
So, I run now.

I know, I know. I can’t believe it either. And I feel a bit like a tool even saying anything about it, because whenever I’d see or hear people going on and on about their half marathon or the Iron Man they are training for, I wanted to punch them in the nose. We get it, you’re healthy and we are not and someone get me some ice cream and beer, right-effing-now!!!

But after my 29th birthday and some other life changes, I found myself wanting to see what my body could really do. Not only that, but find ways to make me and my body happier. I tried to remember what I did at 5, 10, 15, 20 years old that made me really and truly happy, and then found ways to incorporate these actions in to the life I have now. Which, let’s face it, isn’t easy. I have a high stress job, two kids, a home, a husband who is running his own company…there is not time for anything extra in my life. During one critical moment in the work world last week I found myself saying to my boss, “I can do a lot of things, but I cannot add time to a clock!”

I knew it would be hard, but I found myself needing to try new things again. I had made such a big deal about not caring about my looming 30th birthday, but I realized it’s not that I don’t care, I just don’t feel negatively about it. I’m happy and excited, but I also have realized that time is surely fleeting. Do you have wise friends? I do. And one of them told me this:

“I realized that this is it. This is my life. I didn’t know what I was waiting for.”

That stuck. My life is happening. I need to live it. And live it hard.

I started slow…the day after my birthday I decided to give up alcohol for a month. It was easier than I thought, so I started going to the gym three times a week, taking my dad’s advice and planning workouts at least once a week during my lunch hour. I learned how to climb the rock wall at my gym and tried to find other activities that would be fun and challenging. As I kid, I rode horses (hunt seat) competitively, so I found a stable near my office and now ride twice a month over my lunch break.

It was during one of these lunchtime workouts that I ran my first 5K without stopping. I looked down at the treadmill and couldn’t believe it! And in a crazy haze of post run euphoria, I signed up for my first race. It’s in less than two weeks, and I am still stunned that I’m going to do this. I’ve even started plotting a possible half marathon in 2012. Who am I? I feel like I may be possessed by pod people.

Of course, I’m doing other things too, like journaling regularly, getting more sleep, prioritizing my social life, but it’s the running that really seems to be pushing me. I’m inspired when I run. I feel powerful and weak all at the same time. I love the quiet of it. I love being alone with my body and my thoughts and my tunes blasting in my earbuds.

….to be continued.

Happy Halloween


Princess Leia and Yoda

Here’s to Happiness

Things have been a little bit bananas over here…crazy bananas, some would say*. So I’m following the lead of Naomi over at Rockstar Diaries and posting a few things that are making me incredibly happy today. I’m going to bookmark this page and reload it over the week to keep myself from going all Bruce Banner on anyone at my office. HULK WANT YOU TO LEAVE HULK ALONE!

10 Things That Are Making Me Wonderfully Happy

1. Wearing my cute, colored tights that have been in storage since fall two years ago
2. Running outside on my neighborhood trail and signing up for my first 5k (with my dad!)
3. Baby Tate growling when he sees someone with food, until they give it to him

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4. Lucy “getting funky” at her hip hop dance class
5. Getting family photos taken at Worlds of Fun amusement park
6. Screaming my head off when Lulu scored her first (and second!) goal at soccer


7. My husband randomly asking me to answer math questions whenever I wear my new nerd glasses
8. Trader Joe’s Mint Mint Ice Cream Mouthfuls (oh lord…)
9. My upcoming horseback riding lessons
10. My upcoming trip to visit my BFF in Texas

I think I'm in heaven....

*I have no idea who would say that, but I reserve the right to punch them right in the nose


There are days when I feel like I’m doing everything right, and days when I feel like I couldn’t get more wrong. But on this day, I felt like I am succeeding with her. One of my biggest goals is to raise a kind, thoughtful, empathetic girl. I think this proves we are on the right track.

A Day to Celebrate Myself

I’m not very big on my own birthdays. I’m not one to throw parties or demand large gifts or obsessively check Facebook for happy wishes. Though I do appreciate all those wishes, and try to give my thanks to those that give them, I just don’t think my birthday is that big of a deal. It’s not that I am afraid of getting older, in fact, it’s probably the opposite. I can’t wait to be thirty…like, seriously, can not wait! Most of this stems from me being so much younger than many of my peers, and always feeling like the youngest kid in the room. I was seventeen years old when I went to college, not even old enough to get into a 18+ bar, let alone drink alcohol. I got married and had my first kid at twenty-three, when most of my friends were still in college themselves. The new friends I made through work or playgroups were all at least ten, fifteen, even twenty years older than I was. And when I got my current job, one that I covet, I was by far the youngest person in that position. Most people assume I’m older than I am, which is why I easily forgave Lucy’s best friend’s mom, who asked if I was turning thirty-five today. When I tell people I’m turning twenty-nine, I see them do the math in their head, trying to figure out when I had Lucy and how old I was when I got my job, and it’s extremely frustrating.

But back to the happy part of birthdays. Today I’m turning twenty-nine, one year away from the big three-oh, and I’ve spent a lot of time trying to decide what this means to me. I have lots of plans for the upcoming year, many of which require massive amounts of self-study, which, let’s face it, isn’t fun for anyone. But it needs to be done. I want to find ways to make my life better, more appreciated, a happier place to be.

But for today, I’m quietly celebrating with the people that love me most. People who, despite my petty whining, do think this day is a pretty big deal. Oh, I love them so.

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