Spring into Confidence : A Giveaway!!!


It’s FRIIIIIDDDDAAAAAY! Can you tell I’m excited? Well, this week has been less than ideal, with an insane headcold that took over my sinuses around Tuesday and is just now started to lessen it’s grip on my brain. Ooof. But I’m pumped because:

A. I’m finally getting my ability to breathe back!
B. It’s almost the weekend!
C. I have an awesome giveaway for you!

(Am I using enough exclamation points? I wasn’t sure. !!!!!!)


Spring into Confidence is a progressive style academy designed by Town Center’s stylist and blogger Caitlin Fore on March 31st from 6-8 p.m. This event is geared toward teaching women everything they need to know to feel confident everyday! Who has the time to learn all of these tips and tricks with our busy schedules!?

Come join her and a slew of talented specialists to learn how to:

– Dress your body right with Caitlin Fore

– Take care of your gorgeous skin with Macy’s and Clinique

– Style your hair perfectly everyday with Parlor

– Get your nails done with Salon One19

– Learn how to get a flawless face with Sephora

There will be amazing giveaways from all of the sponsors along with some killer swag bags filled with some favorites goodies – for everyone to enjoy!

Drumroll please….I’m giving away 2 Tickets to Spring into Confidence right here! Just enter using the form below before midnight on Sunday, March 27th. I will announce the winner on Monday!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also, for those of you who want to skip all the giveaway hubbub and just get your tickets now, go here to purchase and save $10 by using the code CRAZYBANANAS. Good luck!

Clearwater Beach Travel Diary

Travel Diary : Spring Break 2016

We’re back! And we’re only mildly sunburned!

This Spring Break was probably my favorite family vacation yet. As the kids get older and our jobs get busier, I know we don’t always do a great job of spending “quality time” together, and this trip was a chance for us to spend time just being together. This time around I made myself the goal to try and capture more video of our family together. While I will always love still photographs, my background is actually in video production, and I love seeing moving images of our kids at different ages and stages. While I enjoy making these sorts of videos for clients, I haven’t been making them for our family lately, and I missed it!

The whole reason I got into this business in the first place was to document my own family’s lives, and while client work is amazing, this is the kind of stuff that gives me goosebumps and that we all crowd around watching in bed, laughing at our silly moments and remembering our adventures. There was a time not so long ago when my life certainly didn’t feel this joyful, and I feel like it’s my duty to capture these memories because it shows me that no matter how hard things are, life can and does get better. It takes time, patience, and lots of gummy bears, but it’s true. I hope many more of these Travel Diaries are in our future.

Music : La La Love by Animal Island (used with permission)
Filmed With : Canon 60D + Go Pro Hero4
Locations : Honeymoon Island, Florida + Clearwater Marine Aquarium + Clearwater Beach, Florida + Hyatt Regency Clearwater Beach

1 Second Everyday

I am a huge fan of photo of the day projects, and of documenting my family’s life in interesting ways. I have found myself in the role of memory keeper for my little family, and while I relish the job, it’s sometimes a bit boring. I mean, how many photos can one person take? The answer, if you’re wondering, is approximately a billion.

Last year I found myself having a difficult time keeping up with daily photo projects. I’d start one, and then it would flounder as life got busier and busier. I have learned enough to know beating myself up over not finishing a family photo project is just silly, but I still wanted to find an easy, interesting, new way to document our life in 2016.

Enter 1 Second Everyday! I heard about this app via the Elise Joy Blog, and downloaded it at the beginning of January. The app makes the project so simple! I’m not going to lie, I definitely had some issues remembering to film each day, but I’m finding it easier as it becomes a habit. I love the idea of having one second snippets to remember the small, but significant moments of your life. You’d be amazed at what you can capture in one second! Everything from your kid’s laugh to their first soccer goal…it’s all big and small and wonderful. I hope to do this throughout the year, and at the end I’ll have a six minute video of 2016.

This is a great project to start at the beginning of the year, but if you missed January, I still think it’s worth doing. You could start at a significant date, like a birthday or anniversary, or start with an event, such as the birth of a child or a wedding. The possibilities are endless!

ivivva kansas city sweat ride

ivivva Sweat Ride 2016

Raising a young girl these days is no picnic, you guys. I love my Lucy something fierce, but there are so many challenges, especially as we inch closer and closer to the preteen years. Actually, in my opinion, we are already there! My girl will be ten in a few short months, and we’ve begun the conversations about changes in her body and mind over the next few years. It’s honestly a scary time…I remember so many formative things that happened to me over the years between 4th and 8th grade, and I’m not sure how to navigate it all as a parent on the other side of the story.

That’s why I was so excited when ivivva contacted me and invited Lucy and I to participate in their 2016 Sweat Ride. ivivva is a company that is inspired by active girls. They design beautiful athletic wear and provide experiences that connect girls through movement. ivivva (which was created by lululemon) encourages girls to be adventurous, compassionate and brave, and promotes community support to help girls reach their goals.

The team from ivivva Kansas City took 70+ girls on a bus tour of several fitness locations around Kansas City. The girls started at Fusion Fitness in Mission Farms, where they took a 30 minute cardio class to get their blood pumping.

ivivva kansas city sweat ride

We then hopped on the bus, where the music was blasting and the girls had a ball. DJ James Barr from Raise the Barr provided some high energy tunes to get the girls excited, and the entire bus participated in a fun game of “Would You Rather…” I was so impressed with this giving group of young ladies. When asked “would you rather…be a famous athlete or cure cancer?” the overwhelming answer (which could probably be heard outside the bus due to the force with which it was pronounced!) was to cure cancer.

The girls then headed into Pure Barre in Overland Park, where they participated in a full body barre workout. Many of the young ladies were dancers, and definitely were in their element at this beautiful studio. The low impact strength and stretching exercises were a hit among the crowd.

ivivva kansas city sweat ride

The crew hopped back on the bus, and in between sharing their fun on social media, the girls chatted about their lives. There were soccer players, dancers, basketball stars, artists and gymnasts, all excited to be spending the morning with their friends. Ages ranged from 10 to 14, and the group was lively as we headed to the last stop.

At our final destination, Yoga Six, the girls were escorted into a hot yoga room, where the emphasis was on breath and relaxation. After a morning of workouts, the girls were pretty excited to stretch out! The hot yoga room also felt pretty fantastic compared to the 15 degree Kansas City day outside! After all the high energy fun and chatter on the bus, it was really awesome to see the girls dig into the yoga practice and just be themselves.

ivivva kansas city sweat ride

After yoga, we all sat in a circle and talked about setting goals for the new year. The ivivva team led the girls in a goal setting exercise, where they took a big goal and broke it down in to a manageable and measurable goal for the next few months. While some of the goals focused on athletics, like scoring more goals this season in soccer, others focused on life lessons, like working toward gaining more confidence or being there for friends. My Lucy, who started ice skating a few months ago and just loves it, decided to work toward passing her next ice skating levels by the end of this class session.

ivivva kansas city sweat ride

I was so inspired by this fun, active day with such a lovely group of young ladies. The best part was watching how the girls supported and lifted each other up, encouraging their old and new friends as they worked together. When you’re a young girl, learning how to be connected and raise your sisters up is a life skill that will not only benefit you, but the world around you as you grow up. I am so grateful I was able to be a witness to it!

This post was sponsored by ivivva, but all throughts and options are my own. ivivva sparks and connects a global community of brave, compassionate and adventurous girls – to get involved, support each other and impact the world around them in their own unique way. Learn more and sign up for future community events at ivivva.com! Group photo by Vanessa Calcara.

MLK Darkness and Stars

Darkness and Stars : Ways to Serve With Kids

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a great opportunity to talk to your kids about service and how to be a helper in your community. We love spending our day off doing what we can to help others, no matter how old or young we are. Here are a few ways we like to serve others on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and every other day of the year!

MLK Darkness and Stars

1. Clean Up the Local School Playground –
Grab some trash bags and gloves and spend 30 minutes to an hour picking up any loose trash that might be laying around. Make a game out of it and see who can pick up the most!

2. Go Through Your Gently Used Winter Coats, Boots and Gear and Gather Items to Donate – We like to give ours to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kansas City or to the Willow Domestic Violence Center.

3. Volunteer Together – Some of our favorite places to volunteer as a family are Harvesters of Kansas City and the KC Pet Project!

4. Take Dinner to Someone in Need –
Do you have a friend who has a new baby? Or maybe an elderly family member who is a bit lonely? Have your kids help make a nice dinner and drop it off together. I also like to have my kids draw pictures as gifts to go along with the meal.

5. Happy Chalk – When the weather is a bit warmer, we like to take sidewalk chalk and decorate the neighborhood with kind words of encouragement. Imagine being on a walk and looking down to see a happy note saying, “You are loved!” staring back at you. It’s pretty fun!

How do you serve your community as a family? I’d love to hear your ideas and add some new acts of kindness to our repertoire.

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