Bleeding Heart Post #34,876

Hi, did you miss my gratuitous political posts ala last fall?

No, huh?

Tough. My blog. My rules.

I hope no one sees this as a truly political post, although I suppose that’s inevitable. Mostly, this is a post about what we should do, as people, as Americans, to teach our generation(s) and the next what they owe to their country and fellow citizens.

I’m talking about the USA Call to Service. You can learn more about the details here, but basically it’s a call to service from President Elect Obama to do something, anything, for your community. The focus is especially on doing something on January 19th, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Now, I know there are some people who are automatically going to scoff at this.

“Help people for one day, now you’re a saint?”
“Another politcal gimmick!”
“This is another ploy to get us to forget about the economy.”
“What about world affairs? Shouldn’t we be focusing on Gaza right now?”
“Pretentious liberal assholes…”

Some of this may be true, but regardless, I fail to see how encouraging and participating in a Day of Service is a negative thing. Sure, we should make it a daily focus of our lives. Sure, we do all have much to worry about these days. Yes, some people will use the system to their advantage.

But I feel that doing something, anything, is better than nothing.

On election day, Trent said to me (quite poigniantly, I might add), “OK, Mr. President, tell me what to do. If you want me to do 20 hours of community service, I will ask when and where.”

Now we have our chance. To find out more about how to participate in your area, please click here.

On a side note, I received an overwhelming response to my Kiva post last December, and even had one wonderful couple add Kiva to their wedding registry (Go Heath and Mikayla!). I’ve had a couple of emails asking to describe what Kiva actually does, as it’s pretty hard to put in to words. An amazing Kiva volunteer put together the following video, tracking one $25 Kiva loan through the entire process. It’s really a great thing to watch, I hope you do.

A Fistful Of Dollars: The Story of a Loan from Kieran Ball on Vimeo.

Tomorrow, I’ll talk about farts and Space Camp again. I promise.

Grace in the Small Things: Part 1 of Who Knows How Many

1. Listening to a song this morning that brought me to tears.

2. My wonderful IT guy fixing all of my computer issues last night, so I came to work with everything in tip top shape this morning.

3. The people at Totally Rad Actions giving me amazing customer service.

4. My husband rubbing his feet against mine to wake me up in the morning.

5. Sinking in to my new, giant bed at 9:30 p.m.

Wage a war against embitterment, join Grace in the Small Things.

Happier Times

Hey, remember back in 2008? Back when things were simpler? My computer had not yet crashed, my photos were not yet lost and my mind was less crazy than it is in 2009? Good times.

I guess one good thing came out of my laptop eating its own memory, I was forced to return to my old Macaroni. My crappy, lovable Mad laptop that truly needs to be sent to a graveyard for computers. But it does have iMovie (granted, a very old version, hence the crap videos that I post in awful definition). So, let’s look back to Christmas morning, when Trent was still legally drunk and Lucy was more excited about the cheap paint set and old Carebears blanket (mine when I was a kid) I got her then the giant kitchen set from Santa.

Christmas Morning and Dancing from Megan on Vimeo.

Hopefully I’ll be back in the swing of things soon…but I wouldn’t count on it. Stupid computers.

Video notes: I left in the part where Allison mentions somebody farting because that is the definition of Christmas with my family. Also, Scott and Trent really were still drunk from Christmas Eve, which is why Scott enters the room with such insanity. My favorite part is when Lucy tells all of us the sink doesn’t work because it doesn’t have running water. Spoiled? Never.


In a few short days I will be packing up the kid and the dog and the bearded husband to head to my hometown for the holidays. I have been promised by one red bearded man that this is the last year we will travel over Christmas, so I’m making the most of it. If you need to find me, I’d check any of the bars in Manhattan, Kansas between Moro Street and Blumont Street. Yes, Aggieville, where 21-year-olds drink their sorrows away and I can attempt to breakdance with the thrilling possibility that the guy who sat next to me in my freshman earth science class will see me. And probably post pictures on Facebook. Yipee.

If you can’t find me there, try looking at Vista. I’m known to frequent that establishment as well.

I’ve been looking for some new music to take with me on the drive (though, if it was up to me I’d listen to Paramore the entire time…too bad Trent’s not in to girlie emo-rock) and have found some great stuff. First up, my favorite mix tape maker, Bobby of Kitsune Noir. He’s put up quite a few mixes since the last time I downloaded, but my current favorite is one called Sweedish Fish. You can download it here. Bobby always posts the most amazing art pieces, design, architecture, entertainment tidbits (he recommends this amazing movie here, I can’t wait to see it, incredible), and Kitsune Noir is a site you should definitely check out.

Friends, if I get my crap together before the holidays, you may get Sweedish Fish on CD….but I wouldn’t count on it. I’m not to good at getting my crap together these days.

Here are a few of the songs included on the Sweedish Fish mix tape, just a sample to encourage you to go over to Kitsune Noir and download it for yourself.

And as it is the holiday season, once more my good buddy Bob Boilen over at NPR’s All Songs Considered has completed their show’s listing of the Top 100 Albums of 2008. The bands were chosen by the show’s listeners, and going through the top 25 picks I realized I must be their main demographic. Quite a few of the bands have been featured on my previous playlists (Fleet Foxes, Vampire Weekend, Coldplay, Kings of Leon, Sigur Ros, Death Cab, TV on the Radio), but I’m very happy to share them with you again. Because they are totally awesome.

One of the songs on this playlist is also my featured song of the week. It’s called “Manhattan” by the Kings of Leon, and you can bet I’m currently sitting at my desk, rocking out way too loud, and daydreaming of summer beers with friends and eating the best beans and rice I’ve ever had.

Happy holidays!


As I do most holiday weeks, I’m taking this week off from the blog to focus on digesting turkey and pie and hanging out with the family. Even though we swore there was no way we were going to travel after last year’s holiday world tour, we broke down again and decided the hell of plane rides with the toddler are worth it to see our wonderful families. We love them. Trust me, if you’ve ever seen Lu on an airplane, you’d realize just how much we love them. Lordy.

And now, to send you off for a horrid seven days without my constant, nagging commentary, a few things I’m thankful for this year:

1. I’m thankful I had this weekend at home, alone with Lu. We needed it after almost three months of constant activity and major life adjustments. Lu has officially mastered snuggling, and damn, it is sweet.

2. I’m thankful I completed my Christmas Gift Exchange letters, as I was afraid they’d eat me alive. Note to self: When husband volunteers you as organizer for his extended family’s gift exchange, punch him in the nose.

3. I’m thankful I decided to do Thanksgiving cards instead of Christmas cards this year. I put them in the mail today and I shall never think about them again.

T-Giving Card

4. I am thankful for MOO, where I got some great little change of address cards to stick in with my Thanksgiving cards. They were the only way I could send photos of myself with a mustache on to my family members who refuse to use computers. Happy holidays!

5. I am thankful for all of my friends, especially (in no particular order)

Mara – for obsessing over silly things with me
Hayley – for joining the baby mama club last week
Abbie – for fart jokes
Theresa – for being a hipster
Amber – for her eye rolling
Lane – for laughing her ass off during Twilight and buying me beers afterward to soften the blow of the awfulness of that movie
Nicole – for moving to KC next May
Inger – for buying me things from IKEA and then shipping them to me, you are effing awesome!
Mikayla – for being so sweet, and taking care of Lucy all the time so I can regain some sanity, I owe you many boxes of wine

6. I am thankful for the soundtrack to the new Twilight movie, which is helping me forget how awful the movie was. Trust me, it’s horrid. Don’t go see it, just enjoy the books and stay away from the movie theater.

But if you must go, invite me to come with you, because I want to give it a second chance. Because I may have just thought it was so bad due to the screaming teenagers in the theater with me. And the fact that vampire movies, let’s face it, are cheesy. Vampire books, on the other hand, are sexy. Right? Crap, I don’t know…

Anyway, I’ll burn you a copy of the soundtrack, because it’s pretty rad, and it will ease the pain of hearing “Edward” overact and watching “Jasper” do his Zoolander impression throughout the entire two hours. Honestly, the music in the movie was wonderful, now if only the actors would stop talking!!!

See what I mean?

7. I’m thankful for my family (both in and out-laws). Without them, I’d never be where I am. Not even close.

8. I’m thankful I somehow ended up in a place in my life where I could afford to buy a home for my family. And that my dog has a whole, huge backyard to poop in.

9. I’m thankful for these two monkeys:



Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

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