Spring! Spring! Spring!

Guess what? I think (while crossing my fingers) that spring has finally sprung. I am cautiously optimistic, as the last time I got all excited about 70 plus degree weather it snowed two days later. And I cried.

This weekend I trecked myself and my little one down to Manhattan to visit my very pregnant friend, Abbie. Originally I was going to help her with her new baby boy, but apparently he had other plans. Reminds me a bit of another fetus I knew a few years back. Stubborn kids. So instead of swaddling and cuddling and learning how to survive on 17 minutes of sleep, my poor friend spent most of the weekend attempting to find clothes that fit and shoes that would be easy to slip on to her feet.

While in town, Lu and I spent a good deal of time out at Trent’s parents’ farm. Lu is finally at the age where going out to the farm is so much fun for her, and for her grandparents. The weather was MAGNIFICENT, so sunny that my poor, pale butt got sunburned. I sat in the sun reading, while Lu, “Grammy” and “PPa” (named by the great Lu herself) ran around looking for grasshoppers, picking flowers, going for walks to the pond, touching a fish and finding a frog. Most of the time Lu had no pants on. Big surprise.

Then yesterday I went for my first big walk of the spring with the great Mikayla. Our walks are so much fun, and I miss them greatly during the cold winter months. Plus, every walk we take is another day that I don’t have to join a gym. After I put Lu to bed last night, I was sitting on our front porch in shorts and a t-shirt and I starting thinking about my last few springs. A few springs back I graduated from college and moved to Italy. The spring after that I moved into a new house with Trent and we got a dog. The spring after that I had a baby. The spring after that I started a new job and became a working mom for the first time. Spring is a time of new beginnings. A time of change. And not just for the plants and trees, but for my whole life. There hasn’t been a spring in the last five years that wasn’t hugely life changing in some way. And since Trent and I have just met with a realtor, this spring is shaping up to continue that tradition.

I starting writing this post last night while sitting on my porch. This morning, I called my very pregnant friend Abbie to see how she was doing, and she’s finally in labor. Looks like her spring is going to be pretty life changing as well. A perfect end to a post about beginnings.

One Last Thing

I promise, after this there will be no more college basketball related posts for a while. But I thought you all needed to see the happiest man in the world on Monday night….

The Happiest Man in the Place

For the rest of the photos from the championship weekend (most taken by Mikayla) including the Final Four, the Championship and the team’s homecoming, either click here or check out below.


The Greatest Shot Ever

KU Champs

Never has “We are the Champions” sounded less cheesy and more like a Tony-Award winner.


One of my best friends in the whole world is having a baby. Just four years ago we were listening to Portuguese marching bands and hopping random trains to Amsterdam, and now we’re both going to be parents. Crap. I fear for the future.

With the help of the wonderful Kristi Kay and my gorgeous mother-in-law, I threw a ducky themed baby shower (based off this shower on Hostess with the Mostess) for my dear Abbie this past weekend. After the guests had left, I took some quick photos of Abbs with her big ole belly. Taking pictures at events like these always makes me yearn for a new lens. One that possibly doesn’t suck and that can actually handle high exposure. The grass is always greener, I suppose.

For the entire set, click here.

This is a post about Anna Banana

Sitting on the steps of the duomo in Florence, waiting to for the rest of the group to arrive. Not realizing that this was the most amazing meeting place on the planet.

Il Duomo at Night

The train ride through Tuscany to the beach.

Anna al Lago di Garda

That first night in Florence, when we went for a walk in the rain and two young, Italian guys in full suits ran by us, stopped and said “che bellissima” and kept running.

Anna Waits Patiently

Throwing up outside of bars and being called idiot americans.

Our Last Thursday

Our matching tube tops.

Professore Mario

You teaching me about art.

The Baptistry Ceiling

The bartender at Dolce Vita that turned out to be extremely short and hid it by standing on a platform behind the bar.

On the Way to Cooking Class


A Windy Evening

Riding home on the back of mopeds in the middle of the night.

Atop San Michaelangelo

Trips to the market to buy expensive beer because we missed home.

Il Centro

Trips to the cigarette machine down the street.

Bad Italian Habit

Smoking on the balcony overlooking the city with our fashion school roommates.

Bella Anna

I miss you, Anna Banana. Happy birthday. I hope Japan is as wonderful as Italy. And I hope you’ve found everything you were looking for.

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