Progress, Not Perfection

I love today. #kc #kczoo

I wasn’t a very good blogger this week. I did not follow my (mostly defunct) editorial calendar. I didn’t post regularly, even though a few months back I cut down my regular schedule to make it more manageable. This week, even three posts wasn’t do-able. And it wasn’t because I was swamped or overbooked. The opposite, actually. This week was what some people might call “lazy.” I call it lovely.

In the last six months I’ve been battling some stuff offline, stuff that I am not yet ready to talk about on the internet where everyone and my mom can see, but stuff that has certainly affected what I have written here. In the past, when things have been challenging in my life, I have responded by doubling my efforts. If life was hard, I was going to do everything I could to make it as perfect as possible. That would surely fix things, right?


Well, turns out perfection isn’t actually something any one person can achieve. Who knew? Also, this apparently means when being “perfect” is your goal, you will be disappointed 100% of the time. Well, crap.

But I have been learning lots of new skills in the last couple of months, and at the top of the list is “how to cope with bad stuff.” It’s amazing what a new perspective and smart people giving you advice will do for your psyche. And one of the things that has been pointed out to me time and time again is that I must. SLOW. DOWN.

So this week I was lazy. And honestly, it was the first time I had a week like this without realizing what I was doing. In the past I’ve had to physically force myself to slow down, but this week it came pretty naturally. It’s amazing how much more I ENJOY my life when I’m not running around like a crazy person. I can step out of situations and think to myself, “Wow, today is really incredible.” It’s like I’m a Buddhist monk, y’all!!! Okay, maybe not that serene, but I’m miles ahead of where I was before. Now, when I’m tired, I sleep. I don’t push through it like some nut. If the kids are driving me crazy, I put on a movie and take a break. We all need it and SURPRISE, more screen time won’t kill them. Having a happy, healthy mom is more important.

Unfortunately, this calm, cool, aloof “me” isn’t really translating to a fabulous blogging “me.” But I think you will all be okay. Just don’t expect perfection, and you won’t be disappointed.

Do That

Photo via Pinterest / Original Source

Thirty Plus One



Today is my birthday. I’m 31 years old. Somehow, 31 seems like more serious business than 30 was. I mean, when you turn 30, people are still throwing parties for you in Las Vegas. When you are 31, your biggest party might be having both ice cream AND a snickers while watching rom-coms on TV. Partaaaayyyyy!


But seriously, the best part about 31 is that option two above is totally and absolutely my idea of the best time ever. Not that I didn’t love the big party in Vegas (I mostly loved the company I was with, but sparkly dresses and spending an entire day in a cabana ain’t too shabby), but I’ve learned over the past 31 years that I’m really a stay-home type of gal. I like elastic waistbands and t-shirts worn so thin from loving wear they look like they should be shipped off to the dumpster immediately. I think I spend so much of my working life dressed in uncomfortable, yet flattering clothing, there is nothing more fun and sexy to me than just laying around like Jabba the Hutt. I mean, how lucky is my husband? So lucky.


My 31st year has been a hectic one. Sometimes painful, sometimes glorious, and always changing, this year was full of more growth than most of my twenties all put together. I made a lot of leaps this year, both physically and metaphorically, and they mostly paid off. I left a job that was slowly killing my creativity, and started a new one that offered me the flexibility to really be there for my family. I gained and let go of freelance gigs, attended my first blogging conference, had my first article published and completed a photography project that was a long-held dream. I created an entire marketing program from scratch for my husband’s IT company. I hosted our first kids’ sleepover and both made and bought lots of treats for class parties. I held feverish babes while they slept and cheered when they accomplished their goals. It was quite a year.


This year has been a strange one for me in terms of personal, emotional and spiritual growth. I knew I was unhappy a year ago, but I couldn’t quite place where the unhappiness was coming from, as, honestly, my life was pretty great. One step at a time I changed bits and pieces of my life until I seemed to find something that fit…not perfectly, mind you, but in such a way I felt a comfort I haven’t known until now. I am working hard every day to be the person I am meant to be, and that person isn’t necessarily who I would’ve thought of a short year ago. I had to re-evaluate what is important to me and what must be a priority in my day in order for me to fall asleep with a smile on my face. Turns out my priorities are pretty simple. I want a simple life, one full of love and laughter, and free from the toxicity which plagued me for years. Before this year, I strove to always feel like the smartest or best liked person in the room. I spent so much time worrying what other people thought of me, and not nearly enough building myself up from the inside out. Turns out, in order to be the best mom, wife, citizen and person I can be, I have to love myself first. The old adage about the oxygen masks on the airplane is so true…you must first put the mask on yourself before helping others. Because what help will you be if you’re passed out on the floor? None, none at all.


So this year, I have spent some much needed time putting on my oxygen mask. And I’m here to tell you…it works. There is a life in me that I hardly recognize. Of course I sound dramatic, but it’s true. I look at photos of myself from only a year ago, and I see such pain in my eyes. Such sadness and a foreboding feeling of never, ever being enough. When I look in the mirror today, I don’t see that. Because no matter what thing I screwed up today or what mistakes I have made, I am a person who is worthy of love and happiness, and that is enough now. It wasn’t always, but it is now.


In my 31st year, I learned how to make mistakes and move on. I learned how to stay in each day, and stop worrying about what the future will bring. I learned all I can do is the next right thing at every moment. I learned to let go of the past. I learned that my worth is not based in how I appear to other people. I learned other people’s opinions only have power over me if I allow their thoughts to become my truths. I learned self-confidence and self-love. I learned that I am not perfect, but being a work in progress is a wonderful thing to be.


So, here’s to 31. I cannot imagine what my 32nd year has in store for me, but I bet it will be pretty damn amazing.

(The photos in this post were taken by the talented Nicole Coleman of Petit Soul Photography. She is a dream. These photos are my happy place. How peaceful and lovely and serene this life is…thank you Nicole.)

On My Mind


Gosh, I love New York. It’s always on my mind in the fall. It doesn’t help that I now have this movie on both DVD and on my iPad, so I can visit my favorite city whenever I please. The city is it’s own character in the greatest story, and I never tire of it.

Recently I’ve found myself singing the kids to sleep again. I don’t know when it happened or why…just one day I realized I’d sang them to bed for several nights in a row. Trust me, my voice is nothing worth writing home about, but I can carry a tune or two when the mood strikes me, and for whatever reason, our current winner is “Moon River.” Tate calls it the moon rainbow song, and he begs me to sing it over and over, while he holds my face between his hands. Lucy prefers it to be sung while I stroke her back. What is it about “Moon River?” Every time I almost make it through the whole thing, and then the tears start to flow. That happens to everyone, right? By the time I reach, “my huckleberry friend…” I’m doing my best to keep my voice from cracking and hold the whole thing together.

“Moon River” will always and forever remind me of New York, thanks to Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Audrey Hepburn singing it from a fire escape. So today while I think of my friends in that city, I’ll sing this tune as my babes drift off to sleep. And I’ll thank my lucky stars I live in a world where a dream like New York City is real life.

“Two drifters, off to see the world. There’s such a lot of world to see. We’re after the same rainbow’s end, waiting ’round the bend, my huckleberry friend, Moon River and me.”

Video via Hey Natalie Jean

Hashtag Summer


I can’t believe it’s Labor Day weekend…it seems surreal. Did the entire summer just flash by for anyone else? I feel like yesterday was the last day of school before break, but we are already three weeks in to the new school year around here. And this weekend the few pools that are still open will be shut up tight until next May/June. I’m sad. It was a good summer. There were Popsicles, water ballon fights and 8-hour pool days. There were carnivals, trees to climb and picnics to be had. I haven’t had a summer like this one since I was a kid myself, and hot damn, I’m going to miss it.

Luckily, my favorite season is upon us (FALL! YIPPEE!) so I’m planning on letting go of summer as gracefully as possible. I figured a proper send off might be a little round up of our summer adventures via Instagram. I definitely overused #summer this year when uploading photos, but it was worth it. We loved you, sweet summer. See you next year!

Unplanned splash park stop. No swimsuit, no problem :)

Learned how to climb trees = successful summer

Happiness is golden hour at the farm. #peace #quiet #fmsphotoaday

Water balloon war! #summer

When your kids refuse to take a photo with you, doing a prom pose is the only solution :)

Last Pool Summer Day

#Smooth glassy waters closer to shore... #fmsphotoaday #water #pond

Realized the kids had never had Call Hall ice we had to fix that this afternoon! #manhattan #ksu #icecream

#kansas #wildflower #nofilter

Dippin Dots never lose their appeal! #icecream #kczoo

Too cool for the bouncy house... #summer

I had some company on today's run...we ran to the pool and back. Well, walked and ran. Since I was pushing a 50 lb jogging stroller I'm counting it! #mileadayjuly #scooter

A ride on the Ferris wheel at dusk. #fair #fun #sky #ferriswheel #kansas

Back at his happy place...a reward for riding along during a hot run. #pool #summer

My favorite part of holidays, the desserts! #fmsphotoaday #redwhiteandblue #cake #independenceday #yum

Swimming at Great Grandpa and Great Gramma's pool in #tennessee

Tate versus the #chocolate waffle cone. #icecream #ksu #manhattan

All of my favorite people on a playground. #cousins #play #summer

This is how you watch #baseball with Tate in tow...from the playground next to the field. Great job @oompaloompa1810 and @redandblue2318!

Hi, we are at the zoo! #kczoo #carousel

When its a billion degrees outside, you take your playdate to the pool! #bff #besties #pool #summer

It's a billion degrees on this concrete. #pool #shadow #summer #heatwave

I got caught eating the kids' cotton candy....

First time down the big slide today! Thanks for helping him along, big cousin @sloanie467 :)

Trial run for our block party, making s'mores on our neighbor's driveway :) #ilovemystreet


All photos above taken with the iPhone 4S and edited with the Afterlight, Snapseed, Over or VSCO apps.

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