On Beautiful Little Girls

When I was growing up, I didn’t hear very often that I was beautiful. It wasn’t that my parents didn’t think I was, I know they did, but it wasn’t something that was emphasized. My parents raised their first set of kids in the 1970s, when women’s lib was all the rage, and although I’m sure here and there they told me I was pretty, they were used to putting emphasis on other things. I was smart. I was funny. I was kind. I was a good friend.

And yes, all of those things were true I suppose, but I never heard that I was pretty. That I was beautiful. That I was attractive in a physical sense. I was a tomboy and shunned most things pink and sparkly, so maybe I wouldn’t have responded to that kind of praise in the first place, but the fact is, I didn’t hear it. All thru grade school and most of middle school, I was referred to as a good athlete or a gifted student, but never, ever a pretty girl.

In school I was relentlessly teased for how I looked, so tall and gangly and dirty and clueless. All of these things, combined with what I was told at home, convinced me that I wasn’t pretty. That I would never be beautiful. And I understood that if I was, I couldn’t be all the other things I wanted to be. Sure, I could be smart, funny and athletic, but I couldn’t be pretty too. That was the trade off. It was the always prevalent stereotypes: the smart ugly girl versus the dumb pretty girl.

So that’s why, when I read the thought provoking article on HuffPo regarding how to talk to little girls about beauty, I responded differently than many. While I agree with the author that we should always be sure to emphasize inner beauty and intelligence when speaking with little girls, I strongly disagree that we shouldn’t tell them they are beautiful as well. Why can’t they be both? Why can’t I think that my daughter’s eyes are the most gorgeous things on the planet and also think her sense of humor is outright awesome? And more importantly, why can’t she think that of herself? What is wrong with a girl who is confident in how she looks? Why is that so scary to people? Are we afraid that if girls own their beauty we won’t be able to sell our ideas of beauty to them anymore?

Of course, I don’t want my daughter to base her self-worth and value to the world on her outward appearance, but not acknowledging it at all it is a fake out. It’s setting her up to fail, because of course, OF COURSE, she will at some point question her outward beauty and what she looks like. She will wonder if she’s pretty enough, tall enough, thin enough. I don’t want her to do that, but she will, it’s human nature. And I’d much rather have had her learn from me that yes, her, with her freckles and squinty eyes and (probably will be, damn genetics) crooked teeth and glasses, with all of those things, she is freaking gorgeous. And that if she’s fat or thin or short or tall or whatever…she is always beautiful.

Different is beautiful. When she gets dressed up for the prom, I will tell her she looks stunning. When she skates down a giant mountain on a longboard, I will tell her she is gorgeous.

Because she is. And there is nothing wrong with her knowing that. And owning the crap out of it.

*Hi five, sisters!*

(Conversation inspired by Rebecca Woolf, Longboard Girls vid via Design Mom)

Digital Sabbatical Recap

Remember when I said goodbye to the Internet for the month of July? Well, if you’re here, you definitely do, because no one else is still reading after that break. So thank you, reader, for sticking with me through the month of radio silence and the ensuing barrage of pictures of my kids/lamenting of their growing up/comparing life with a yoga class (seriously, who the eff am I?!)/et cetera. You rule.

Just like last year, I made some resolutions of things I would do while I refrained from hitting refresh on my browser. And, similar to last year, I even did some of them. (Emphasis on “some.”)

Read three books: Right before the Digital Sabbatical I got myself a Nook Color, as I can’t afford an iPad and I spend many hours a week locked inside a supply closet at work pumping (sorry, that’s life bitches) and I was tired of lugging books back and forth. And yes, I know that a “digital sabbatical” should probably include staying away from electronic reading devices, but my sabbatical, my rules. And holy hell, did I read. Not just three books, not four, not five, but ELEVEN. Yes, eleven. Apparently I spend way too much time on the internet, because eleven is a lot of books. My faves?

Spoiled by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan
A Place of Yes by Bethenny Frankel
The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
Matched by Ally Condie
Wiches of East End by Melissa De La Cruz (recommended by Miss Lane)

Welcome a new baby to my extended (friend) family: Miss Lena Mae Frey-Pettibone was born on July 13 and she is so beautiful I can hardly stand it! I need a trip to NYC so I can snuggle her in person…

Take Lucy and Tate to the fair: Um, 30 days of 100+ degree heat means no fair for us…womp, womp.


Try and get a family photo at said fair (hahahahaha! ha.): No fair meant no fair photos, but we did get some taken at the farm instead! And they are quite lovely, if I do say so myself. Many thanks to sis-in-law-to-be, Erin, for snapping these.




Go blueberry picking: Yeah, we slept in because it was raining on the day we were to do this, so we missed it. But Nicole and her family still went, and it looked to be super fun!

Celebrate a birthday or two: Miss Mara turned 28 and I made her a homemade Penny Can (for context, see here). I am an awesome friend. Also, Mr. Sawyer Nash had an early birthday party in July (because he deserves it, that first year is tough!) and was formally dedicated at church. He is such a cutie. I heart him!



(No babies caught on fire during this celebration)

Spend a weekend at the lake: Done!




Go shopping for first day of school supplies (KINDERGARTEN!!!!!!!): Done! Technically this was after the sabbatical though…

Captain my Bowl for Kids Sake team without making a total ass out of myself: Half done…I did captain the team (excuse me, SUPER TEAM as we raised more than double our original goal!!!), but I bowled awful. I was second to last, and the only person who did worse than me had carpal tunnel. True story.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Team!

Learn to make the perfect margarita: You guys…I did it! Well, Melissa from my supper club did it, but then I copied her. It’s one bottle of premade (with alcohol) margarita mix, one part sparking water (flavored if you’d like) and a bunch of fresh limes. Do it. Now. I don’t care if it’s 9 a.m. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere, right?

Smooch on my kids and my husband and my life: Yeah, you know it.


Late Night With Lulu


Today Was a Good, Good Day







Goodbye Summer

Last week was officially the last week of “summer” around here. Tate started back at daycare yesterday, and Lulu starts kindergarten (!!!) tomorrow, plus our 30+ days of intense 100 degree heat finally broke, so for all practical purposes, the summer has come to a close. Sure, we’ll still hang at the pool a few more times and will have a BBQ or two, but the kids’ endless days in the sun are over until next May/June. So, as we didn’t have any childcare last week (the nanny had to go back to college, but school didn’t start until this week), I decided to take some time off and just hang out in KC. Originally we had grand plans for some sort of vacation, but Trent couldn’t really take off after his trip to Ireland (did I not mention that?) and I was not too excited about travelling with the little people by myself.

So instead we enjoyed a nice little “stay-cation” with trips to the museum, the science store, the library and the park. We ran through the Crown Center fountains and ate ice cream twice in one day (and once for dinner!). We went to the pool, attended school carnivals, rode ponies and made a video using our new underwater video camera:

I’m so glad we decided to just hang out and spend some time together. It’s so fleeting, you know? Happy summer, y’all!






Elle's Birthday Water Slide!

Hide Your Electrical Cables!

The Tot is so close to crawling…why oh why must this happen? I mean, I suppose I should be excited (he’s growing, yay!), but seriously? I just want him to sit still. Forever.

P.S. I never thought Tate was that big of a baby, but this weekend we had a birthday party for one of Lulu’s friends (waterslide FTW!) and there were two babes there a month older than he was, which he outweighed by a good five pounds. He looked like a sumo wrestler. Granted, the other babies were also “wearing clothes” and he was the naked, diaper clad dude, but Jesus, it was hot out.

Birthday Party Babes

Oh, my little fatso, I love him so.

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