Disney Surprise



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Mother’s Day Redeux

So, I had grand plans for a lovely post on Mother’s Day. One that talked about my transformation as a mother, from scared kid to a real grown up. One that explained in detail how I have finally grown into my motherhood, how a person who used to do anything to show people that I am “MORE THAN JUST A MOTHER!” now puts mother first in the description of who I am, and is totally okay with that. Happy, in fact.

But instead Trent and I got food poisoning and spent our Mother’s Day evening puking our guts out and yesterday sleeping/moaning in pain.

So instead, here’s a super adorable picture of the kids from Easter. They are what make me who I am. A mother. A happy, lucky mother.


My Friends Are Alright

Back when I started this blog a few years back, Facebook didn’t even exist to my circle of friends. Twitter certainly wasn’t in the picture, and so whenever I said I had a website, people looked at me like I was A.) Crazy B.) Awesome or C.) Lying. Which, let’s face it, is how people still look at me most of the time, so we should probably just move on.

In the last few years, some of my best friends and most lovely commenters on this site, have started blogs of their very own. Somehow in the last redesign of Crazybananas dot com, I deleted my blogroll (yeah for messing with CSS when I have no idea what I’m doing!), so I figured I’d put together a mini-blogroll of some of my favorite friends and their own little pieces of the Internet.

Misc. – A modern girl’s guide to the miscellaneous: This little gem is written by my friend Lane, who has contributed to Crazybananas several times over the years (see here and here). I’m so happy she has finally started her own blog, since she is probably one of the most knowledgeable people I know when it comes to cooking, fashion, design, home, et cetera. Her blog is basically a tour of her favorite things, and trust me, you will be as charmed as I am. Especially when you read her guilty pleasures section…
Favorite posts – Prosciutto, Fig & Brie “Pizzas” and Polished

textStyle(d) and @ the moment: Katie, who was a contributor during the “Preggo Style” series last fall, has started TWO blogs and both are worth checking out. The first is textStyle(d), a fashion blog written from the perspective of a textile design expert. She posts lots of great, eye-catching items, along with tips of how to make certain pieces work together. @ the moment is a more personal blog, which was a spin off from her Twitter feed, where she had regularly been posting pictures of her “View @ the Moment.” The blog consists of these pictures, but also random thoughts and “Listening to @ the Moment” where she posts songs and videos.
Favorite posts – Print ID and V @ the Moment, Rain, Fog, Storm

The Stover Show: My friend Mikayla was (and still is) one of the best commenters on Crazybananas. She is one of those friends that is always supportive of anything I do, even if what I’m doing is totally stupid. She started her blog, The Stover Show, as a way to keep her friends and family updated on her life as she moved to the suburbs, got married and had her first child. Her blog mostly focuses on her family life, with tons of pictures of her adorable son, Sawyer. Recently, Mikayla faced a struggle that I will never be able to comprehend, which she posted about with such class and dignity, it literally brought me to tears. Check it, she’s probably the strongest person ever.
Favorite posts – Inspiration and The Bright Side

On Being Lucky

Have I mentioned how lucky I am lately? Because, seriously kids, I am. And I don’t say it/think it/feel it enough.

Have I told you how a few weeks back five of the most spectacular friends a girl could ask for threw me and Tate a baby shower. Did I deserve it? Probably not, but lordy, these ladies made me feel so wonderful and special and I haven’t thanked them enough.


Have I said how my in-laws are taking us to Disney World for Lucy’s birthday? (Shhhh, it’s a surprise!) And how they are letting me act like I’m the one planning all of it and spending a gazillion dollars on tickets and princess dinners and makeovers and everything else that comes with one of these ridiculous trips even though I have not planned a single minute of it? Well, I should have, because I couldn’t be luckier in the in-law department. For reals.

{Dramatic reenactment of how much Lu will freak when we tell her}

Have I divulged how my office lets me to go Tate’s daycare once a day and feed him? I cannot express how much this means to me, to see my little pirate everyday and not have to go through the hassle of pumping at the office. I am so fortunate to work where I do with the people I do.

Just swingin'....

Lately I’ve been feeling like a dirty penny. Not shiny or lucky. But I just need to look a bit closer, because when I focus on it, I realize that no one on earth has more opportunities for happiness than me. Lucky, lucky girl.

Number Two Versus Number One

I’ve been trying to recall what it was like around here when Lulu was an infant, and honestly, I can’t remember much. The first time around is just so hectic, so scary…so new, it’s hard to recall each moment with any degree of clarity. But after a glass of wine and some scrolling thru old videos and photos, here is what I can tell you:

Number One: Lots and lots of tears. The baby’s, mine, even Trent’s. I swear, I cannot believe they let us leave the hospital with Lu. We had NO IDEA WHAT WE WERE DOING! I mean, to drive a car you have to at least pass a test first, but all you have to do to leave a hospital with a baby is drink too much bourbon and have unprotected sex. I remember the first night (or ten) just bawling uncontrollably from midnight until 7 a.m., wondering if I would ever sleep again. When Trent went back to work and my ever-helpful mother in law left town after a week of helping us, I remember turning into a heap of uncontrollable tears. It was super-sexy.

Number Two: Of course there have been tears, but certainly the amount has decreased significantly. So much of this is due to knowing what to expect this time around. Guess what? Breastfeeding is hard. Like, super-duper hard and it hurts and there will be tears and it will get better. But the getting better takes a few weeks. And knowing that has made such a difference.

Baby Lucy 4




Number One: Every gear item was set up before I was thirty weeks pregnant. Diapers in every size were at the ready. Crib was put together, carseat had been inspected by the fire department, highchair was set up and ready to go.

Number Two: Um, we barely had a room, remember? And a highchair? Really, 22 year old Megan? Did you think your infant would be using that right away? I mean, they can’t even control their own necks, how the hell are they supposed to use a high chair? Idiot.

Happy Lucy 1


Manhattan is super funny...


Number One: I miss my friends and my life and wah wah wah life is unfair!

Number Two: Many of my friends have kids of their own, and the ones that don’t? Well, they have been around enough babies now that they don’t seem to mind the entourage under 5 years old that comes with me everywhere I go. Also, don’t underestimate the power of good friends who are willing to come to your house to drink wine and watch bad TV instead of going out to fancy clubs. (I’m talking to you and you and you and you…thank you!)

Silly Grin




Number One: My life is so difference from everyone else.

Number Two: My life is pretty much the same as it was yesterday, just with more diapers and less sleep.

Baby Lucy 2


Number One: I am in love.

Number Two: Ditto.

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