Twenty Eight

cupcake bokeh
(photo via Flickr)

Today is my birthday. I turn twenty eight years old.

I have to say, I know a lot of people freak about getting older. But I’m loving it. I’m so happy to be where I am in my life, to be who I am. Even though I’m not near perfect, and am a constant work in progress, I feel like at the very least, progress is consistantly being made.

I always thought I would hate being pregnant on my birthday (I found out about Lulu exactly 8 days after my birthday, so this is the first one where I’ve celebrated mid-gestation), but I’m finding it to be almost more fun then those cocktail/happy hour driven birthdays of previous years.

Mind you, I wouldn’t mind a glass of wine. Or bourbon. Either / or.

But I feel full. And not just from all the cupcakes I’ve consumed today. My life just feels stuffed to the brim with happiness. I have such good people in my life, friends and family that make every day feel special. So if you’re out there, and you’re reading this, just know you’re probably affected my life in good and lovely ways, which in turn makes you gorgeous.

See? Getting older makes you prettier. I just know it.

(photo by Nicole Coleman)

A Decade

10 Years Ago

10 years ago I was in a hospital holding your teeny little bodies.

9 years ago I was driving back and forth from college to babysit.

8 years ago I was wrangling three two-year-olds who wanted nothing more then to destroy me.

7 years ago I was spending New Years Eve watching the Tellatubbies because I really am the best aunt ever.

6 years ago you cried when I left for Italy and were very angry with me until I returned. With presents.

5 years ago you walked down the aisle at my wedding.

The Wedding Party

4 years ago you held my first child in your protective older cousin arms.

3 years ago you became better dancers then me.

Sloanie & Lulu

2 years ago one of you broke her leg and the others grew their hair out to unforseen proportions.

1 year ago I realized you were getting way too old, way too quickly.



Dylan Sporting a Princess Hat (as he does)

Cousins Join the Party


And now.

Now you’re ten years old.

Happy birthday, to my favorite little people. Who aren’t so little.

Happy birthday, to my favorite “almost” tweens. I will convert you from Taylor Swift yet. It is my life’s greatest goal.

Your Favorite Aunt
(At Least in My Own Mind)

Goodbye Summer

{Final Weekend at the Lake}

Classic Summer


Happy Cousins

It’s been a good one, but I’m ready for fall. Fall is filled with birthdays (my brother-in-law, my niece, my nephews, myself, Trent’s grandma), Halloween, college football (despite the sadness that are my poor, poor Jayhawks), leaves falling, hiring someone to rake said leaves, and continued baby growing.

Sicko (and vacation pictures)

Just now, in my office….

Boss Man: Hey, how are you doing today?! [Happy and excited because we won a project and he was delivering the news.]
Me: Awesome. [Cough, hack, wheeze, sneeze, sniff…groan.]
Boss Man: Eeeee….
Me: What? Don’t I sound awesome?
Boss Man: Yeah. I’m just gonna stand over here. [As far away from me as physically possible while still being in my office.]


Have you seen these pictures yet, from my family beach vacaton to South Carolina? You should. In fact, I’ll just put them right here. You’re welcome.

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I know I’ve mentioned it a bazillion times, but I thank my lucky stars on a daily basis for Trent’s family. They are just so lovely and giving and everything a family should be and more. This trip was a perfect break for Trent, Lu and I, and as per usual, his family made everything fun and easy for us. I could go on, but I won’t bore you with details. Suffice to say, although I feel like absolute crap-ola right now, I would take a summer cold (in a pregnant, can’t take Nyquil body) a hundred times over for another week at the beach with these people.

Danny and Annie

Danny & Annie from StoryCorps on Vimeo.

I saw this video first thing this morning on Chookooloonks blog. I had actually heard this StoryCorp recording on NPR before, and found myself stopped on the side of the road while listening the first time. Watching the video, and listening to Danny and Annie’s love story, once again made me tear up today. There is so much negativity in the world, and for now, I want to focus on the good stuff. Life is full of hard stuff, but the good stuff? That’s what makes it all worth it.

(Warning, unless you have a heart of stone, you will probably cry or tear up at this. But that’s important too.)

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