Stuff and Things, A Little Life Check In

Chapter 15 before bed...Harry sees You-Know-Who for the first time! #harrypotter #reading #bedtime

It’s now been a little over six months since I quit my full-time job to try a whole new adventure. I thought it might be a good time to check in and share a bit about how things are going and some of the challenges/successes we’ve had. I can safely say, the life we are leading now isn’t exactly what I envisioned when I left my boring, yet stable corporate job. But as you may have guessed, it is much, much better.

When we decided to make this big change for our family, I will admit, I was going on a million cylinders. I had no idea how I was going to pull off the manic schedule I had set for myself (spoiler alert: I didn’t), but I committed to working as hard as I could to do it all. This is what my life looked like six months ago:

– 20 hours per week working as the head of marketing for Trent’s IT business (half from home, half in the office)
– 10 hours per week working on this blog, including posting five times per week using an editorial calendar, working with sponsors/guests, managing my advertising host, social media, projects with other websites and blog networking
– 5 to 10 hours per week doing photography and managing details of my photography business
– 5 hours per week working as the Research Editor for the website Design for MiniKind
– 2 hours (plus or minus) per week as a contributor to the Sweet Lemon Magazine blog
– Lucy in school five days a week, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
– Tate in daycare two days a week, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The math is a little scary. 47 hours of work per week, with 12 hours of week of childcare for my kids, which leaves 35 hours of work per week that I need to pack in to whatever free time I had remaining.

It didn’t go so well.

It got to a point where I would put the kids down for bed and would immediately rush to the computer, desperate to get everything done and meet all my deadlines. I was only sleeping a couple of hours per night on the regular, so my work got sloppier as I continued to slog through everything. By mid-March I was completely burned out. We had made this change so I could be with the kids more, and yet the time I spent with them was harried and miserable. I was always exhausted, stressed and never living in the moment. It wasn’t ideal.

It was around that time that I had lunch with another local blogger I had met at Alt Summit in January, and she mentioned to me I could probably cut down on the weekly posts. That sounded like a start, so I reduced my weekly posts from five to three. As time went on, I relaxed my editorial calendar, and started posting more like I did a few years ago, when I had a story to tell. There is still some sponsored content, and other items that must go up on a deadline, but for the most part, I completely ditched my blogging schedule. Now I usually sit down on Sunday evenings, think about what I will post that week and set up a loose outline so I don’t feel like I have to start from scratch. Many of my photos are only mildly edited, and I stopped trying to create designs that were so perfect all the time. Sure, the site isn’t exactly Pinterest candy anymore, but that’s okay. It was worth the trade.

I also cut WAY down on the social media portion of blogging. Twitter, which used to be my number one platform, is mostly used for quick updates these days. I rarely network there because it’s a time suck and that’s just time I don’t have the luxury of spending there. Ditto with my Facebook page. I am still really into Instagram, so you can find me there most days, but I have cut down on the “social” part and mostly just use it to record my life as I live it. Pinterest, poor Pinterest, is pretty much gone from my day. I’ll still get on about once a week to keep my items updated and poke around, but I limit my time and try to be mindful of when I’ve been on for a while.

I read less blogs, which is sort of a bummer, but was definitely necessary. I started using Feedly (RIP Google Reader) to keep up on the websites I love and it’s worked out pretty well. I have noticed the trend of blogging less has seemed to spread throughout the blogosphere, so I don’t feel too far behind, as many other bloggers aren’t updating as often as they once did. I find myself much more drawn to personal blogs, as opposed to the design/product/photography blogs I used to read. I like reading people’s stories and hearing something I can relate to, and the blogs I’m still reading reflect that.

As far as my non-Crazybananas work, I still am working 20 hours per week as the head of marketing for Trent’s IT company. I’m loving the work we are doing there and feel like it’s making a real difference. The photography has slowed down exponentially since the end of my Go Mighty project in March. There are some big things in the works for that project, but they won’t get going again until around September, so I’m enjoying a little break. I have done a handful of personal shoots, but I’ve kept that number quite low on purpose, and mostly have only been doing shoots for close friends or family. In early June, I resigned as Research Editor for Design for MiniKind, which was a sad, but good move for me. While I enjoyed working with Erin more than anything, we both felt we couldn’t put in the amount of time / energy needed to make the work stand up to the level we wanted, so it made sense to amicably move on. I feel so lucky to have gotten to know Erin and will always be grateful for the opportunity she gave me. I also resigned from blogging for Sweet Lemon Magazine. But that was because I was chosen to be a contributor to the magazine itself (not just the blog) and I wanted to focus on that. My first article can be found in the last issue, and another fun DIY will be in the next issue (out soon!).

As for my life with the kids…it’s pretty sweet. Now that it’s summer, I have even less child care, but so far we’ve fared okay. I work when Tate naps, and still at night too, and we spend the rest of the time out having adventures or reading Harry Potter. I have worked more sleep time in to my schedule, which has made for a much happier and more patient mama. I am a classic over-achiever and perfectionist, so taking the time to step back has been really difficult for me, but the wealth of positivity that has surrounded me lately has proven that I’m making the right choice. Sometimes less is more.

Last year, in my Path Finder course, we chose a word that would be our “Word of the Year.” Last year, my word was “DISCOVER.” I so badly wanted to find out who I was and what my purpose was in this life. I was miserable in my career and was worried I’d never find my way out. I was going to discover my passions and make big changes. And I did.

This year I chose a new word. Granted, I didn’t do it until recently, but I think it will carry me throughout the next 12 months. This year, my word is “ENOUGH.” I am tired of feeling like I’m in a hamster wheel, constantly trying to do and be everything to everyone. Enough. I can’t post five times per week anymore and I can’t keep taking on new jobs. What I have on my plate now is enough. I cannot be perfect. I am enough. My work is enough. My life is enough.

And this post? It’s enough.

The Color Run


Last year was the first time the Color Run came to Kansas City, and I wanted to go more than anything! Have you heard of the Color Run? It’s the happiest 5K on the planet! Basically it’s a 5K fun run, and at every kilometer you run through a tunnel where people throw colored powder all over you. By the end you’re a multi-colored mess, but it’s such a blast! When the race is over, you run across the finish line and straight into a huge dance party, where everyone throws more colored powder up in the air during countdowns led by the Color Run DJ. Here’s a video explaining the whole, crazy thing:

Last year the race filled up so fast, we didn’t get in. But this year they decided to do two Color Runs in one weekend, so there were a few more spots and we snatched them up. My sister and her whole family decided to run, so we joined up with them and ran as a team. The dads and older kids all ran together, while my sister and I stayed back with Lulu and Tate (who was riding in our jogging stroller). We definitely did more walking than running, but it was still super fun. Here are some pics from race day (all taken with the iPhone since I didn’t want to bring the fancy Canon 60D in to that mess):






Some tips for running the Color Run with kids:

– Make sure the kids and adults know who they are sticking with during the race. It’s a bit chaotic and since everyone is wearing the same thing, it can be scary if someone gets separated from the group.
– Plan on bringing your cell phones both to take pics and keep in communication, but be sure to wrap them up in a plastic ziplock bag. Since we had the jogging stroller, we threw our phones and other items in there, but people (like my sister) were rocking fanny packs and armbands to carry their essentials as well.
– At two-years-old, Tate is a bit sensitive to big crowds and got pretty upset during parts of the run. He didn’t like the colored powder being thrown on him at all, so the jogging stroller was a godsend. We just put down the sun canopy and he was mostly protected. You’ll notice he’s quite a bit cleaner in the photos, and that’s why 🙂
– Bring a change of clothes or something to cover up your car seats so you don’t get the colored powder all over on the ride home.
– Speaking of the colored powder, it’s just corn starch and food coloring, so it’s non-toxic and won’t hurt you if you accidentally swallow some. Wear sunglasses or another eye covering to keep the dust out of your eyes (we even saw some younger kids wearing swim goggles). The color washes out, but if you’re blond, like myself, my sister, both my kids and her daughter, it was recommended to cover up your hair. I had someone who ran last year warn me it took six weeks to wash the color out of her blond hair, so we pulled out all the stops, with bandanas, hats and sweatbands. We still did end up with some in our hair, but it washed out within a few days.
– Before you leave, find the guys with the giant leaf blowers that will hose you down and get a bunch of the loose colored powder off you before you get to your car.
– You will get a t-shirt to wear for the race, but make sure the other clothes you are wearing are ones you don’t mind being ruined. I ended up buying a pair of $10 shorts from the Color Run shop and wearing old sneakers. Not great for running, but it didn’t matter if that were gross after it was over.

The Color Run will be back in the Kansas City area for a race in Lawrence in September. If you’re available, you should totally do it! Such a fun race, and something both the kids and the parents really enjoyed. Happy Color Running!

Kansas Prairie Wildflowers : Familiar Beauty


During this past weekend at the farm, I decided to go for a little photo walk. After a few minutes, I found myself totally enamored by the wildflowers spotting the prairie. I know they’ve always been there, but for whatever reason, they called out to me this time. I inspected each and every one, all the little details making me smile with each click of the camera shutter. I took so many, I’m thinking of making a Blurb book of them and giving them away as holiday gifts. That’s on everyone’s list, right? A book of photos of flowers? Great.

Here are a few of my favorites. I hope they bring you a bit of joy and peace like they unexpectedly did for me. Just goes to show, sometimes you have to see something a thousand times before you appreciate it. There is so much beauty in the familiar, it can be easy to miss it. But then the wind blows another direction and you look down and at your feet is a beautiful sight, if you only take a minute to really see it.







Happy Memorial Day!

The kids and I picked wildflowers for my uncle's grave. The Veterans Cemetery is a beautiful and somber place today. Thanks to all who serve. #memorialday

This is the grave of my sweet uncle who passed away a month and a half ago. We spent the weekend at the family farm, and yesterday Tate and I wandered the open fields picking flowers, which I left for my uncle today. It made me happy that he was so honored at the Kansas Veterans’ Cemetery and that I was able to be there. Thank you, Veterans’ and acting service people! You are amazing!

Here are a few other iPhone Instagram pics from our weekend. You can follow our fun on Instagram at @crazy_bananas!

Summer time!!! First trip to the neighborhood pool and she's graduated to the diving board!

Jealous @loggytrips? ;) #vista

Grammy's peony bushes are in full bloom.

Happiest boy in the entire world!

Watering Grammy's garden in our PJs. #kansas #garden #water

Trent is pretending to be a hipster.

I am overly excited about this box of doughnuts from Varsity in Manhattan. Photo by Trent.

Home. #sky #kansas #horizon

That Red Lipstick


A few years ago I decided I wanted to try wearing red lipstick. I don’t know why the urge to sport scarlet lips hit me right then, but it was love, I tell ya. I wanted so badly to be a girl that could pull off red lips. When I saw women wearing it, I was in awe. They seemed confident, smart and independent. They were sexy, sultry and gorgeous. They were what I wanted to be…or more accurately, they were how I wanted to be seen. I was a young, working mom, and I felt like a kindergartener in a class of high schoolers. I hoped red lipstick would be the ticket.

But oh, red lipstick and I, we’ve had a rocky road. My first attempt at red lips was documented here all those years ago, after my husband claimed I looked like the Joker from Batman. I put it to a poll on this here blog, and you all sweetly told me what was up. It didn’t look great. When I look back now, I cringe. The color was too dark and too blue for my complexion. I did, unfortunately, look a lot like that evildoer from Gotham City.

My red lipstick and I have come a long way since that fateful blog post. After other failed attempts at finding the right shade, I finally went to the cosmetics counter and begged for help. The ladies at MAC found a perfect shade, and we’ve been best friends ever since. They also introduced me to the secret of red lips…red lip liner. It keeps your shade in place and also keeps the red from bleeding outside of your lip lines. Basically it helps make you look like Marilyn Monroe instead of someone who just had a giant glass of cherry Kool-aide.

But here’s the thing about those red lips. Even after I was taught by the pros and was rocking the look on a semi-regular basis, it didn’t feel right. I was always worried I looked weird and out of place. Could everyone tell I was a phony? That I really couldn’t sport this daring look? Were they pointing and laughing behind my back?

My husband, the original red lip hater, didn’t help things much. Even with the right color he HATES my red lips. Every single time I wear it, he comments on how much he doesn’t like it. And while that can sound harsh, there is a really sweet reason behind it. He likes me the way I am. He doesn’t like me all made up and, in general, finds me much sexier with messy hair lounging in my sweat pants. Red lips are just not his jam. He thinks they cover up my natural beauty, and he will probably never like how they look on me. Same goes for anything gold, gaudy or glam.

So for a long while, every time I wore this particular look, the routine would go like this: I’d put on my red lipstick, he’d say he hated it, and then I’d head out for the night feeling insecure or crappy about how I looked. Let me point out, he never said that I looked bad or was ugly, just that he didn’t like the red lipstick, but in my head, that was converted to “You are the ugliest person alive!” Which, I mean, come on! So dumb.

Then, a few months ago, I was participating in an online course where one assignment was to email people that loved us with the question, “What is my superpower?” One of my best friends sent this back:

“Your superpower lies within your red lipstick which allows you to kick major ass!”

This simple, funny comment flipped a switch in my brain. My red lipstick was my superpower! It was my signature! And it didn’t matter if people liked it or not. Seriously, the fact that some people like it, while wonderful, isn’t the point either. I LIKE IT. I LOVE IT! So I will wear it, regardless.

Since then, I’ve worn my red lips to dinner parties, movie nights, conferences and most recently a photo shoot for Sweet Lemon Magazine. Honestly, I don’t wear it on date nights with the husband, but that’s more out of respect for his right to have an opinion. Plus, it’s a lot less work to wear sweats and messy hair, so if that’s what gets his engine going, it works for me!

The moral of this story? This very long, vapid story about lipstick? Be you. Wear what you like, not because people will love it and not because people could hate it. Wear it because it’s your superpower, and if I’ve learned anything, it’s the world could use a few more (confident) superheroes.

This post is part of the Love Yourself Linkup. Visit here to learn more and read some amazing posts from real, beautiful, smart women.

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