
Every year it happens. I slowly stop posting as much to the blog. I fade away from Twitter and Facebook and my Google Reader. I should really just put it on my calendar. And yet, every year, I’m surprised when I realize I need a break from it all.

Though the interweb gives me so many good things, so much inspiration and happiness and joy, it can also tend to suck me in when I am needed elsewhere. And right now I am most definitely needed elsewhere.


This next month is full of exciting, incredible things. A first ever girlfriends vacation (and a first real trip away from Lucy). A baby shower for a good friend (and possibly a baby!). A family vacation to the beach. Seeing our new baby and finding out if it’s a boy or a girl. Life, man. It’s just nutso.

Backseat Driving

So, until mid-August, I’m out. Inspired by the lovely Gwen Bell I am taking a digital sabbatical. I’m closing down the Google Reader. I’m deleting TweetDeck from my laptop and my phone. Ditto with my Facebook app.

What will I be doing. Well, I’ll still be answering emails, as work and life insist on it. I’ll still check in to my IM once a day, but only for 20 minutes each time. I’ll occasionally post pictures to Flickr (which is linked to Twitter, so there may even be a Twitter update here or there). I will answer texts and phone calls. So I guess I’m not totally gone, just a bit harder to reach. Although, being hard to reach isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I mean, if you need me, you can find me. And if it’s not worth the extra effort, you obviously didn’t need me that badly anyway.

Other things I intend on doing:

– Reading two novels.
– Make a storybook with Lulu.
– Spend countless nights/weekends swimming at the pool.
– Get in some much needed girlfriend time.
– Trade jokes with friends.
– Drink cherry limades.
– Laugh my ass off.
– Grow a new baby.
– Teach Lu to ride her two-wheeler.
– Have several movie nights.
– Do yoga weekly (or more…hopefully more!).
– Journal in a real book.
– Create something.
– Cross two things off my life list.

Until August, my lovelies!

Ready. Set. Live!

On Dads and Kids and Happiness

To all you dads out there, I hope your weekend is full of golf, bourbon, a beer or two, maybe even fishing on a lake. I hope your kids tell you how much you are loved. Because you totally are. Dads are the best.

To the dad in our house, Lucy is so lucky to have you. And she knows it. And so do I.

Daddy w spittle

Family resemblence



Off Roading


Lu + Dad Trying to Catch a Fish

And to you grandads out there, you have a good one too. May your day be full of homemade cards and envelopes full of special rocks (to the grandpa’s pictured, I hope that doesn’t spoil the surprise). I never knew either of my grandfathers, so watching Lucy with her THREE grandpa’s has been quite an experience for me. Seriously, this kid is ridiculously lucky.

Driving the Boat

Grandpa Lee Reads Old School Cinderella


Happy Monday

Four Years Old (WHAT?!)

Dear Lulu,

Today you turn four. FOUR. As in, FOUR YEARS. I know, right? I can’t believe it either.

I know back when you were a baby and we had all the time in the world (hahahahaha…sorry) I would spend hours writing these birthday letters to you. And now, you’re lucky if you get a post with an obligatory photo. Speaking of…

Birthday Girl!

Maybe it’s because now you’re getting to a point where you will actually remember these times. Right now your grandpa and grandma are staying at our house for a few weeks, and I told them recently that I remember going to the hospital to visit your grandpa when I was a kid. They told me I was four when that happened. And I remember it so vividly. Driving all the way to Topeka, going to the hospital, and then heading to White Castle afterwards for burgers.

Thinking of that really made me realize that the life you’re living right now, in this moment, could be remembered forever. I don’t need to write it all down, instead, you’ll be reciting the stories to me. The tales of how we went to Brooklyn and you worked in a garden there. Or how you played tag at school. Or how your daddy made you laugh and laugh. You remember it all, and sharing it is definitely one of your talents.

This last year was pretty uneventful for us, considering how eventful years past have been. We spent our first full year at our new house, tackling projects, building walls. You spend a good amount of time playing in your room, building forts out of all your books, taking care of your baby dolls, reading to yourself. But you love company. Like, LOVE it. You are already part of a little girl clique at school, and you spend most of your waking hours loving those kids. You have a boyfriend too, or so you claim, which is both worrisome and totally hilarious.

You have grown and changed, Lulu, but your personality has not been altered too much. If anything, it’s just been multiplied. You are dramatic, loud, excited, strong, smart, quick, clever, mischievous, funny and introspective. You get shy rarely, but when it happens it’s full on. You don’t do anything at a low level. Anger, happiness…it’s all expressed at a 10.

I am excited for this year Lulu, in ways I can’t even express to you yet. You’ll start Pre-K in the fall, and before we know it you’ll be in Kindergarten. Which, let’s face it, is totally insane. KINGERGARTEN! Holy moley. This year is going to be full of holy moley moments, but I’m certain you will accept it all with grace and charm, even if I have to bribe you with ice cream to get there.

I love you, wild girl. Happy birthday, to both of us.

Much love,

She's Four Today

The City is Magic

I know it’s crazy to some, but to me, this is the place at the end of the rabbit hole. Less than 24 hours until I’m back there again. I could not be more excited.

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