Resolution Update: I’m on a Horse

From age 7 to about 12 years old, I was an avid hunt seat horseback rider. I spend most summers, early mornings and evenings at a stable outside of town, learning every aspect of horse care. I have to admit, I was pretty lucky. For every girl who falls in love with horses as a kid, I bet there aren’t many who actually get to live out their dreams of riding, especially on a daily basis. When I started junior high, I had to choose between continuing my riding career (which would take up most, if not all, of my free time) or participating in extra curricular activities through my school (drama club, sports, etc.). I ended up choosing the latter, which was definitely the right choice for me, but I’ve always missed riding.

In college I was lucky enough to find a job as a companion to a young lady who had Asperger’s Syndrome and rode a therapy horse. I was in charge of taking her riding, and in return, the family allowed me free access to the stable and her gorgeous mare.

Since college I’ve ridden here and there, on trailrides in Colorado or with friends, but for the most part, I haven’t had the chance to get in the saddle. So as part of my 2012 resolutions to be furiously happy with my life (hat tip to the Bloggess for the term), I decided to find a stable and sign up for lessons. I was so lucky to find a ranch right by my work, and every other Friday I sneak out and ride for a half an hour. It’s been challenging, as this ranch specializes in the breed of Morgan horses that requires a style of riding WAAAAYYY different than my hunt seat experience, but I’ve loved being back. It seems silly, but finding something that made me happy when I was 10, and doing it again, really does make my life a more joyful place.

Now, without further adieu, a video of me sort of sounding like a jackass, but mostly being super excited to ride again. Major credit goes to the horse I rode that day, Miss Buffy, and my amazing instructor Nicole, who is cute as a button and is always super encouraging, even though after three months she still has to show me how to hold the reins correctly.

10 Years

10 years ago today I fussed over my outfit as I got ready for a first date. I worried that I looked stupid and I’d be too nervous to say anything coherent. I worried that he wouldn’t like me, and he’d see through my facade to what I really was.


Truth is, he did. And 10 years, two kids, five moves, two dogs and one marriage later, he’s still here, still seeing the good stuff.

{And the bad stuff, but since we’re celebrating today, I’m going to pretend it doesn’t exist.}

Here’s to being as happy in 10 more years as we are today. Or maybe, to being even happier.

You’re My Sweetheart

(The above version is via Maggie, but I originally heard this song on the CW because I’m 13 years old and love the CW…and even though I have been told by my Valentine that my CW watching is “all that is wrong with the world” somehow he’s decided to stick around. The world is a strange place.)

I hope you all eat lots of chocolate and drink buckets of wine today, and remember how much you are loved. Especially by me. Thanks for being there, all. Mwah!

Catching Up

I’m at home for a few days with Mr. Tate who has come down with a lovely case of what I’m hoping is not pneumonia, and between the hacking and wheezing, I’m attempting to finally catch up on a few photos from the holidays…




…more to come, if I can ever peel this lovely, sick little boy out of my arms and into his bed.


I am aware that New Years resolutions are basically for suckers, but I’m a Type A person, so the idea of coming up with a list of anything gets me all giddy. With that in mind, here is the mantra of 2012:

Please see the video below for explanation:

And yes, while “fine leather goods” and “mimosas” sound amazing, I’m talking about treating myself better in every way possible. Some examples:

1. I will treat my body better – I started off 2011 with a body that had just done a pretty fantastic thing (created and housed and birthed a baby), and I feel like I spent the rest of the year in recovery from that. I have taken some major steps in treating my body as it needs to be treated, but there are a few things I’m severely lacking. My number one concern is I must make sleep a priority. I tend to have such crazy days, that begin at 6 a.m. and end around 8:30 p.m., with me constantly taking care of others. Unfortunately, that means after the kids are tucked in to bed, I stay up way too late trying to “wind down” or do things that are important to me personally. This lack of sleep is affecting every aspect of my life, and I need to get it under control. This may mean pictures won’t be edited for weeks or the DVR will be 100% full or my inbox will be overflowing…but that’s going to have to be okay.

2. I will treat my heart and soul better – Pre-2011 was a roller coaster for me emotionally and intellectually. My dad had cancer and lived with me, I got pregnant with Tate, and I went through some major issues that are too personal to be discussed here. Much of 2011 was spent just trying to survive and keep my head above water, getting used to my doubled parenting role and become a working mom of two, so I really want 2012 to be about personal growth. My main focus is going to be my relationships with others and how I let them dictate how I feel about myself. For too long I have let people who don’t have my best interests at heart be a part of my life. I have always been “Mama Megan,” trying to help people in my life and pulling in those who seemed wounded and needed a shoulder to lean on. I don’t want to completely lose that, as it’s a part of me that I actually am quite proud of, but I need to learn that it’s okay to say “enough.” I started this last year, and it was a game changer for me. I need to appreciate those in my life that bring goodness and welcome more people like them, and that is what I intend to do.

3. I will treat my brain better – Although 2011 was an incredible year, I feel like my brain was not very well exercised creatively. I’m not sure if it was the start of a new year or Tate turning one, but all of a sudden I have a need to create something new. I’m not yet sure how this need will be fulfilled, but I have tons and tons of ideas. Many of which involve super glue and paint, so help me (and my poor husband).

4. Just plain ole’ treating myself – 2011 was a year of constant financial stress. Having a baby holds all sorts of financial uncertainty, from hospital bills to doctors appointments to daycare costs to wages lost during unpaid maternity leave…it’s all extrememly overwhelming. But this year, as daycare costs will drop significantly (yay for toddler versus infant costs and Lucy being in first grade so no more daycare wheeeeee!) and (hopefully) salaries will rise, I’m hoping to finally get to do some things I’ve been putting off for ages. Like, say, a honeymoon? Decorating my house? Buying a washing machine that uses both hot and cold water or a refrigerator that’s pieces don’t fall off every time you open it? I feel like Kayne, people! Bring on the bling!

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