Lucy’s Song of the Week (The Covers Edition)

I’m thinking about making this a regular category, since it seems like every time Lu and I get in to the car, she’s telling me how much she loves this song or that song. And usually I’m pretty blown away by her choices. You know how I always wish I was cooler and more of a hipster and had better taste in music and was more like a rock star? Well, I think Lu may be the remedy to my loser qualities. I’m going to seem much more awesome when my 2-year-old is telling everyone that her favorite song, the song that she LOOVVVEESSS, like OMG, is the following:

The Dresden Dolls, War Pigs

And here’s a bonus track for you. When she heard this one, she immediately started going “Listen, it’s my daddy?! Are you listening? It’s daddy!”

The White Stripes, Jolene

So, apparently in Lucy’s mind, Trent sounds just like Jack White. Makes perfect sense to me.

High Brow Literature

This past weekend, while Trent and I were losing horribly at “The Newlywed Game” themed Christmas party (where losing equals drinking massive quantities of wine and laughing too loudly), Lucy got to have a sleepover at my older sister’s house. There were relatively few hiccups, except when they realized she could climb out of their portable crib and open the door of the room she was sleeping in, and found her wandering the halls at 10 p.m. Now, my niece, Sloan, and Lucy are good buds, especially since all poor, sad Sloanie wants in the whole wide world is a little sister. Lucy is like mini-Sloan, following her around everywhere. And at 8-years-old, Sloan is still young enough to find all that attention flattering and not annoying. Let’s wait three years and see what she thinks, shall we?

When we picked up Lu on Sunday, I found several items in her backpack that I had not seen before. Specifically two tubes of princess glitter lipgloss that I keep finding hidden around my house. Everytime I take them away, that kid finds them and stashes them in her room. Unfortunately for her, I can usually tell that she’s hoarding them by the giant, glittery streaks all over her face.

I also found a handmade book, which Sloan made for Lucy. It made me happy.

Front Cover

The front cover of “Lucy: A Novel by Sloan.”

Page 2

Just in case you forgot who this book is all about….

Page 3

Or you needed some help spelling Lucy. L.U.C.Y.

Page 4

OK, here’s where it starts to get good.

Dear Lucy,
I hope you enjoyed playing with us. I enjoyed it too! My favorite thing was when we were rolling on the ottoman. What was your favorite thing to do? I hope you had a great time again.
Your cousin,

Page 5

Wait, there’s more!

Hi Lucy,
I really hope you haved a great time! I hope you also had fun playing with me! I had a great time too.
Your cousin,
P.S. Tell your mom we need to have our girls night.

I love that the passive agressive nature that runs through my family’s DNA has been passed on to Sloan. I promised her a girls’ night for Christmas last year, and she asks me about it everytime she sees me. And everytime I call her house. And apparently everytime she writes a letter to my two-year-old.

Page 6

Fictional depiction of Sloan and Lucy playing in her backyard. Fictional because it was 2 degrees outside and snowing when Lu was there.

Page 7

The star of this memoir.

Page 8

When I saw this back page, I was all, “Wow, Sloan, you’ve gotten really good at writing your name.” And she was all, “Yeah, I know.” Only later did I realize that this is a drawing I did for her last time I babysat.

Sneaky, that one. Very sneaky.

Baby, I’m Not Foolin’

Scene: In the car on the way to school this morning. It’s cold, snow covers the fields we drive past. It’s early, the sun is just beginning to rise. I’m flipping through every radio station on my dial, looking for anything that won’t make my ears bleed. The radio stations in Kansas City aren’t great. Or good. Really, they’re barely tolerable. I flip to a mix station that’s playing Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love.” Lucy sits quietly in the back. The song reaches its climactic guitar solo.

Lucy: “Mom, I LUF dis song!”

Begins thrashing around in her carseat, trying to sing along.

My child, at two-years-old, is already cooler than I was at sixteen. I immediately pictured my group of guy friends from high school, the same song blaring out of their beat up pickups in the middle of some field with Keystone Light cans littering the ground around them. I picture my high school boyfriend and his buddies, tapestries hanging on the wall, the smell of patchouli wafting through the vents.

And then I vow to never let my daughter date. Ever.


After last week’s insanity, I’m beginning to think this week will be “The Week With All The Links and Crap From Other Websites.” To continue my theme (or is it an idea, I can never tell) I wanted to give you all a glimpse into the lives of the people whose blogs I’m constantly reading. In the past few weeks, some of my absolute FAVORITE bloggers (Dooce, Girls Gone Child, Finslippy, it goes on and on) have collaborated on a project called “Momversations,” which are videos where one person asks a question, then they all respond to the question via videotape.

Now, I’m a bit of a stalker, so first of all I love hearing the voices of the people I’ve read for so long. Also, I loooovvveee all of their houses. As we’re in the process of “decorating” (ha!), I’m a fan of peeking into other people’s homes and seeing what they have going on. I’ve already stolen one home decorating idea from a wall of one of the ladies featured in the video below.

This week’s Momversation really hit spot on for me, as it’s all about the working mom’s guilt. And since this week we moved Lu to a new school where she cries and kicks and screams every day, begging me not to leave her, the guilt has been laid on pretty thick. Yesterday when I picked her up, her teacher told me Lu just burst into tears around naptime because she missed me. On our way to get her stuff from her cubby, Lu said to me “Mommy, I cry today because I miss you. Were you sad at work because you missed me?” Argh, the guilt is overwhelming….

Lucy’s Last Day at School

Lu at Purple Dragon Daycare

I sure hope she’s this happy when we leave her at the new school on Monday…somehow, I seriously doubt it.

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