Nerd Herd Thursday on Friday – Movie Premiere Edition

Today I am very busy swooning. And being dazzled. And getting lost in the eyes of a certain vampire.

Twilight Movie

If you need me, I can be found at the AMC 30 movie theater working to help our crumpled economy with my $12 ticket. I’m the one with the t-shirt that says Edward Cullen Dazzles.

No, not that one. The one that’s over the age of 13 with the shirt that says Edward Cullen Dazzles.


I know, as if the wizard obsessing and ewok cuddling and Star Trek loving and keeper of the ring watching wasn’t enough to label me a total loon, now I have this too.

And this, my friends, is why I will never have a shortage of fodder for Nerd Herd postings. Thankyouverymuch.

And for more fantastic movie news, click here.

Love Letter

Dear Friends,

It’s been a week since we all came together to reveal in the joy that is NKOTB 20 years past their prime. And I have a few words for each of you.


I will miss you, Theresa. You of the biggest smile on the planet and the happiest demeanor. Thank you for bringing me organic, New York, hipster cold medication and for buying Lucy a coloring book that made my house smell like grapes for days. And also, thank you for wearing the same shoes as me, even though yours are more authentic and hispter and mine are from the Gap. You made me feel cool, if only for a moment.


Now, if I could only pull off skinny jeans.


Thank you to Abbie, especially for helping me torment Mara. Our tag-teaming has been much missed during your absense. As are your many knock knock jokes.


Also, thank you for always dancing with me when no one else will.


And for humoring me every single time I claim I can breakdance. I miss you so much already, even though you just left yesterday.


Amber, I won’t write anything since I know you hate the internet. But I love you, internet-phobia and all. You always look so pretty in drunk pictures, which I must tell you, is slightly annoying when I’m sweating up the premisis.


Mara + Me

Mara, I’d miss you if I wasn’t seeing you Friday. We shall wear our Edward Cullen t-shirts, squeel like 9th graders, and cry when we realize that three very important people aren’t with us. Boo.

Love, your best friend and lonely comrade,

The Leather Anniversary

Three years ago today, Trent and I decided to jump into this whole marriage business head first. Apparently, after three years, our classic gift is supposed to be leather. Chaps? A whip? And I’m talking him, not me.

I was going to write a big ole’ mushy post about how much I love this husband of mine and how lucky I am to have him as my partner in crime [life]. But that’s not really my style.


Instead I made a little playlist, a soundtrack you might say, that I think tracks our crazy little relationship from it’s infancy to full blown marital bliss [still in progress]. I tried to think of it as a movie soundtrack, what song would be playing over our first kiss, our first big argument, that time when we almost broke up, that time when we got back together, that other time when we found out we were pregnant. What would play during the marriage scene, the birth of our baby, the quitting of jobs, the buying of homes. And what would play as the credits rolled. Well, if you ever cared, below is your answer.

[And also, I think the character of Megan should be played by Drew Barrymore. Trent will be played by Hugh Jackman. Stop laughing, we totally look just like them!]

Dear Husband,

I love you. May we always feel invincible together.

The Wife

No Longer Hangin’ So Tough


Last night was awesome, but now I want to crawl into a hole and die.

I wish I had pictures to show you, but they are tucked away on the memory cards of two other NKOTB attendees. Hopefully I’ll get them later this week.

For now, just know that your loyal Crazybanana had the best time last night. I’m so lucky to have my friends. I think I forgot how much I missed them.

And how susceptible we all are to peer pressure.

Recipe for NKOTB Fun Sandwich
5 girls from around the country who have lots of old stories to bring up at 1 a.m.
1 bottle of cheap champagne
1 giant hotdog, 1 order of brisket
1 vegan claiming she’s going to puke
2 side ponytails
1 burned NKOTB CD
5 concert tickets
3 exlamations of how the hell Jordan can still hit those high notes
1 hotel room
1 room service order consisting of 2 packages of vegan ramen, 3 chicken wraps, gatorade and a Twix bar
1 pole to dance upon
1 alarm to wake you up for work at 6 a.m.

Mix all ingredients together thouroughly. Add several digital cameras if desired. Use kissing sparsely, but hugs can be added in whatever quantity you desire. And make sure there is one bed for cuddling, and one for those of you who don’t like people in your bubble.

Update on the 100 Things List

A few months back I wrote this list of 100 Things I want to do in my lifetime. It was an exercise inspired by Maggie Mason, who said creating this type of list has changed her life in dramatic ways. Well, my life has dramatically changed, for sure, but most of the things I’ve crossed of my list have happened by chance. Here’s what I’ve done since writing the list last Spring:

2. Purchase my own house – DONE – October 2008

31. Turn off my phone for a day – DONE – August 2008, Family Reunion in Steamboat Springs, Colorado

45. Attend a political rally – DONE – October 2008, Barack Obama “Change We Need Rally” in Kansas City

46. Donate to charity anonymously – DONE – October 2008, but I can’t tell you who or that ruins it!

47. Drink wine in Central Park – DONE – May 2008, Theresa’s Wedding

50. Reconnect with an old friend – DONE – June 2008, name removed to protect the friendly

88. Make enough money to support my family – DONE – March 2008

92. Drink a fancy cocktail on the roof of an apartment building in NYC – DONE (sort of, close enough, technically not an “apartment” building) – May 2008, Theresa’s Wedding

94. Go for a week without checking email – DONE – August 2008, Peters Family Reunion

At this rate, I’ll have all one hundred things completed by the time I’m eighty! But still, I’m proud I crossed anything off this list. What have you done in the last few months that you’ve always wanted to do?

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