
Old friends are the best. And with the good ones, it all can just fall back in to place, even if it has been years since you’ve really hung out. All you need is a car, a half-assed plan and the open road. And a faulty K-Tag. And a craving for some hometown grub.

And so ends the #RABroadtrip2010...@trustthedust and I are totally awesome.

Summer beer doesn’t hurt either.

One summer beer down. Woop woop! @trustthedust

The. End.

Last month, quite unceremoniously, after three hundred and sixty five photos were taken, the NYC + KC Project ended. Our last pictures were taken on February 2nd, and since then, we both have been stalling, not uploading our final shots. Maybe to draw it out longer, maybe because we were just so very “done” and didn’t want to mess with it anymore. Probably a bit of both.

I still have to go through the last month’s worth of photos and place them side by side, but for now, here’s our last shot.

Day Three Hundred and Sixty Five

T, thanks so much for doing this project with me. I’ve loved every minute of seeing the world through your lens. I can’t believe we actually made it….well, actually I can. Thanks for sticking it out, and thanks for encouraging me when I wanted to quit. I’m so glad we did this together, it was worth every minute of uploading on a Saturday night, and then some.


We Need Some Glowsticks

I have had a hard week.

It seems like everything that could go wrong, did.

1. Workload exploded.
2. Family member got really, really, scarily sick.
3. My medical condition got worse.
4. I pulled my shoulder muscle during yoga.
5. There was no wine in the house, so I had to have a glass of nasty honey-flavored whiskey that someone left over Christmas.
6. I gained five pounds.
7. Lucy wants to move to her friend Haven’s house ’cause “They are way more fun.”
8. I opened a can of concentrated grape juice and spilled it all over the kitchen floor. And I can’t get it clean. It’s impossible. It will be sticky for all eternity.
9. I literally left a bag with three items on top of my car and drove out of the Target parking lot. With people laughing and pointing. One of the items was a jumbo box of tampons. It was awesome.
10. My dog somehow got into Lu’s Valentine’s candy and is now acting like she’s on crack.

Yesterday Trent was all, “What is up with you?” And I responded, “What?! You want me to go eat a f***ing rainbow or something!” He’s so lucky to be married to me.

So I’m trying to perk up a bit today. Well, after this morning with the grape juice and the floor. That included some sobbing, but now, NOW, I’m ready to bring some sunshine into my life and stop listening to The Rosebuds on repeat. And The XX. And Bon Iver. And Fleet Foxes. Because that depressing crap is making me want to sacrifice myself to the wolves, and not the good kind that turn into hot, young Native American vampire killers.

Instead, I’m dancing in my car. Flailing around to some funky beats. And I think it’s catching.

(Music is Odessa by Caribou)

I feel better already…

I’d rather be working for a paycheck, then waiting to win the lottery

Young Love

{The day he proposed…god, we were young}

Marriage is work. Hard, hard work. Those two people up there? Well, they had no effing clue. And thank god for that, or else we probably wouldn’t have made it. Here’s hoping if you have a steady Valentine, you’re getting ready to show each other some love. And if you don’t, here’s hoping you feel like those two crazy kids pictured above. Happy, naive and open to whatever the future holds.

To my Valentine, thanks for putting up with me. I will be proud to stand by your side during the zombie apocolypse. Mostly because you’ll be the one with a well-thought out plan. But also because I love you. And you’re cute. XOXO.

There Shall Be Hippies Everywhere, And It Will Be Good

The last time the Peters fam visited our dear sister and brother-in-law in Colorado, we took our baby to the park.

Lucy at the Playground

And, well, yeah. That was obviously A LONG TIME AGO.

It was back when I used to think that photos taken at an angle were “artsy” and I totally overused my Photoshop smoother action.

Alli, Steve & Lucy

Dear Allison and Steve (and Lucy),

Sorry I thought things looked better crooked. They just look strange. And also, sorry for making you look all glowy and slightly creepy. I thought it was pretty. I was a dumb blonde. I’ll do better next time.

Sorrowfully yours,

We’re headed back to Boulder for some R&R, possibly some snowboarding (with minimal injury), and good ole’ quality family time. We couldn’t be more excited!

And I promise to hold my camera straight this trip.

Oi vey.

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