Cider Hill Family Orchard : Kansas City

The Apple Orchard

Cider Hill Family Orchard : Kansas City

One of my favorite things to do each fall is visit Cider Hill Apple Orchard with the kids. October has been completely nuts this year, with my work, the kids school schedule and extracurricular activities. Unfortunately, this has meant we have missed some of the traditions we usually love to do each fall. But I straight up REFUSED to miss out on apple picking! So one day after school, the kids and I headed out to the orchard and were lucky enough to grab the last of the harvest. Since it was a weekday, they didn’t have all the activities they usually host during the weekends, like apple cider donuts and treats, but having the quiet orchard all to ourselves was more than worth the trip. I ended up making an awesome apple pie out of our pickings, and the kids were excited to much on apples they had picked for about a week.

Cider Hill Family Orchard : Kansas City

I’m glad that even with our busy schedule, we made this activity happen. We’re so lucky to live in a city where you can enjoy the best aspects of an urban atmosphere along with afternoons like this one out in the sunshine.

Cider Hill Family Orchard : Kansas City

Cider Hill Family Orchard : Kansas City

Easy DIY Halloween Costumes

(Watch me talk about these costume ideas on Better Kansas City by clicking here and here!)

DIY Halloween Costume

You guys, I love Halloween. Wait, let me put that in all caps…YOU GUYS, I LOVE HALLOWEEN! It’s my favorite holiday, and every year as the weather turns crisp and everything is pumpkin spice scented or flavored, I start to get excited to celebrate. There’s just something so magical about getting to pretend you’re someone else for a night AND getting to stuff your face full of mini Kit-Kat bars without judgement.

While I wouldn’t consider myself any sort of “do it yourself” (aka DIY) expert, when Halloween rolls around I often find myself in the position of being a DIY’er by force. This is because my kids have very expensive Halloween costume taste. They want the most elaborate, insane costumes, often begging, pleading and saving up their own money until they get what they want. Or, let’s face it, sometimes they pull out the big guns and beg Grandma.

DIY Halloween Costumes

However, almost every time, once Halloween actually arrives, the aforementioned insane, expensive, elaborate costume isn’t as amazing as expected. In fact, it’s usually itchy and uncomfortable. Maybe it’s too hot or too cold, but more than once (or twice!) I’ve found myself with kids on Halloween night that absolutely do not want to wear their planned costume. So then what?

Well, if you’re me, you get on Pinterest and find the easiest, most fun DIY costumes you can…and get it done! I don’t want to spend a ton of money, and I’d be happiest if we could pull something together from items we already have around the house. I also want to involve my kids, since it’s their Halloween costume! So this past weekend, in preparation for my favorite holiday coming up in a few weeks, we put together some of the best DIY costumes from around the web! If you’d like more details on how to make these yourself, click on the title of the costume below the image for additional directions! Happy haunting!

DIY Halloween Ninja Turtle

DIY Ninja Turtle Costume I will admit, I didn’t go as all out as the original person who posted this design, but we pulled it together with some items from around the house (a sword and mask from other dress up stuff). The biggest DIY part was spray painting a roasting pan green and attaching the belt to the pan. This is definitely not a costume that lasts forever (the pan was chipped right away after my four-year-old yanked it off when we were done), but it definitely works in a pinch! Click here for additional instructions on how to make this costume.

DIY Halloween Unicorn

DIY Unicorn Costume This one did require a little more crafting than I usually take on…but it was so adorable, I’m glad we went for it! All you need is an old hoodie, felt in whatever colors you want to use, a styrophome cone (purchased at a craft store), an old headband, some pins/safety pins and a glue gun (or gorilla glue if you’re me and you can’t find your glue gun). Click here for additional instructions on how to make this costume.

DIY Halloween Superman

DIY Clark Kent as Superman Costume – This one is so easy! Just grab an old Superman t-shirt, a dress shirt and pants, and a pair of glasses and you are good to go! No purchases necessary for this one, and it might be my favorite.

DIY Halloween Taylor Swift

DIY Taylor Swift – This was a last minute addition to our costume list, but I sort of love it! We wanted something that we could put together easily from my daughter’s own closet without spending a dime. She’s a huge Taylor Swift fan and has been taking guitar lessons for about a year, so we decided to put together an easy Taylor costume. All you need is a sundress, boots and a little red lipstick! Sidenote: My daughter pointed out that “Taylor Swift is a pop singer now, MOM!” However, her pop singer shorty shorts and crop tops are not what I want my kid wearing on Halloween, so we decided to go for an old school Taylor instead.

DIY Halloween Baseball Player

DIY Royals Baseball Player – This one is another that you can pull fairly easily from your kid’s closet without spending extra money. Just grab some baseball pants, a Royals jersey (or one from your own hometown team), a hat and a bat…and you’re done! You can do this with any team or any sport. Got a kid who loves soccer? Put them in their shinguards and a Sporting KC (or other applicable team) jersey. The same goes for football, basketball or any other sport. When my son was two-years-old he refused to wear his costume come Halloween night, so we put him in his Jayhawk warm-ups and he carried around a tiny basketball. It worked out perfectly!

DIY Halloween Rocket Pack

DIY Rocket PackI actually saw these on a friend’s Snapchat, and thought they were so adorable! I ended up finding a tutorial online via Doodlecraft, but I dumbed it down a little more for myself. Instead of felt, we just used red streamers and some leftover gold Christmas ribbon to make the flames. This one definitely needs to be made ahead of time, as we tried using it too early and our rockets fell right off. Give the glue some time to set, and if they just won’t stick, some silver duct tape works just as well! Click here for additional instructions on how to make this costume.

DIY Halloween Butterfly

DIY Butterfly Costume –
This costume is great if you have a kid who doesn’t want a lot of fuss, but still wants to participate in the fun of Halloween. Take a scarf from your own closet and tie it in the middle. Have your child wear a leotard (whatever color they’d like) and tights or leggings. You can pin the middle of the scarf to the back of the leotard, or leave it loose, depending on your child’s comfort. Have them either hold the ends of the scarf, or you can attach loops so they can slip them over their wrists. For a little extra flair, add some face paint in fun colors or sparkles or you can have your child wear a mask they decorate themselves!

DIY Halloween Jellyfish

DIY Halloween Jellyfish Costume This adorable idea came directly from a friend of my daughter’s who wore this last year. The photos really don’t do it justice, as it looks so awesome in person! Dress your child in all white (obviously that didn’t happen for our little photoshoot, but I think it helps the effect of the costume) and grab a clear, plastic umbrella from your local Target or Wal-Mart (or order online). Scotch tape ribbons to the inside of the umbrella. You can use all one color or mix it up! And you’re done! For some extra pop, add glow sticks to the inside of the umbrella to light up your jellyfish at night. Or you can use battery powered holiday lights…but I prefer glow sticks, as they are much lighter and easier for your child to carry around. Click here for additional instructions on how to create this costume.


There you have it! A few great ideas for a DIY Halloween that won’t break the bank or have you cursing at your sewing machine. Not that I’ve ever actually retrieved my sewing machine from the basement…but that’s another blog post. Happy Halloween, everyone! May your mini Kit-Kats be plenty!

Back to School


The day is FINALLY here! Today Tate went back to preschool (it’s only a two-hour first day back, but I’ll take it!) and Lucy has been in school for about two weeks now. While I’m thrilled to get back to our normal daily routine, there are definitely some challenges getting back into the grind. I recently wrote a post on this very topic for While you might think, “I’m not in recovery, this doesn’t apply to me,” I believe many of the ideas I stress in my recovery are applicable for any mom, anywhere. We aren’t that different, you know?

Back to School

I would get caught up in the “Parenting Olympics,” trying to be everywhere and everything to everyone. It was an impossible task, but one that even “normie” parents (those who aren’t in recovery) get caught up in. Our schools are super-competitive, and it’s easy to believe that if your kid isn’t enrolled in every activity or sport, they will fall behind. For me, 90% of what I did and felt was driven by insecurity. I wanted to be the best mom in the world and I assumed that if my kid wasn’t the star of everything, I was a failure. It was a hopeless cycle, for myself and my family.

These days, I work very hard to make sure I don’t get caught up in competitive parenting. I’m quite lucky, because once I got into recovery and opened my eyes, I realized my school community is extremely supportive and not nearly as competitive as I had thought. Turns out, a lot of my insecurities were inside my own head and had nothing to do with my child or any of her buddies. Once I realized that I am a good mother regardless of whether my kid is the star of the soccer team or on the honor roll, my entire perspective changed. Back to school season became less about “me me me” and more about my child.

You can read more, including some tips on how I’m managing to keep things simple this school year, over at

Kansas City Moms Blog Secondary Infertility

KCMB : Our Journey Through Secondary Infertility

Kansas City Moms Blog Secondary Infertility

I’m over on the Kansas City Moms Blog today talking about my experience with secondary infertility. This is something I’ve written about before, but never in as much detail. I think it took a few years for the sting of it all to wear off and for me to get to a point where I could talk about it. There was so much depression and disappointment in those years, it took a while for me to feel normal again. As a women, I felt like my body was broken. And as I’d had one child already, I felt like my own infertility issues were not as important. I worried people would think I was selfish because I already had a child, while so many others who struggle with infertility don’t.

“Months went by with no positive results. At this point, my mental and emotional state began to crumble. I wasn’t sure what to do, or who to reach out to. Most infertility groups were geared toward women who had no children. My one healthy pregnancy locked me out. I felt guilt over my sadness, thinking I should just be quiet and be grateful for the child I DID have. I was deeply depressed and confused. I felt like it was a cruel joke, that I could get pregnant when I didn’t want to, but now that we were financially stable and trying for a child, I couldn’t make it happen. My husband was supportive, but he couldn’t understand exactly what I was going through, and in turn, I stopped confiding in him. I felt like a failure.”

You can read more (including our happy ending to our fertility journey) over at the Kansas City Moms Blog.


When Trent and I got married almost 10 years ago, we were young. Young, pregnant and honestly, pretty overwhelmed. While we would have loved to take a magical honeymoon like so many of our friends were doing, we felt like saving money was more important. And it was! We had a baby on the way, and for us, the honeymoon phase wasn’t a reality. We jumped right in to marriage and family, and while I don’t regret one moment, I admit it didn’t give us much time to adjust to our new roles. In the next ten years there were many ups and downs as we worked on learning how to be partners…there is a HUGE difference between long-term dating (we had been together almost four years and had lived together for almost three when we got married) and raising a family/growing a life together. While we surely had a lot of fun along the way, it wasn’t free of conflict and a LOT of growing pains.

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

For the past few years we’ve said jokingly if we made it to 10 years, we would finally take our honeymoon. And then earlier this year, we realized the time had FINALLY come! After working on some scheduling conflicts and finding a good time for our family to take our kids off our hands for a week, we booked our long-awaited honeymoon to the incredible island of St. Lucia.

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

I cannot put into words what this trip meant to Trent and I. For the past 10 years we have worked so, so hard on creating this life for our family. Whenever I hear people saying that marriage shouldn’t feel like “work” I have to hold my tongue, because that hasn’t been my experience. Our marriage has absolutely been fun…but it’s been work too. There have been moments (sometimes lasting longer than a short moment) where one or both of us has questioned what the heck we were doing. We never had the luxury of being married without the pressure of raising children, and that in itself is WORK. In those 10 years we’ve had two children, started two businesses, rented and owned homes, upgraded to a minivan, laughed, cried, yelled, hugged and smiled. But we’ve never had more than three days alone together.

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

For us, leaving the country and heading to paradise for seven long days was beyond a treat. We were able to reconnect and remember why we chose each other in the first place…because despite our differences (of which there are MANY), we fit together. I’m not a person who banks on “forever” in any aspect of my life. Forever is just too big of a concept for me to grasp. But our travels to St. Lucia reminded me why I wake up every day making the conscious choice to be married to this incredible guy. Not because we are perfect, but because we are worth it.

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

(All photos taken with my Fuji x30)

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