disney World…let’s just say there were a TON of photos to choose from. I’m super excited about how it turned out!


Each book is named after one of our favorite songs* from that year, and this year’s was “All I Need” by Radiohead. This has significance for us since we finally were able to see Radiohead in concert (a 2011 Christmas gift from Trent to me!) and because of the words themselves. This little family, plus my amazing friend network, is really all I need.

The cover photo is from our photoshoot with Nicole Coleman last fall. Have I mentioned how much I miss her? Wah! I miss you Nicole.

I love seeing all of my books lined up on a shelf or laying out on a coffee table and pulling them down to remember all of the amazing times we’ve had together. I am pretty freaking lucky.


*Funny story, Trent was looking through some of our older yearly books and was like, “Where did you get the title ‘I And Love and You’?” [for the 2009 book]. I told him it was from the Avett Brothers song, and he was all, “Oh, I always wondered where that came from and then I heard the song the other day and wondered if that was why.” I’ve been doing these books for years and he never realized where I was getting the titles…he just thought I was a weirdo. And I thought I was so profound!

Happy Weekend!

happy weekend

Happy Friday, everybody! I hope your week has been awesome and full of fun things (#onefunthing). It’s a big weekend around here, tomorrow is Lucy’s first soccer game of the season. And for once, she’s actually nervous. It breaks my heart a little bit to watch her fret over how well she’ll play. Hopefully her nerves will settle after she gets on the field.

Here are some fun links to get you through your weekend:

– A video montage of all the impressions/accents Leslie Knope does in Parks & Recreation. I’ve said it a million times, Amy Poehler is a genius.

– I’m a horrible cook and don’t really love most cooking blogs (they make me sad I’m such a bad cook), but I’m so digging Bon Appetempt and her videos. Here they use all the coins her grandma sends her in the mail to make a dinner.

– The Glow features moms from all over the design world, and the photos are always beautiful. This feature on Leilani Bishop makes me think I should probably move to Hawaii. Probably.

– OK, that’s it! Too many people are doing awesome dinner en blanc parties…I demand one in KC! And also, I’d like an invite, please.

This is what happens when a squid listens to Cypress Hill.

– This interview with Jessica King, a Wisconsin state senator, was so refreshing. I’m so over polarizing politics, and I hope more politicians like her get into office this year.

– An invisible bicycle helmet?! People are so smart.

– This online recipe for ice cubes had me laugh/snorting in my office. The comments are the best part. (via Whoorl)


Here are some Instagrams from our week. You can follow our fun over on Instagram @crazy_bananas.

Just me and @mindykaling tonight...doing some secret project stuff. Bwahaha.He misses Lu during the day, so he's taken to wearing her favorite nightgown as a bonnet. @sloanie764

Yay, my 2011 photo book is (finally) here!Patiently waiting for my job offer from @hallmark. Oh, and my parents have been married 49 years! Par-tay.

Just taking this duck for a walk, a normal Sunday afternoon over here.Jumping contest at the hotel pool.

Breaking in Grammy's hotel room.Grammy + bicycle = the best

Just photo bombing some nuns in plastic fire caps...no big deal.At the @madewell event, trying to decide on jeans (for charity, so it's all good) @bbbskc #mixwellwithfab

Happy Weekend


Hooray, it’s the weekend! This week, was, well, interesting. We started back to school on Monday, which went fairly well. The first full day was Wednesday, and that’s when pretty much everything feel apart. First, Tate had another breath holding spell at daycare and passed out. Apparently the stress of not being with his sister every day has taken it’s toll, and it all came apart when a teacher told him he couldn’t steal another kid’s toy. Quelle horror. Anyway, there was that. Then Lucy’s school called that afternoon to let us know 40+ kids had gone home sick and vomiting that day. They keep saying it’s the flu, but I’m more prone to think it’s food poisoning, especially since Lu brings her lunch and seems totally fine. They closed the school for a quarantine and it’s been closed ever since. So, there’s that. Then to top it off, we found out that an issue we had with bullying last year, which we were assured would not be a problem this year, has returned. Ugh. It’s been rough. But we’re hanging in there, and hoping for a fun and relaxing weekend before most of our activities start next week.


Here are some fun things from around the web this week:

I’m always looking for new ways to make bringing lunch to school more fun (especially after this week, oy), and these fruit stickers for kids’ lunches are easy and the templates are free!

Even though we’re already back at school, I’m craving tons of stuff from the Cool Mom Picks Kids Back to School Guide. I may be purchasing some super hero sneaker wings for myself.

Are you all reading Colossal? It’s like candy for your eyes. This post with images of the surreal forests of Romania knocked me off my chair.

I think I need this Ryan Gosling coloring book.

Four girls are recreating their childhood pictures as adults. I love this idea!


Here are some Instagrams from this week. If you’re over there you can follow our fun @crazy_bananas.




Double slide.Waiting for daddy to come home.

Deanna Rose on a fantastic Saturday.Matchy.

Happy Weekend!

happy weekend

It’s been a hard week, all. Fun and productive, but also soul sucking and exhausting. Trent has been away a few days on business and the kids and I are pining for his return (which will be tonight, hooray!). My big post on Donna’s Dress Shop may look like a fun thing, and it was, but it was also time consuming and I was feeling some major pressure to get it up on the site. Lulu starts school on Monday, so the week was also full of back-to-school nights and teacher meetings, not to mention school shopping and the end of summer camp. My health this summer has been less than stellar, so last week I decided that instead of once again going to the doctor, I would change up my diet a bit and see if it helped. I will do a full post on this endeavor once I’m more confident in what the hell I’m doing, but today I can say that giving up dairy and gluten has dramatically changed my life, but it has been a difficult transition. I’m in the process of trying to decide if this is a cleanse or a full time lifestyle, but for now I can say the process has been emotionally tiring. I am wiped.

On top of all of that craziness, I somehow snagged tickets to Alt Summit when they went up this week. I have no idea how it happened, really, it’s all a blur. But I think the financial commitment, plus the emotional wear and tear, is starting to set in. This is an expensive trip, one where I know pretty much nobody (save my beautiful friend Nicole who snagged tickets as well!), and one where I’m going to have to wear my creative badge with honor. At this conference, I can’t be “Megan, who works in corporate marketing and has a little blog.” I have to BE Crazybananas. This is a huge step for me, and I still don’t know how I’m going to pull it off.

Suffice to say, I’m taking the rest of the week/weekend off. Since Lu’s summer is ending today, we decided to spend the day doing anything she wants to do. Tate will be at daycare and Trent won’t be back until late, so we’re having a girls’ day to celebrate the end of summer. To that end, I won’t be posting links or Instagram photos today, as per usual, but instead, you can find me anywhere there is pink or glitter. (You can always follow our adventures on Instagram, @crazy_bananas.)

Thank you for reading, for keeping me sane and for pushing me forward. Up, up and away.

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