A Recipe for a Proper Goodbye to Summer

Take one part a Friday evening full of laundry
Two parts a three-year-old’s first ballet class
Sprinkle in a surprise visit to see some favorite cousins
Add a dash of a Jayhawk football game
Mix in a David Sedaris book and glass of bourbon (optional)
Pour in one cup of Kansas City Irishfest and one ticket to an inflatable bounce house
Add in the premiere viewing of a new office space
Stir with equal parts of farmer’s market visits (adjacent to new office space)

Take a break from cooking to enjoy a cherry limade on a street corner

Return to stove with some amazing in-laws who bring flowers and food
Add one husband, grilling up a storm for his last summer cookout
Combine with several bottles of wine, and a new song called “I Like Tequila”
(written by your husband and father in law)
Bake at 350 degrees or until a Julia Roberts movie comes on TV to distract you

For dessert, combine one part in-laws who take your kid all around town in the morning so you can sleep in
Add one closed Costco store, which can be substituted with one trip with your mother in law to the mall
Mix in a makeover session at Sephora with one adorable top from Banana Republic
(optional laughs over buying pantyhose)
Complete dish with one three-year-olds bathtime

Sit down with a glass of wine, a bad movie, and your computer

Savor your life

Photoblast: Destin, Florida

For your viewing pleasure, the rest of the photos from our amazing surprise vacation to Destin. You may note there are several photos of Abbie, Luke and Lucy going nuts on a reverse bungy trampoline. You then may wonder why there are no pictures of Trent or I.

We were over the weight limit. And they wouldn’t let us on.

Wah, wah, waaaaahhhh.

Just what someone who’s about to parade around a beach in her swimsuit loves to hear. “You’re too heavy for this, ma’am.”

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More Music Friday – My friends have way better taste than me, Edition

This past week I’ve been listening to the band Grizzly Bear on repeat while I attempt to wrestle with all the massive deadlines that have creeped up on me while I was on vacation. Something about Grizzly Bear just makes me all happy frappy, and even Lulu has decided that their song Two Weeks is an acceptable replacement for Phoenix’s Lisztomania, which has been seriously overplayed at our house. So when my buddy, Dustin, posted a fan-made video of the song on Twitter, I checked it out and was promptly blown the ‘eff away. Can you believe this was made by a fan?! Not the band, just some amazingly talented guy who really enjoyed the song? Oh, to have marketable talent….

Two Weeks – Grizzly Bear from Gabe Askew on Vimeo.

When I responded that I loved the video, and asked him if he recommended their newest album, he sent me the following:

Tweet, tweet

I had not, in fact, heard of Mr. Saadiq before, so I decided to check him out as well. And I was reminded why I need to step out of my alternative music hipster box every now and then and remember there are other types of music out there that are fantastic too. Holy sheez, this guy is incredible.

Apologies if there is an ad at the front of this video, but the You Tube version is copyrighted and can’t be embedded here. Just get past the ad, it will be worth it.

Aaaannnddd…now I need a cold shower. Thanks, Raphael. Thanks a lot.

What the World Needs

Less unruly town hall meetings (ahem, Missouri) and more silly self portraits.


(What the World Needs…via Cjane)


A year ago one of my very best friends moved to Alabama. And she doesn’t like it there. She’s even written about it on this very website. I don’t like her being there either, as it is way too far away from me, and it annoys me greatly that her gorgeous little boy will likely grow up with a southern accent.

I am one of the few people that has not yet visited my dear Abbie since her big move. With work and Lulu and Trent’s business, plus family obligations that seem to take over our lives every summer and holiday season, there was just never any time (or money) to get ourselves down to Auburn. And every time Abbie came home to Kansas, she’d beg me to come visit.

So a few months ago, I decided I was going to visit her. Somehow, someway, I was going to figure out how to get myself down to Alabama and to my dear Abbie. The first plan involved a lot of driving, and an early summer visit. The second also involved a lot of driving, and a Fourth of July weekend. Both ideas quickly fizzled, and I never mentioned them to Abbie. I couldn’t bear to get her all excited, and then crush her when the plans didn’t work out. I told myself I wouldn’t tell her I was coming until I was absolutely sure I would be there.

During this time, I contacted her husband, Luke, another friend of ours from high school. He and I went back and forth with schedules, dates, places, ideas…and when I was just about to give up and start planning for next year, they had an opening in their schedule for a late weekend in August. I checked with Trent, and amazingly, the stars aligned and he was able to take off that weekend as well. We called up our saviors, Trent’s parents, who’ve always offered to send us on a trip since we were never able to take a honeymoon, and asked if the offer for plane tickets still stood. They asked us when and where, and before we knew it, we had three tickets booked to take us to Destin, Florida for four days. Luke’s grandparents have a condo on the beach in Destin, and he was going to tell Abbie they were going for one last summer weekend before his work picked up in the fall. The plan was set.

Now, it was never going to be a surprise. But weeks went by, and I never found a reason to tell Abbie. Somehow I kept it a secret. And so did Luke, Luke’s grandparents, Luke’s mother, Abbie’s parents and all of Abbie and I’s friends (thanks Mara and Hayley for keeping your mouths shut!). And last week as Monday rolled around, I realized this was really going to happen. It was going to be the best surprise of all time!

And then three hurricanes started swirling around in the Atlantic, with one heading right for Destin. Once they, thankfully, fizzled out, the forecast remained wrought with thunderstorms and predicted awful weather. But we trucked on, getting up at 3 a.m. to make our very early flight out of Kansas City. Then Delta Airlines proved once again to be the most awful airline on the planet when they held us on the runway for two hours due to weather, promised us we wouldn’t miss our connecting flight, then when we did miss that flight, promised us we’d be on the next flight out, then told us we actually were not on that flight and we’d have to wait until 7:40 p.m. (All the while I was unable to air my grievances on Twitter, since I didn’t want Abbie finding out our secret. So sorry Twitter peeps, for all the cryptic tweets!) Our plans to get to the condo hours before Luke and Abbie quickly crumbled as we all scrambled to keep the secret while scheduling new airport shuttles and tickets. Luke and his mother had the unfortunate job of convincing the ever-sleepy Abbie to stay awake late enough to see us when we got in, texting me over and over that she kept trying to go to bed and they were running out of excuses.

Hipster Parenting

Trent and Lu in the Memphis Airport during our ten hour delay. Thank god for iPods and iPhones. Taken with my iPhone and edited with Camera Bag.

But we made it. Somehow, someway, we walked into that condo on the beach, under the cover of night, ten hours past our planned arrival, and walked out on the balcony where my dear Abbie was waiting. I wish I had a good video or a picture of her face, but with the dark night, none turned out. Let me tell you something, it was hilarious. Her eyes were huge and her mouth hung open, and she just sat there, silent, like she didn’t believe it.

The only video we were able to get in the darkness of our arrival. Again, taken with the iPhone.

In fact, just yesterday she called me, after we had all returned home, and said, “I think it’s just now hitting me. Did that really happen?”


Yup, it did. A few bumps along the way, but it totally did.

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