Happy Blog Birthday to Me!

Eight years ago this month, Trent said (while I was packing for Italy), “I made you a website to keep in touch with everyone. It’s a blog, so you don’t have to email every day.”

“What the hell is a blog?” I wondered.

Well, eight years later, I think I’ve figured it out. And in honor of Crazybananas’ big birthday month, I am proud to present a new look around here! You may have noticed some new graphics, both in the header and sidebars, and I’ve been doing some new things with content as well. There is are updated sections all over the place, including About Me, FAQs and My Life Menu (formerly known as 100 Things to Do). The rad new section focusing on Kansas City has been in effect for a few weeks now, but we have a bunch more fun things planned for the future.


“Happy Birthday to Meeeee…I mean Crazybananas!”

Thank you for being here. Whether you’ve been reading since the beginning or if it’s your first time visiting, stay awhile. We have cupcakes!

(Sidenote: I still haven’t figured out how to deliver cupcakes via Internet, but it’s first on my list. Promise!)

(Sidenote Part Deux: Trent saw me typing this post and looked momentarily panicked…until he realized the title said “blog” in it. I feel like I may have missed out on an opportunity for presents.)

These Kinda Sunglasses

No joke, she seriously asked to put on my sunglasses and just started throwing rhymes like some sucker MC. This is why you have kids.

It’s Here! NYC + KC, The Book!

Do you all remember waaaayyyy back in 2009? Back before Tate was even an idea in my head? Back when we had just moved to the suburbs? Back when doing the “put a ring on it” dance was considered so rad and totally new? Yeah, well, way back then my friend Theresa and I did a photo project called NYC + KC. A little reminder of the project:

We post pictures of whatever we happen to come upon each day, from street vendors to murals, from school papers to long commutes, from ski trips to morning coffee. Each day is a surprise to us and I’m so happy we’ve decided to do this. Our plan is to post one picture every day for a year, although who knows how long this will last. On some days, pictures don’t get posted until late at night, other days they’re posted by 8 a.m., just depends on the bob and weave of life.

Well, we did make it through an entire year. And though there were days (weeks…months) where we wanted to quit, we just kept right on shooting. Ever since we completed the project, we knew we wanted to put together a book of our experiences, but as things like this often do, it got away from us. We both had jobs and then we each decided to have a baby, and before we knew it, two years had passed and our book still wasn’t made.

No longer, people. May I present NYC + KC: A Year of Photos Between Friends:


You guys, I can’t even begin to describe how proud I am of this book. The whole journey of this project was so wonderful and enlightening, but to see it replayed several years later and look back on it with new eyes was such an amazing thing. I can’t speak for Theresa, but I was in tears as I opened it for the first time.

What’s that? You want one of these for yourself? An NYC + KC book of your very own? Well, I can help you with that! You can buy your own copy of NYC + KC: A Year of Photos Between Friends at Blurb dot com. You can also preview a selection from the book on Blurb, just in case you need a little more convincing (and if you do check out the preview, you need to look at the back cover…it’s one of my favorite parts of the book).

Please click here to purchase NYC + KC: A Year of Photos Between Friends.

Lastly, thank you. If you’re reading this you’re probably someone who supported either Theresa or I in this process, and that makes you awesome. High fives all around!

P.S. Please note, the eBook is now available for purchase as well, for only $5! Hooray for technology!

I Rule, Just As I Am


You ever had one of those days when you need a little Mark Darcy in your life? Well, I’ve had a few lately. Last night I decided I wanted a little Darcy staring me in the face every day, so I used this tutorial as a template and made myself a little reminder of my awesome.

Sawyer and Kayla Came to Visit

Last weekend our good buddies Mikayla and little Sawyer made the trek across the state line for a little visit and grill action. Sawyer and Tate are about four months apart and they are finally at an age where they sort of play together. Well, Sawyer tries to play sweetly and Tate throws rocks at his head. Good buds, those two.

Sawyer’s dad is Trent’s business partner, so watching the boys play and hang out is especially hilarious for us, as we can see their fathers’ personalities shining through. We are so lucky to have these guys as our friends/partners in crime. No one understands being an entrepreneur’s wife like Mikayla, and I’m glad to have someone who understands and can commiserate with me when things get a little too stressful.

Plus, the girl makes rad cheese dip. And she always reminds me to take pictures, which I haven’t been so good about lately. I’m so glad we busted out the camera, because these dudes are pretty adorable.










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