Roll Credits 2011

Every year I make a little playlist for all of you (see past years here and here and here and here) and this year is no exception. I tried to vary my selections a little bit this year so your ears won’t bleed too much from indie band whining, and also included some pop hits that were the soundtrack to my year. Beyonce? Yes, Lucy loves that song. Jay and Kayne? Yeah, sometimes we all need to shake it a little.

And of course, there are some songs you’ve never heard of and probably will make you want to jump off a bridge. But give it a chance. Goodbye 2011, you were awesome. Here’s to 2012!

(To hear the full and more amazing version of this playlist [some songs I loved couldn’t be found via], get it on Spotify. Do it, trust me.)

Girl Walk // All Day

This will make you happy, pinky swear.

I’ve been waiting for the Girl Walk film to come out all year, and somehow I missed the November premiere. The basis of the project is a few incredible performers telling a story via dance, using the soundtrack of the Girl Talk’s awesome compilation, All Day. I don’t know how it all ends yet, since they are posting a new video every week and the story is continuous, but these are my favorite chapters so far.

Chapter 1 – School’s Out

Chapter 4 – Enter the Gentleman

Chapter 8 – Shopping Spree

In once scene, the girl passes a rabbi on the street who asks her why she’s dancing. She says, “Because I’m happy.” He responds, “You should always be happy.”

This whole project makes me happy.

Check it, here.

Jingle All the Way

This post is only relevant to you if you want to watch five year olds do a hip hop dance to the “Shrek” version of Jingle Bells. Which, I’m sure, includes pretty much everyone on the planet.

Lu has performed with this same dance crew for the past three holidays. The first year she seemed terrified. Last year she wacked the girl next to her with her wand during the Sugar Plum Fairies number. As there were no injuries or tears this year, I’d say there was some massive improvement. Next year she moves up to a higher level class and that makes me want to cry. Why do children have to grow up? So unfair. Bah humbug.

12 Months aka 1 Whole Year

Dear Tate,

Today you are 1 year old. 12 months. A WHOLE YEAR! This news is both exciting and sad for me, as while I’m thrilled you are thriving and lovely, I’m also a bit nostalgic for the past year. You see, it seems that many people are getting busy around St. Patrick’s Day, because every person I know is having a baby right now. All of them. And the ones that aren’t? Well, they are announcing their pregnancies on Facebook. It’s a baby boom around here, and every single birth announcement or newborn photo reminds me of where I was one year ago today.

A year ago I was a mother of one perfect little girl. A year ago I hadn’t slept more than an hour at a time in weeks. A year ago I had no pants that fit. A year ago I fretted and worried and worried and fretted about how your addition to our little family would affect us all. After all, three is the magic number, right? What would four mean for us?

Well, so far, it’s meant giggles and slobber and stinky diapers and early mornings and late nights and sore boobs and freezers full of breastmilk and first steps and first words and little teeth and loud screams and belly laughs and more slobber. So far, four has completed our family square (or family rectangle, depends on how you look at it). We were happy before December 20, 2010. Our hearts were full and our lives were wonderful. But now, today, on December 20, 2011, I can tell you, my dear son, our hearts had no idea what was coming.

I could go on and on about your changes this past month, but nothing I could say would fully describe you and who you are becoming. You are loud, happy and full of life. You are the only other person in this family who wakes up in the morning ready to go. Your sister and father yell at their alarms and beg for more sleep, while you and I eat breakfast together. You are one of the few people on the planet that laughs at my jokes, a trait that will serve you well during this gift giving season.

Back when you were just a little shrimp in my tummy, your father and I debated on a name for you. As always, we had approximately one million girl names at the ready, but boy names eluded us. I loved the name Charlie, but we didn’t want the Charlie Brown and Lucy references to follow you and your sister around for eternity. But in the last month, you have shown me that you are the embodiment of another one of Charles Schultz’s characters…Linus. You see, somehow you found your father’s old blanket from when he was a baby, and that is now your favorite thing. Your face lights up when you see that blanket. You run to it, like a long lost love, then cuddle with it, screaming in happiness. Finally, you throw it on the floor and roll all over it, soaking up every drop of its goodness. You’re a weirdo, Tate, but it’s pretty adorable. And now I’m mom to Linus and Lucy. Cue the music.

I love you, Tate. So, so much. Thank you for completing my family. Thank you for making us whole. We can’t wait for a hundred more birthdays with you.




It happens every holiday, without fail. I think I’m doing okay. I’m trucking along, wrapping and baking and buying and planning and hosting parties and traveling and crafting and and and and.

Last night I was up until 2 a.m. I got up at 6 a.m. Tonight is Lucy’s Christmas recital and all I can think is “Will I be able to stay awake?” Tate’s first birthday is next week, and I have to make sure it’s extra special, even though it’s during the holidays. Not to mention my husband’s 30th birthday on Christmas Eve. And my father-in-law’s 70th (yesterday) and my mother-in-law’s (next week) and my dad’s (the 27th). And and and.

Yesterday I realized I needed to clear out some memory cards to make sure I actually take some photos at Lu’s recital tonight. The last two years I have taken none, due to (1) leaving the camera in the car by accident or (2) being so ridiculously pregnant I really didn’t give a shit about taking pictures. While I was clearing out the memory card, I found a bunch of photos from our Thanksgiving trip to Idaho that I’d completely forgotten about.


Sometimes, life is really, really awesome. I need to remember that more often.

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