Lucy Sleeping 2.jpg

Without. Swaddling. Thankyouverymuch!

Because it’s 1:48 a.m. and she won’t go to bed…

Men pee loudly. OH. MY. GOD. Could you pee a little louder? Is it because you aren’t sitting down and masking the sound of the splashing water with your butt? Are you trying to pee that loudly? Whoever designed the male bladder and urination program should be required to have kids, kids who sleep in the room right next to the bathroom and can hear the loud peeing through the vent in the wall.


There is nothing sadder than when a mother whose baby has begun streching her nighttime sleep until 4 a.m. wakes up suddenly at 1 a.m. The confusion, the fear, and the long lost hope that one day soon, she just may sleep a full night, flies right out the window. Boo.

Because I Can

Yes, it is another video of my child. I may rename this site, in honor of its new star. I promise, in one week I have to attend two bachelorette parties and one birthday extravaganza, so there may finally be a tale or two of drunken debauchery. Until then, enjoy yet another video of Lucy.

Thisclose to Escaping

Step one: Learn how to lift up head

Step two: Crawl
Step three: Walk
Step four: Total world domination

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