Lazy Mom’s Guide to Being Awesome

Did I mention a few weeks ago that one of my besties, Miss Lane, gave birth to her first baby?! Oh, it is so exciting to know Lane is a mama now, and I can’t wait to trade stories of poop in the bathtub and how to wrestle the remote control away from your toddler while you’re trying to watch an ABC Family marathon (don’t act like you have no clue what I’m talking about…ABC Family is amazing!). But for now, I wanted to bring a nice meal to my dear friends who are surely living the crazed, sleepless life of first time parents. A total bonus? If you bring food, you get to snuggle baby E!

But then the week of the meal drop off came and things exploded around here (as they tend to do pretty much anytime I have anything planned ever). I quickly realized creating some major meal was not going to be in the cards, so instead I went the lazy mom’s way out…


This is a great idea for those of us with little time or little talent when it comes to cooking a fab meal (ahem, I am both of those things). I picked up a cute, reusable picnic basket and those great, colorful cartons to hold fresh fruit and summer veggies from Target. I used pre-made pesto from Whole Foods along with fresh mozzarella and tomatoes on baked bread to make caprese sandwiches, which Lu and I then wrapped in craft paper. We decorated the craft paper with colorful Kids Made Modern tape, and then made cute little utensil wraps using yellow paper napkins, plastic forks/spoons, a colorful straw and, of course, a paper umbrella to spice up their drinks. We wrapped this in the tape as well and stored them in a turquoise candle holder I got from the Target clearance rack. We threw in some Izze’s and flowers, and topped it off with fresh macaroons (also decorated in craft tape) from a local bakery. All in all, it took about 20 minutes to put together, not counting shopping. Lazy moms, hurrah!

Finding My Path Part 2 – My Life Menu: An Updated Life List

Back in 2008, when I was feeling sort of low and sad about my life, I made a “Life List” (idea inspired by Maggie Mason of Mighty Girl) of things I wanted to do in my lifetime. It was all pretty free form and there were lots of ridiculous and lovely items on it. In April of 2012, I participated in the Chookooloonks Path Finder Course (by Karen Walrond), an online class dedicated to finding your passions and loving your life. As part of the course, we were to create what Karen called a “Life Menu,” similar to a Life List, but something a bit more flexible, with lots of items you’d love to accomplish, but less pressure to complete them all. She explained that a menu is something you look at and choose from, but you don’t berate yourself for not trying everything in one swoop.

As a classic Type A Personality, I was a fan of this approach. The pressure of completing everything on my Life List was making me want to scrap it all together. A Life Menu sounded like a lot less pressure and a ton more fun. So I rewrote my Life List/Life Menu, to reflect who I am right now, today.

My list is a little silly at times, sometimes it can get a bit serious, but when I look at it, it makes me happy. Some of my 2008 items are still on there, and I may add more in the future, even though the original perimeters included keeping the list at 100 things. My menu, my rules. I am Megan, hear me roar!

I wrote this list out in my now falling apart journal about two months ago, and I’ve already managed to complete some of the items. The strangest thing is I never really looked at the list and picked something, saying, “OK, I’m checking this one off now.” It just happened organically. As I sat down to share this list in a post, I realized I had already completed some of it. It’s crazy, but true. When you really decide to change your life, and take steps to plan out that change, it just starts to happen on it’s own! I’m not saying I won’t have to work at some (most) of these things, but just the very act of writing them down has inspired me to get out there and DO!

In that same realm, here is an article the famous Mighty Girl posted just yesterday, that had me feeling inspired and ready for action: How to Make Decisions (via the July 2012 O Magazine). If you’re feeling like I was, it is a perfect read to get you going.

Without further adieu, here is my current Life Menu. I hope you enjoy and gain some inspiration from it. At the bottom of this listing, you’ll also find the items from my oringal 2008 list that I completed. Hooray for me!


1. Write a freelance article.
2. Photograph 15 mothers.
3. Quit the corporate life.
4. Volunteer in an underdeveloped country.
5. Go on a trip, alone with my husband. – DONE – May 2012, NYC!
6. Redesign Crazybananas. – DONE – April 2012
7. Sell a photograph.
8. Open a shop to sell my art.
9. Teach a class.
10. Speak at a conference.
11. Take a design/art/photography class.
12. Run a half marathon.
13. Interview my dad once a month for one year.
14. Pitch my book idea to an agent.
15. Move abroad with my family.
16. Have a job where I dictate my schedule.
17. Take Lucy on a mother/daughter trip.
18. Take Tate to Legoland.
19. Go on a a wine tasting vacation.
20. Run every day for one month.
21. Learn to sew.
22. Take my family to the beach for two weeks.
23. Ride a roller coaster with Lulu.
24. Build/have a small studio.
25. Grow a vegetable garden.
26. Take the family apple picking.
27. Teach Tate to swim.
28. Teach Lulu to ice skate.
29. Run in another race with my dad.
30. Buy Trent a new truck.
31. Open a restaurant.
32. Learn to play the guitar.
33. Learn the B. Spears “I’m a Slave 4 U” choreography.
34. Send both of my kids to college.
35. Bake a loaf of bread from scratch.
36. Supervise a school field trip.
37. Go fishing with my kids at the lake.
38. Get up the guts to email my heros and let them know how awesome they are. – DONE – May 2012
39. Learn how to do letterpress.
40. Start a social non-profit business.
41. Give up drinking soda. – DONE – May 2012
42. Have beautiful photos taken in my wedding dress with my husband.
43. Write a screenplay.
44. Ride an elephant in India.
45. Report for NPR.
46. Live somewhere where we don’t have a car.
47. Get a bike and ride with the kids. – DONE – May 2012
48. Read a novel to the kids.
49. Learn to snap my fingers.
50. Learn to “wolf whistle.”
51. Teach the kids how to drive.
52. Learn to drive a stick shift.
53. Get over my fear of boats and go on a cruise.
54. Work at Harvesters for a day with the kids.
55. Start a charity in my family’s name.
56. Ride in a hot air balloon.
57. Renew my vows with the husband.
58. Go on a cross country road trip and stop at all sorts of kitschy places.
59. Finish my first painting.
60. Give up alcohol for one month out of every year.
61. Go to Vegas with my best friends.
62. Put together a will.
63. Ask our friends to be Tate’s godparents.
64. Learn to be more tolerant of people in my family who’s views are different from mine.
65. Look up my geneology and find out where I came from.
66. Throw a fancy dinner party.
67. Do another photography project (ie. NYC + KC).
68. Buy a beach cottage.
69. Cook every meal for one week.
70. Learn to surf.
71. Kiss Trent at the Eiffel Tower.
72. See the Grand Canyon.
73. Hike through a tropical rain forest.
74. Learn how to fly an airplane.
75. Relearn how to speak fluent Italian.
76. Go camping with the family.
77. Go to New Orleans during Marti Gras.
78. Get another degree.
79. Teach English at a school abroad.
80. Learn to snowboard.
81. Create new content ideas for the blog, like video and images.
82. Hug a koala bear.
83. Visit Hawaii.
84. Donate $100 on Christmas Eve yearly to a stranger.
85. Go to Japan.
86. See a show on Broadway (like, the real one). – DONE – Newsies in NYC, May 2012
87. Ride in a rickshaw. – DONEish – Rode in a pedicab in NYC, which Trent says definitely counts as a rickshaw…May 2012
88. Spend an entire day in a museum. – DONE – The Met in NYC, May 2012
89. Have a gallery showing.
90. Turn off my cellphone.
91. Find out what makes me happy and do it, every single day.
92. Learn to be a better communicator.
93. Make my home a happy and hopeful place.
94. Attend a non-traditional wedding.
95. Do “Project Life” for one month.
96. Be proud of my self. Treat myself better. Celebrate my successes.
97. Give a toast at an important event.
98. Read one book a month for a year.
99. Journal daily.
100. Create weekly goals. Organize what I want to do, and try not to get distracted.
101. Learn to deal with disappointment in productive ways.
102. Write affirmations. Don’t discourage myself.
103. Own my life.

Items Completed from the Original 2008 Life List

2. Purchase my own house – DONE – October 2008
11. Give a stranger $100 on Christmas Eve – DONE – Christmas Eve, 2009 (and 2010, 2011…it’s a tradition, yay!)
17. Take photos of someone famous – DONE – June 2011, Disneyworld, yup, I’m counting Minnie Mouse
24. Buy a brand new Mac computer – DONE – February 2011
31. Turn off my phone for a day – DONE – August 2008, Family Reunion in Steamboat Springs, Colorado
45. Attend a political rally – DONE – October 2008, Barack Obama “Change We Need Rally” in Kansas City
46. Donate to charity anonymously – DONE – October 2008, but I can’t tell you who or that ruins it!
47. Drink wine in Central Park – DONE – May 2008, Theresa’s Wedding
50. Reconnect with an old friend – DONE – June 2008, Anna “Banana” Kaye, Roomate from Italy
55. See a Broadway play – DONE – November 2009, Wicked, during the Broadway Across America Tour
58. Cook every night for 7 days – DONE – June 2009
69. Have more kids – DONE – December 2010, Mr. Tater Tot
77. Have a girls vacation with friends – DONE – July 2010, Girls Trip, Destin, Texas
88. Make enough money to support my family DONE – February 2008
92. Drink a fancy cocktail on the roof of an apartment building in NYC – DONE (sort of, close enough, technically not an “apartment” building) – May 2008, Theresa’s Wedding
93. Go to therapy – DONE – April 2011
94. Go for a week without checking email – DONE – August 2008, Peters Family Reunion

CB Reads Sometimes: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter


The other day I was listening to NPR, as we nerds tend to do when we are driving pretty much anywhere, and I heard an interview with author Jess Walter on his new book Beautiful Ruins. At first I was taken in by the description of the story, which combines past and current events to tell the story of a beautiful actress on the movie Cleopatra and how a few small decisions changed the life courses of dozens of people. But as the author spoke more, he described another main character in the book, the area on the Italian coast known as Cinque Terre, and I knew it was a novel I HAD to read.

Fresh off the train

That is a photo of me, just after my arrival in Monterosso in 2004. Moterosso is one of the five small villages that make up Cinque Terre, which is seriously the most magical place I’ve ever been.

View from the Boat

The author, Jess Walter, does take some liberties when describing Cinque Terre, the most obvious being he adds another town to the five that exist in real life. But his descriptions of the villages overlooking the sea as people come in from the boats brought me back to being 21 years old. I was in love with this place. I remember making plans to come back someday and open a seaside souvenir shop. This is still on my life list.


Much of the books most touching scenes take place on the hiking trail that connects the villages to each other. The place is so remote, you can really only get there by train or boat, and once you hike through all five cities, you must take a boat to get back to where you started. I remember getting on the train, and even though I’d been on several trains in my day, we all were squealing with excitement at this old machine, straight out of Harry Potter!

The Harry Potter Train

This book was wonderful, I highly recommend it. The story of the actress and the Italian boy is unexpected and sweet, but when blended with the stories of today’s producers of reality television and a nice little mystery, the whole thing is a lovely departure. Even if you haven’t been, you heart will quickly go to Cinque Terre. If it sees mine, say hello.

Father’s Day

This is by far one of my favorite videos on dads…hope all you amazing ones had your love repaid in full!

And to my dad and husband, thanks for not only taking care of my kids, but me too! You guys are the best!


Farm Wedding Wrap-Up


Last weekend, under the huge Kansas sky and with the wind whipping at our faces, we watched as Trent’s beautiful sister was married to a wonderful man that is now and forever part of our crazy family. Sorry, buddy, that’s life! Lulu served as one of two flower girls (the other was new baby cousin Brooklyn!) and was so nervous to walk down the aisle by herself. I was so proud of her for sticking it out and making it not only down the aisle, but also standing in front of 200 people for the entire wedding. Lulu rules.


The first few days were spent turning the family farmhouse and yard into a beautiful wedding site. Trent’s other sister was married in the same spot a few years ago, so the family had some experience throwing a huge event at the house. Thursday and Friday were filled with people rushing around, putting up giant tents for the reception, delivering hay bales for the attendees to sit on, building an archway out of sticks and branches, putting together centerpieces and drinking gallons of iced tea. As always, I was marginally helpful due to a few crazy kiddos I had to keep an eye on. We also got to meet and hang out with baby Brooklyn for the first time, which was such a treat! I loved watching Lulu get to be the big cousin for once (all her other cousins are older) and fall so madly in love with the newest member of the family.

On Thursday all the girls got manicures and pedicures, which Lulu adored. Poor Grandpa was stuck watching the babes at home, and I think that was more exhausting than the wedding itself! That night Lulu and I went to a Ladies Cocktail Hour to celebrate the bride, where Lu basically spun around in the backyard for an hour and I drank wine. I’d call that a successful evening!


The rehearsal was the only time I even busted out my real camera, since Trent’s sister asked I take some shots for her. I’m glad I did, because I certainly didn’t think to do it on the wedding day (there was just too much going on to be lugging around that big ole’ camera).


The day of the wedding was hectic and crazy, but the bride was actually quite calm. Trent and I used our last wedding experience as a warning, and decided to have our babysitter come out and stay at the house, so we could enjoy the festivities without having to deal with a crazy toddler. This was probably the best decision we’ve ever made. She hung out with Tate until the reception, where he came out and showed off for everyone for 30 minutes, and then she put him to bed. She hung out inside in case he woke up and Trent, Lu and I were able to party down without worry. And when the time finally came for Lulu to head to bed, we sent her in and went back out to the party. Seriously. Best. Decision. Ever.


The ceremony was lovely and the reception was rockin’. The couple hired dueling piano players, who were a fun departure from the DJ or band that usually serve as wedding entertainment. We danced all night, and the bride even did a full rendition of the Thriller dance in her white gown. It was fairly epic. The best moment of the night for me was watching the first dance between the newly married couple, and seeing Lulu and her cousin slow dancing together in the garden behind them. Trent may have even teared up a little on that one.


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