Thank You!


Sooo…hi everyone! I just wanted to write a quick note to say THANK YOU to everyone who read my latest blog post and responded with such positivity. I was honestly super terrified to publish that piece, because I was very unsure of what the reaction would entail. I was totally unprepared for the stream of love, kindness and support that was sent my way, from people I know and people I’ve never even met. Not only did my recovery community rally around me, but others did as well. The post was shared over 150 times on Facebook by Friday (which is when I decided I needed to step away from the Internet or I might have an anxiety attack) and I received hundreds of messages of support on Facebook alone, not to mention my friends on Instagram and Twitter. I also received a dozen emails from strangers who either wanted to show support or were looking for how they could find help for themselves or a family member.

I tell you all this not to boast, but to show how freaking HUGE this issue is. No matter who you are, or where you are from, you are affected. Everyone knows someone who has been negatively impacted by addiction. But there is so much hope. Did you know there are over 23 million people in the United States in long term recovery from addition issues? That’s an incredible number! Part of of my reason for going public was so I could more openly support groups such as Many Faces 1 Voice and I Am Not Anonymous, who are spearheading a new recovery movement. There is a documentary on Netflix right now called “The Anonymous People” and if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend watching.

Recovery works. I am so proud to be who I am and where I am in this journey. And so, so grateful.

From the bottom of my heart…thank you.

Getting Healthy

Two Years : Experience, Strength, Hope

I’m a blogger.

You guys, that’s a super strange thing to be. For the past 10+ years I have written about my life on the Internet. When I started, I had absolutely no filter. There was no need! No one read blogs, hardly anyone even knew what they were. The only people reading here regularly were my best friends from college. I complained, I moaned, I made fun of people. I talked about people in a way I NEVER would today. I wrote about stories that were not mine to share. I broke confidentiality in the name of a funny blog post. It was understood amongst my inner circle of friends…if it happened, it was going on the blog.

But things change. And as I grew up, so did this blog. Once I had my first child, I started holding back when I shared. My story wasn’t just mine anymore (and in reality, it never was). I worried about portraying people in a negative way, about being inauthentic, about exaggerating for humorous effect. All of a sudden, it didn’t seem worth it. I still tried to write, but it was more difficult and more nuanced. I started writing about style, music and things I liked, instead of writing about my life. I started taking more photos, eventually leaning on photography to tell the story I felt I couldn’t anymore.

And then social media appeared on the scene. Now my readers (my friends) had their own outlets. They didn’t need to read and comment here. They posted on Facebook and Twitter, then on Snapchat and Instagram and Vine. My readership changed. Soon I realized I didn’t really know who I was talking to. And while you’d think that would be freeing, it was actually terrifying.

For someone like me, the idea of crafting an online persona is intoxicating. A former nerdy outcast, all I had ever wanted was to make other people happy. I just wanted you to like me. This was my real life dilemma, and it become an online one as well. I had no idea who I really was because I spent so much time trying to be what you or he or they wanted me to be.

But two years ago, I made a big change in my life, and that change has rippled out to completely redesign what this blog is all about. For two years I’ve wanted to talk about this change, but I’ve been afraid. Just admitting that is so scary. Because when you’re authentic and honest, you open yourself up for judgement and criticism. And for me, that judgement hurts all the more because it’s the REAL me being judged. It’s not some fake persona created for the Internet. It’s me.

You see, today is my birthday.

You might be wondering why this birthday didn’t come up on your Facebook feed or on your calendar. But this isn’t that kind of birthday. Two years ago today, my entire life changed. I didn’t know it at the time. Honestly, at the time I felt like my life was going to crash down around me. But looking back, I can say that today was the best day of my life. Because today is the day I chose to stop hiding, stop numbing and start living my life again.

Today I am a person in long term recovery, which for me means it’s been two years since my last drink of alcohol. Two years since I decided that numbing myself at night to deal with my life wasn’t a healthy way to continue living. I think many of us have been there…working parents, overstressed, overworked and under appreciated. For me, I felt like I was constantly running, with no finish line in site. No matter how hard I worked or how much I loved my family, I felt like I could never get my head above water. I was drowning.

For a long time, I used alcohol to deal with this stress and constant feeling of overwhelm. I felt like I “deserved it” because I worked so hard. I did so much for everyone else, so why shouldn’t I get to relax at the end of the day? Well, that’s all well and good, until you can no longer relax without that glass clinking in front of you…and before I knew it, the glass had turned into two and then three and so on.

When I think about this day two years ago, I remember feeling hopeless. I felt so alone, like this huge problem was sitting on my shoulders and I had to carry it all alone. I was ashamed and afraid. I knew I couldn’t go on like I had been, but I didn’t know how to stop. I had no coping skills without wine. Wine was how I celebrated, how I cried, how I relaxed. But I knew it had to stop, or it would only get worse. For me, there was no way up as long as I kept drinking.

I was lucky. I knew where to go. Years ago I had read a blog post by one of my favorite authors about her relationship with alcohol and how she decided to quit. I went back to that post and followed the links. I read stories of countless other women and mothers, just like me, who knew they had problem, but didn’t know what to do. I reached out to them. I asked them how they did it. I read and read and read. And I found my tribe.

I didn’t want to write this today. I’ve written about this journey before (namely here and here), but never on my own website. I’ve never talked directly to my readers (you) about this. But I’m learning when I don’t speak out, it hurts people like me. The only reason I was able to get the help I so desperately needed was because other women spoke out and I listened. I think there is real power and strength in showing the world that this issue can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic status, education, race…it does not discriminate. But recovery is possible. It really is. And it’s an amazing way to live.

In the last two years, my world has changed in immeasurable ways. It isn’t easy rewiring your brain and learning a new way to deal with life. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But as long as I keep at it, my journey gets more and more fulfilling. Today, two years later, I am thriving. My depression lifted. I lost 30 pounds. I created my own business and now my passion is my work. My body is healthier than it’s ever been. I’m a happier mother, wife and friend. My life is so much better.

I know some people would scold me for sharing this with you all. Trust me, I’ve thought of all the reasons I shouldn’t. It could hurt my business. It could make you look at me differently. Maybe you’ll stop reading all together. I get it.

But in the end, I couldn’t NOT share this part of my story. It’s been such a huge part of my life and keeping it secret seemed inauthentic. I hope by writing this here, maybe someone who’s struggling will see there is a happy future waiting for them too. And maybe they can learn there is NOTHING to be ashamed of. Asking for help does not make you weak, it makes you brave. The people I’ve met on this journey are some of the most courageous that I’ve ever met. They are the kindest, most fun, loving people I’ve had the privilege of knowing. There is so much hope for anyone who is still struggling with this problem. Recovery is possible. I am proof.


If you’re suffering, try going here. There are tons of resources that have helped me, and can help you too.

NYC + KC : Love

nyc+kc love

Another month has passed, which means it’s been another month of NYC + KC! I’m still loving this project so much. My best friend (who lives in New York City) and I (in Kansas City) are posting a photo each day of something in our little universe, and every month we have a new theme (if you want to learn more about the NYC + KC project, click here). I must admit, I did miss a day in February…I just got caught up and totally forgot to post. I knew it would happen eventually, but I’m all about progress, not perfection, so I’m okay with it. I uploaded my image the next day after a little nudging text from Theresa, my partner in this exercise. February’s theme was love, and I have to say, it’s pretty amazing to be doing a project where every day you find something you love to take a photo of and share with the world! It makes for a pretty beautiful month! Some of our favorite images of love from February are below, and wow, it was hard to pick just a few to share. There was lots to love!

nyc+kc love

Be sure to follow along with the NYC + KC Project on Instagram at @nycpluskc! And if you want to play along, we’d love to have you. Thanks to everyone who joined in last month. The theme for March is “happy,” so share those happy images and use the hashtag #nycpluskc so we can see them!

NYC + KC Resurrected

A few years ago, my best friend, Theresa, and I started a photography project. Inspired by the book/blog A Year of Mornings: 3191 Miles Apart, we decided to create a new photography project. For one year, each of us took an image of our lives in our respective cities, and then we shared them with each other. We called our project NYC + KC, as Theresa was living in Brooklyn, New York and I was based in Kansas City. The project wasn’t perfect, but as I’m learning in my daily life, those imperfections made it truly awesome. The images weren’t taken by professional photographers looking to create an art installation, just by two buddies wanting to share their lives with each other.


There is something magical about having friends who’ve known you since you were a child. I met Theresa when I was 8-years-old, in our third grade classroom. She has been there through everything, and for about 10 years of our lives, we saw each other on a daily basis. Our lives were so intertwined, sometimes it was difficult to tell where one started and another began. She knew by a look on my face if I’d had my heart broken by a boy or my self-esteem crushed by another kid in our class. She knew who I was before I became who I am today…in fact, she’s probably the one person in the world I can’t fake out. I can pretend with other people, but not with Theresa. Even now, she will read a harmless text that I think is nonchalant and be able to sense I need to talk. That’s just how it works.

But after 10 years of seeing each others face every, single day, we both moved away. We left our hometown, she to the east coast and me to college and then abroad. She studied abroad soon after, and before I knew it was happening, we weren’t face-to-face friends anymore. We had become “hour-long phone call friends” and “quick texts on the go friends.” And while I still knew her, I didn’t really understand what her life looked like anymore. I couldn’t tell you the names of her neighbors or her work colleagues. I didn’t know what she had for breakfast in the morning or how she liked her coffee. Our lives were no longer intertwined, instead, they progressed steadily along parallel lines.


NYC + KC really changed that for me. Every day when Theresa would post I photo, I’d feel a tiny bit closer to her. Mundane items like a vase on my windowsill became beautiful because I knew I’d be sharing it with her via my daily image. For the first time in years, I felt a little like I did back in high school, when my best friend knew everything about me, large and small. This daily act of sharing became a way for us to connect, and it was wonderful.


Late last year, Theresa texted me asking if I’d be interested in resurrecting the NYC + KC project. I admit, I was hesitant. This was not an easy project five years ago. It was hard. We were lugging our large DSLR cameras everywhere we went, and then editing and uploading images at night. But Theresa had a solution! She suggested we do the project through Instagram, the social media photo sharing site. Instead of our big cameras, we’d use our iPhones and then edit and directly upload to Instagram. It sounded perfect!


Our new NYC + KC project began on January 1st, 2015, and so far, the magic is definitely back. It took us a while to get back into the groove, but slowly we found our speed and now I’m loving this project more than ever! One change we’ve made is to give ourselves themes to photograph to each month. The themes are all focused on different ways to look at our daily lives in a more positive way. January’s theme was gratitude and February’s is love. I love seeing what in Theresa’s life is bringing her gratitude, and so far, love has been pretty amazing as well.

If you’re interested, we’d love for you to follow our fun on Instagram under the profile @nycpluskc. Maybe you even want to play along?! Take a photo of something/someone/someplace you love, and upload it to Instagram using the hashtags #nycpluskc and #love. Then make sure you hashtag the city where you’re living (for example, all of my photos are also hashtagged with #kc), so we can learn more about the city you call home! How cool would it be to have a whole host of images of love from all over the place?! So cool. Remember, this is not some photography contest where we are looking for the most slick image, just somewhere to share a little love. That’s what friendship is all about…sharing a little love and receiving some back in return.


Practice Makes Better (But Definitely Not Perfect)

I’m not a good goal setter. Everyone who knows me or has heard me talk about this topic knows I struggle to keep and set goals. As a former perfectionist, goals can be triggering for me. When I set a goal, and don’t achieve it, I can find myself in a shame spiral that’s difficult for me to climb out of. But I’m working on it. I’m slowly (SLOWLY) learning that goals don’t have to be big, scary, self-imposed checklists. They can be fun, they can change, they can be adaptable…who knew?

This year my best friend and I decided to resurrect our NYC + KC project from 2009. You guys remember that, right? If not, here’s a quick rundown (or you can just read this post here): Two friends, miles apart, post one photo every day depicting their lives. This time around we are doing the project on Instagram, and you can watch it all unfold at @nycpluskc. It’s pretty fun.

One random, unexpected issue with NYC + KC, however, has been it’s affect on my own personal Instagram account (@crazy_bananas). I don’t want to double post the same images every day, so I’ve found myself getting out my DSLR camera more and more, trying to capture the beautiful simplicity of life these days, and then posting those images on my personal Instagram. The response has been sort of overwhelming and very supportive, and I’ve been really excited to take photos again. This is a big deal, friends. For the past year or so, my love of photography was overshadowed by massive creative block, and there were times I wondered if I should just give it all up. But I’m finding the joy in photography again, and what a gift it is! Here are a few images from the past week, and I hope to keep posting these on Instagram daily throughout the year. Simple. Joyful. Life.

Turns out sometimes, goals create themselves for you. But it’s your responsibility to hold on for the ride!

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