A Shot of Happiness on a Crap Monday

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

I want to be this guy. Or I want Lucy to be this guy, and send me videos like this one day.

Found via Kirtsy.

What is Making Me Happy Today

The Diet Dr. Pepper I finally splurged on and drank this morning, after over 7 days with no caffiene. I’m still doing okay with the no alcohol part, but, damnit, I needed a pick me up this morning. So worth it.

The Sometime Sunshine mix from the website Kitsune Noir. I found this site via Kirtsy yesterday and downloaded three of his “mixtapes” immediately. So far, I can’t stop smiling.

When Lu woke up this morning and we were getting ready for school, she turned to me and gasped, “Oh Mommy, you cute!”

I have worked out three days in a row, and now the giant hill doesn’t seem so giant.

Nicole is pregnant!!!

I get to see my Not-So-Pregnant friend Abbie today, even if it is just for a minute.

I crossed something off my 100 Things List this morning…#50 – Reconnect with an old friend. After a year or two of relative silence, I finally got a hold of my best friend from Italy. And getting her message immediately flashed me back to that day walking through the duomo square in Florence, in the rain, when two Italian guys in full suits ran past us. The skated to a stop on the wet, cobblestone street and said, “Mio Dio. Que Bellissima!” [Translation: My God. So beautiful!] Then they ran off. I want Lu to know that story someday.

My review at work went as wonderfully as I could have ever expected. They like me, they really like me.

My brother’s house (he lives on the Mississippi) is currently safe from flood waters and looks that it will stay that way.

After much pshaawing and complaining about how he just wanted Velveeta, Trent loved the dinner I made last night. AAANNDDD, he actually ate his words and told me so. My new subscription to Rachael Ray Every Day Magazine may be actually paying off.

These pictures from Theresa’s NYC wedding…

Buddies and Babies

Picture Perfect

What is making you happy today?

What the Bride Calls “Marriageness”

What? You want MORE pictures? Really? We’ve been kind of image heavy around here lately….but OK. If you insist.

Two weeks ago Trent, Lu and I headed to NYC for my school bud Theresa’s wedding. People have been asking politely rudely texting me for photos ever since. Unfortunately we didn’t get a ton of great pictures since we spent most of our time carrying strollers down subway stairs and preventing our child from being run over by a cab, but we did take a few here and there.

Work it
All I wanted was one picture with the bride…but when Trent told us to “work it” we couldn’t hold back. Fierce.

Mama, armed with sunblock
Theresa knew she could count on her most pale of friends to provide the sunblock for the beautifully sunny day in NYC.

The White Balloon
Lucy got a white balloon from Theresa’s mother and refused to put it down. Even as we jumped from the subway to NJ transit, looking like huge doofs, the darn kid refused to let go of that balloon. Or the other three she collected. We looked like a travelling circus.

We also spent a good amount of time visiting with family in New Jersey. During this trip I mastered the Garden State Parkway in a flashy, bright blue, Dodge vehicle AND spent under $100 at IKEA. I’m so proud.

One Picture Together
This is Lucy’s first major boyfriend, Jack. Jack is the son of (get ready for this) Trent’s brother’s girlfriend’s sister. So technically, they aren’t related. We spent hours trying to get them to sit nicely next to each other and pose, but Lucy was more interested in Jack’s toys then Jack himself.

Baby Grace
This is Jack’s baby sister, Grace. Lucy was a bit obsessed with Grace and spent most of her time at their house making sure that “baby OK?” Grace was so sweet and cuddly it made me want to jump my husband and make babies AT THAT VERY MOMENT. And every time Trent looked at me hording her he would roll his eyes and run away in fear.

This is Trent and his brother Scott. They are both hairy. And have unhealthy obsessions with board games.

You can view the entire set from our trip here or below.


Dear Lucy,

Today you turn two-years-old. Two years ago today, we were born. You and me. Mother and daughter. You have finally reached the age where I no longer have to refer to you in months instead of years, which is complete insanity. And this change is especially positive for me since I am horrible at math and whenever people ask how old you are I usually cheat. For the past few months I’ve been saying, “she’s almost two” just to get out of adding up all those months. Lu, your mother is nothing if not crafty.


I probably should write about how much you’ve changed in the last year, how you’ve gone from a drooling baby to a full blown kid, but, instead, I’m going to focus on what has stayed the same. Because despite all of the milestones of the past year – running, jumping, going down the big slide by yourself, somewhat mastering your ABCs – by and large, you are the same little girl you were a year ago. You still have a giant belly laugh that fills our entire home. You still have an ornery personality that is constantly testing boundaries and limits. You still have no fear when it comes to doing something new. All of these things are the same, just magnified by the fact that your little body and brain have grown, giving you more opportunities and ideas than ever before.

Lu the Grouch

You have started to morph into the toddler we always knew you would, regardless of what we have tried to do to stop it. You have a bit of an attitude, yelling at people to STOP if they are doing something you don’t like. In the last two weeks, you’ve gone from singing with us to being horrified if we dare hum a tune while you are in the middle of a song. How dare we dance along with your singing?! “NO!” you scream, while pointing a menacing finger in our faces, and you won’t resume your singing until we are completely still and silent. Can anyone say, “diva?”

Laughing it up

But, for the most part, you have turned into a cuddly little bug. In the last week, you’ve fought a horrible cold, giving me the opportunity to have lots of Lu cuddle time. As you usually hate this, I take prime advantage of these rare moments by piling pillows on the couch, popping Finding Nemo in to the DVD player and snuggling up with some soft blankets. Since you have developed a strong hatred for clothes, and pants in particular, you are usually only in a diaper, and you’ll wrap your arm around my neck to twirl my hair. Every once and a while you’ll turn to me, grab my face and giggle “Mommy,” then quickly turn back to the movie. As if you wanted me to know how much you appreciate me being there with you, when you feel so bad, and that in some small way, it makes you feel better.

Weddings Make Her Tired

Lu, as per usual, I just can’t put into words what this year has meant to me. I stopped writing monthly letters to you a while back because I wanted to protect your privacy a bit and I started to feel like I was just regurgitating the same mind-numbing ramblings month after month. I wrote those letters to remind you (and myself) about the early days of our life together and to help keep the entire ride of parenthood in perspective. But I needed some time away from them to fully embrace you and what we have.

Lucy's Profile

You are everything I could have ever imagined, Lu, and everything I never knew I wanted. I always wanted to be a mother, but I never understood how someone could fully encompass my entire being. In the last year, our life situation has changed greatly, with me going back to work, getting an amazing job, and providing for our family full time. At this time last year, I didn’t know if the decisions I’d made were the right ones. I worried my days away with all of the horrible ideas of what my work schedule was doing to my darling girl. But today, I am finally starting to feel confident in my role in our family. These changes have allowed me to become the wife and mother I always wanted to be, and I am so grateful I was forced to make the decisions I did. We are a team, you, your father and me. We are a family unit, as true as can be, and I have you to thank for that.

Beautiful Flower Girl

A few weeks ago, I read a post on the kids design site ohdeedoh featuring a report by Lin Brehmer, of the Chicago radio station WXRT. He answers listener questions twice a week on his show Lin’s Bin, and recently he had been asked, “Why do we have children? What is the point of parenthood?” Brehmer begins, “There is no blueprint for parenthood, and if some expert tries to offer one, he is a charlatan.”

His final verdict? Why do we have children? He replies, “Don’t tell me you anticipated a parent’s love. You didn’t. You had no idea.”

I love you, Lulu, queen of the sandbox, songstress, my shining light. Keep chasing airplanes with the idea you just might catch one. Growl at every imaginary monster. Sing to anyone who will listen. Always know it is totally normal to talk to bugs or dogs or trees, and don’t ever stop because you think it’s silly. Keep glowing, little one.

The White Balloon

Love always and forever,

Updated to Add: Click here for a birthday shout out for Lulu on ohdeedoh!

Birthday-Mania Week Begins

A few days ago I wrote a post on this site asking begging for help in finding the perfect gift for Lu’s second birthday. Well, I took some of your advice and also added some of my own ideas. Here’s what I came up with:

Whale Backpack
Lu needed a new backpack for the preschool she will start in one (eek!) week. I spent a few weeks attempting to find one that wasn’t shiny, plastic and covered in photos of Dora the Explorer or Winnie the Pooh. I ended up falling in love with this one from Pottery Barn Kids, which was, admittedly, way more expensive than a backpack should be for a two-year-old. But it was too late, I was smitten.

The Gifts All Packed
I decided to fill the backpack with little toys I’ve collected here and there. Most were purchased at The Learning Tree in Leawood, Kansas.

Lucy's Second Birthday Gifts
The loot. A few favorites are highlighted below, though I pretty much loved everything I got her.

Blow Fish
This blow fish was set up right next to the boy versions of the above backpack at Pottery Barn Kids. In fact, they had quite a few fun, little, gifts, but since they were all $15 each, I restrained myself. But I just couldn’t with this little guy. Lu’s obsession with bubbles has been well documented, and with her ongoing love affair with Finding Nemo, I figured I couldn’t leave the store without this little guy. (Sorry, I guess you can only get these in the store, because I can’t find it on the Pottery Barn Kids website.)

Birthday Monster Book
Books for kids can be a bit, um, stupid. After you’ve read about the love the mother doggie has for her puppy for the millionth time, you would do anything for a laugh. Hell, a chuckle would suffice. I mean, these are books for children, right? They should have a certain level of silliness. So it’s no surprise I’m a big fan of Sandra Boynton board books. They are all a bit strange and funny, including this one, called “Birthday Monsters.” At one point, the monsters tell the birthday hippo to go play hide and seek, and after 20 minutes he finds them cleaning out the fridge. I know Lu will love this. As she is a big fan of both hippos and monsters.

Baby Ugly Doll
For Christmas this year, I bought Lu her first Ugly Doll named Ox. Currently, Ox has a permanent post at the foot of her crib, where he’s always on the lookout for monsters. I figured Lu should have another little guy to take to the new preschool, just in case she gets scared during the day. Enter Poe, the ugly dragon who dreams about ice cream and doesn’t like to fly because it’s too much work.

Even though I ended up spending a bit more than I wanted to, I think the gifts will work out great. And since we decided to have a small picnic (weather permitting, grrrr) instead of a party, I felt I could spend a bit more on Lu than I did last year. Because last year I spent all of zero dollars on her birthday gift, which I’m sure will lead to months of therapy in her teenage years.

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