A Note on Memory Keeping

Oh me, oh my, where do I start? I’ve been putting off writing about our trip to Disney for many reasons, the most important of which is that so much happened, and I just don’t have the time to get it all down. But, as I told Trent on the way home from the airport, my purposes in writing this blog (or Twitter even) has changed so much in the past few years. Whereas this used to be a place for me to spew whatever nagging thoughts were swirling around in my brain, now I look at it as sort of a time capsule. I remember Gwen Bell saying once (on Twitter or her blog or the like) that she wished her mother had some sort of online journal or Twitter account. Her mom, who died when she was quite young, is somewhat of a mystery to her, and she wondered what her Twitter would say, what she would share with the world, and wishes she could peek into her private thoughts. Every time (well, almost) I write something here or anywhere online, I think of that. Of how someday my children will read this, and whether I’m still on this Earth or not, they will gain some insight into who I am as person, not just their mother. They can read my perspective, learn about things I was interested in, understand me so much better. Sure, there are things I don’t want them to know that they will probably learn here and elsewhere, but it’s all part of my truth, the person I am. And them seeing that I am a mere mortal, a person who makes mistakes and learns and grows is more important to me than sheltering them from said mistakes.

What I’m trying to get at, is although I have no time, and honestly, not much desire to chronicle our trip to Disney here, I know I have to. Lucy’s experience of this trip will be remembered through five year old eyes and ears, it will be muffled and selective. I want her to be able to read this in five or ten or twenty years and learn what she said the first time she saw the castle over the horizon or how she grinned while sitting on her dad’s shoulders or what she said as she met Cinderella for the first time. I want her to see her beautiful self through my eyes. So even though it may take forever to get it all down, and regardless of who will read it today, I need to write this story. For her. For Tate. So they can remember.


100 Things: Update

Trent and I were discussing my 100 Things To Do list the other day, when he brought up number 18, “attend a taping of the Oprah Winfrey show.” I said that obviously that wasn’t going to happen any time soon (as the show is no longer in production) and that I probably missed my window. But, since my list is sort of a “living document,” I was planning on doing the best I could…and would probably count “meeting Oprah” or “attending an event where Oprah is speaking” or whatever blah blah blah Oprah. While I, of course, would like to reach all the goals on my list, I know that some are close to impossible (hello, number 51), but that is the fun of it. And since the list is inherintly mine, I can change or flex or update it as I see fit. That’s one of my favorite things about having a Life List. We all change, so why shouldn’t our list change as well. As I grow and experience more of life, of course what I want to do with it will change! I mean, if I made this list when I was 19, I certainly wouldn’t want it to look exactly the same today (Tatoo, check! Tounge piercing, check! Pass out in the hallway of a fraternity, check check!).

With that in mind, here are a few updates to the list from the last few months:

17. Take photos of someone famous – Yes, I am counting Minnie Mouse. Suck it world, my list. – June 2011

24. Buy a brand new Mac computer – Technically this was a “gift” but since it was from my husband, I’m counting it! – February 2011

69. Have more kids – Two words: Tater Tot. – December 2010

93. Go to therapy – As I’ve said on MANY occassions, being a working mom of two has been an adjustment. So earlier this Spring, I starting seeing someone to help me organize my life/feelings/goals. It has been a godsend, one of my best decisions ever. – April 2011

What will I accomplish next? Skydive (number 5)? Play in a rock band (number 23)? Attend P. Diddy’s white party (number 36)? The possibilities are endless! Yay for Life! And for Lists!

Summer Summer Summertime…Ohhhh Summertime

Top 5 Reasons I’m Loving Summer This Year

1. We have a nanny, so the kids have no daycare / preschool. Which means no getting everyone up in the morning, fighting over clothes / breakfast / making beds, and being at least 20 minutes late to work each day. It also means someone else is doing the laundry and washing the dishes, and when I get home at the end of the day, my house is picked up and clean. I don’t think our nanny can leave us. Ever. Sorry, Amanda, you can’t go back to school in August, you’ll have to stay forever. FOREVER.

2. Due to the aforementioned nanny, we can have late bedtimes, nights at the pool and all around laziness. In addition, our lack of weekend scheduled activities (goodbye Saturday morning dance class!), means weekends actually include weekending! Margaritas! Grilling! Happyyyyyy!

3. I am not pregnant. In the summer, this is really a key to enjoyment.

4. Our big vacation is already done (hello Disney World!) so all our future summer trips are mostly low key lake and farm visits. My favorite. (Excluding Trent’s trip to Ireland and my maybe trip to see my dear B. Spears in Dallas…)

5. Sunshine. This winter was so long. I am basking in the glow of sunny days. At least until it hits 102 degrees. Then ask me again.


{Also, cute babies in board shorts.}

Five Years Old

Dearest Lulu,

Last Friday you turned five years old. I know this is a little late, as I’ve been writing yearly letters on your birthday RIGHT ON TIME for the last few years, but I think you can forgive me since we were at Disney World and I really didn’t want to step away from Ariel to find a good WiFi access spot.


You’ve been talking about turning five for months and months, it seems so strange that it’s finally here. I no longer have a four year old in my house, but instead a very grown up five year old. A five year old that can count to 100 and draw pictures where I can actually recognize the subjects and tell me what 6 + 3 equals and spell her name and her friends names and her parents names. A five year old who tells jokes and riddles and plays “I Spy” and fills any lull in conversation with a hilariously stated “AWKWARD!” even when it’s not appropriate. A five year old that has graduated from preschool and danced in front of hundreds of people and knows the most ticklish spot on her little brother’s tummy.

Winter Wonderland 2010


Biking Race

In the last year, Lulu, you have not only grown physically, losing baby fat and stretching out, slowly transforming into a tall, lanky little girl, but emotionally. You feel empathy and love like no one I’ve ever known. You cry when you are happy, laughing while you assure those around you that they are “happy tears.” Your heart is so big, you are always the first to lend a hand to a hurt friend or a fussy baby, and you don’t even blink when I tell you we have to sort through some of your beloved toys to donate to charity. You are constantly worried about others and wanting to help whoever you can. I’d like to think that comes from me, but truly, I know that is all you, little girl. I don’t know where it comes from, but I’m so proud of how love manifests itself through you.

A Little Bit Excited


This year one of your greatest dreams finally came true. You became a big sister. You’ve been begging for a sibling for years now, and watching you with Tate has been a joy. No one loves that baby more than you, and the feeling is definitely mutual. The way your faces light up when you see each other is the entire reason people choose to have kids. I am so excited to watch your relationship blossom and grow as you do, to watch you support and love each other through the years.

Big Sister!!!


Lucy, I love you more than the sun. Every year on your birthday, I think of who I was before June 3, 2006 and who I have become. Because of you, I am a mother. Because of you, we are a family. Because of you, no matter how rainy the day, there is always joy.



I love you, Lulu Bird. And thank you. From all of us.



My Somewhat Tiny Dancer

The last few weeks have been pretty rough on me. I pride myself on being able to do it all and, as I’m sure you all learned from Oprah, there is no such thing as doing it all. First we all got sick with what we thought was food poisoning, but turned out to be the flu. You know how I figured that one out? After Lu threw up all over the car and our front yard and me and pretty much everything else we own. Two days after that we had to head out of town for a baby shower for one of my best friends in the world, Miss Theresa. It was beautiful, as was she. Check it.


Oh, I cannot wait for little baby girl to arrive!!! Watching your friends become parents has got to be one of the ultimate experiences in life.

The next day we headed home and surprised Lucy with the news that we were going to Disneyworld for her birthday. She pretty much lost her mind. It was awesome.

Then, after three days of intense work deadlines, the grandparents (all three sets) started arriving in town for a big weekend for Miss Lu. In less than 24 hours, she had her last day of school, graduated from preschool and performed in her first dance recital. Oh, and Tate turned five months old. My poor heart was just aching. A happy ache, but still, an exhausting one. Added on to that was the stress of coordinating three sets of grandparents and family and people that just kept telling me to “Calm down.” and “Don’t let it all stress me out.” Note to everyone: Telling me not to stress does not help. It just pisses me off. Also, telling other people how stressed and tired I look does not help. FYI.

Was it worth it? Totally. Because I was able to observe moments like this. Moments where my daughter’s incredible personality shines through. I love this kid.

Babies grow into kids who one day will get up on a stage without you, with no fear, and dance for the world. That’s pretty incredible.


Miss Lu in 2007

Dance Recital Rehearsal

Miss Lu in 2011

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