Someone in this room needs a Nyquil IV drip

5 Things That Are Annoying Me Today
1. My nasal voice and the throbbing above my eyes (f’ing colds and their f’ing mucus).
2. The fact that every pregnant person I know is having a boy so I have no reason to buy this (any takers?).
3. The fact that Glee is over until April.
4. Facebook…it bugs me. I don’t like it anymore. But I’ve been told it’s “social suicide” to quit.
5. The four proposals I have due at work, which means I probably won’t be able to take any extra time off for the holidays.

5 Things That Are Cheering Me Up, Despite My Best Efforts to Stay Crabby
1. The new season of Chuck is quickly approaching and it’s supposed to be awesome!
2. This video of Glee’s Mark Salling serenading his cast and crew. Half the reason I love this show is that it’s actors seem so down to earth and genuinely appreciative of their success. Check it:

3. The fact that my boss just “punted” a proposal because I don’t have time to do it. Yay for deadlines that no longer exist!
4. I finished my Christmas shopping!
5. NYC + KC is still going strong….over 300 days completed, I’m as amazed as you are!

Day Two Hundred and Fifty Five

Day Two Hundred and Eighty Three

Day Two Hundred and Sixty Five

Now, can somebody please bring me a cookie and some hot tea? And a personal assistant? And a full sized cutout of Edward Cullen? Please and thank you.


I have this service called Photojojo, which I’d highly recommend to anyone who uses Flickr to store their photos. Their site has photography tips and tricks, random wares for purchase (old seatbelts refurbished into camera straps?) and a forum where you can chat with other photographers. But the best part about Photojojo, is their Time Capsule.

Every two weeks, I get an email from Photojojo with the subject line “You’re Old Photos Are New Again!” In that email are pictures that I uploaded to Flickr exactly one year prior. I tend to forget that it’s Photojojo day, so I’m always happy to get a sweet surprise in my Inbox. Today’s looked like this:


Have you ever seen a more awesome sight than this? My bestest friends in the whole wide world, gathering to rock out to some NKOTB live one year ago. I miss these girls (except for Mara, I don’t really miss you, I see you all the freaking time). Has it really been a year already? How does time go by so quickly? And when, oh when, are we going to do this again?

Your Bestie,

Mah hart be breakin’

Yesterday was Lucy’s first (and maybe last for a while) dance recital. She’s been in this adorable little tap/ballet class since September, and every year the entire dance school does a charity performance around the holidays to benefit a local organization (this year’s recipient was Operation Breakthrough). I’ve been to about a zillion of these performances, due to my niece, Sloan, who’s been going to this dance school forever, so I had a vague idea of what I was getting myself in to.

The key word there is VAGUE, because I really had no f’ing clue.

After an awful day filled with hard deadlines at work and being pulled in seven different directions, along with a lovely moment of panic when we realized we’d lost Lu’s dance bag containing her ballet shoes and the rush to find some new ones, we arrived at the high school where the performance was to take place. Only to realize, oh whoops, we were at the wrong school. When we finally reached our final destination, I ran backstage with Lu to check her in, leaving my camera and my dignity in the car. The rush of kids backstage was seriously insane, and the minute Lu saw what was happening around her, she clung to me and whispered, “I don’t want to do this, can we go home?”

And for a moment, I was all, dude, me too, but I somehow pulled my shit together and left her behind the stage. I didn’t look back, it would’ve been too awful. I found my seat with Trent, frazzled, wide-eyed, and honestly, a little bit sick to my stomach. My sister, of course, had her camera and offered to take pictures for me. Lu’s song was the second one of the performance, so I sat through one song, hands clammy and heart pounding.

Then about 15 little girls walked timidly out on the stage, with Lu in the back. She took one look at the crowd and mouthed the word, “Mommy.” Her little lower lip stuck out like she was going to start bawling at any moment. Trent and I both held our breaths through the entire song, whispering softly our encouragement.

And she did it. She looked scared and lost and confused, but she totally did it. And then she sat through the rest of the performances with her class like a total badass. And when I finally got to hug her after the show was over, she said, “Mommy, I was a little bit shy, but I did it! Can I have a cupcake now?”

Mah BABY?!

Seriously, kid. What happened? You look 19-years-old.

And yes, you can definitely have a cupcake.

Can I have one too? I think I’m gonna need one.

Giving Thanks

Dude, my family is pretty. For reals. And also, they are amazing. Nothing but love, love, love. We had an amazing time in Tennessee, and I even played a game or two. I know, I thought the apocolypse was coming too, but it turns out games aren’t that bad. Sometimes. Unless they’re Scrabble.

Get the flash player here:

P.S. Thanks to E. for letting me use her photos, and for taking the great ones of my little family. Besides being a lovely sister-in-law, she makes gorgeous jewelry. You should buy some!


Maybe it’s the change in the seasons. The blue skies of summer quickly transforming to grey, the leaves turning from green to red to brown, then falling to the ground. The air brisker, the wind stronger, the frost on the car windows in the morning. I don’t really know. But I have been so uninspired lately. I’m having a hard time reflecting, finding the beauty all around me, even though I know it’s there. I’m happy, I just don’t feel like writing about that happiness, putting it all out there for everyone to see.

I’m feeling fairly content, but I have found myself taking more mental pictures, as opposed to physical ones.

Until I get my groove back, so to speak, here are some things that have been making me smile lately. Little bits of inspiration from around the web, wrapped up in a pretty little virtual bow, just for you.

The Berlin Reunion – Read this and then watch the video below. I totally cried. And then Trent walked in on me and asked why I was crying about a bunch of giant puppets. Because I have issues, Trent! Let me be!


Steven Colbert Vs. Glamour Magazine ReadersStephen wins “marry” in a “Do, Dump, Marry” game between him, Jimmy Fallon, and Conan as outlined in Glamour magazine. But then he realizes while the readers would “marry” him, they’d be cheating on him with Jimmy Fallon. Hilarity ensues. (via Jezebel)

The Bloggess – Do you all read The Bloggess? No. Well, stop reading this right now and get over there. Warning, you may snort out loud so refrain from drinking soda pop while reading. It will hurt. You’ve been warned. Also, you’ll learn what to do if you’re afraid of black people. Or pandas.

Where the Wild Things Are – The movie came out last week. You should go see it. And then let me know how awesome it is, so if I ever get a chance to get out of my parenting duties for an evening, I will go see it too. If you don’t trust me, you can check out my buddy’s Scene Stealers review here. They’re usually right about these things. (Save that one time they said Harry Potter was bad and I shunned them forever.)

On another note, the movie’s soundtrack by Karen O. and the Kids is seriously fantastic. Beautiful, haunting and lovely. Lucy’s current favorite song is All Is Love and she requests it at least twelve times a day.

New Moon Soundtrack – Speaking of movie soundtracks, our favorite sparkling vampire is going to be back in the theaters in a month, so to get all the crazy Twilighters all hyped up like kids drowning in pixie sticks, they released the movie’s soundtrack last week. While I know the shimmery blood suckers only appeal to a specific demographic (insane people, yes, myself included), the soundtrack is pretty damn good, and includes tunes by Death Cab, Bon Iver & St. Vincent, Lykke Li, Thom Yorke, The Killers and a ton more. My current favorite from the album is Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (who I used to obsess over in college and love, looooveee, and don’t hype up nearly enough) with Done All Wrong. You can buy it here or on iTunes.

Balloons – Anyone else have balloons on the brain lately. I can’t imagine why. Whatever the reason I really want to take some balloon pictures. Maybe that will crack my uninspired streak.

mongolfiere in parata

Image via Flickr.

Fortunes – This was in my fortune cookie last week. Am waiting patiently for this “unexpected event.” And hoping it includes copious amounts of pie.

Well, this could go either way...

A Day at the Office – Last week I sent this to Trent and Heath and was all “This is totally what you guys are doing in the office all day, isn’t it?” And they were all “No….” But I could tell they were lying.

Apparently all I need to be inspired is a good Backstreet Boys song. Who knew? I figured I was an *Nsync kind of girl.

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