Give Thanks, Eat Pie

I got bored = I attempted to get crafty... ✂️ #craftpack #thanksgiving #thankful

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! I’m feeling pretty lucky to have found myself in the midst of another Thanksgiving where I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my life and everyone in it. Last year, I had no idea where I would be today. To be honest, last year’s Thanksgiving was fairly traumatic. We buried our sweet dog, I had just quit my job, and the future was uncertain and scary. This year feels different…like something really amazing is happening in and around me. I’m not quite sure what it all means yet, but I know it’s something to be especially grateful for. Life is good and beautiful and awesome.

Since I haven’t done an Instagram round-up for a while, I thought it might be a good time to share some iPhone photos of a few things I’m grateful this year. I hope you have a fantastic holiday, and I need you to do one thing for me…eat at least two slices of pie. Do it for me, okay? I promise to eat a few slices of my own in solidarity. We need to stick together, you know.


You Are Enough


(Image found via Bloom)

The other day I was on the phone with a friend who had one of those hard mothering days. We’ve all had them. I had one just a day ago myself. These are the days when I’m too short with Tate as he tells me for the twentieth time he “has a problem” as I’m trying to put him to bed. The days when Lulu disobeys a rule, and then when she gets caught, tells me she hates our family and wants to run away. The days when despite my greatest efforts, I can’t seem to do anything right. You know the ones I mean…the ones when bedtime can’t come early enough and when the house is finally still you want to curl up in to a ball and cry.

I posted this image on Pinterest that same day, and my friend said she was scrolling through and it really spoke to her. The holidays are a hard time for recovering perfectionists like me. Just being, enjoying and taking it all in never seems like enough. There is always one more card to send or gift to shop for. The the To Do List is constantly growing, and rarely are there more items crossed off than are added. Thinking about it makes my chest get all tight and a panicky sweat creeps over my brow.

But it’s true. What you did today, whatever it was, is enough. There need not be more. You can put the list to bed, and leave the rest for tomorrow. Or not. You can throw the list away if you want to. Just remember, you’re enough.

Happy Happy Merry Merry (and not sorry)


I have a confession to make. Okay, here it goes…deep breaths. Friends, I love Christmas. Oh, I love it so very much. It’s a little ridiculous, I know, but I can’t help it! Remember back in August when everyone was pissed that random stores had already started stocking their holiday decor? The grumps and the grinches were all over social media, and heck, even those who like the holidays were annoyed. But me? Well…let’s just say I did a happy dance!

Here is my deal, I’m not sure if it’s because I’m in my 30s now, or if I’m just turning into an old maid, but every single day seems to fly by in an instant. Yesterday Lucy was talking with her adorable lisp and calling eyebrows “eye-bros”, and now she is better at math than I am. This is disturbing. I do not approve.

Christmas Card Photo Session
(Fat baby Lucy under her first Christmas tree….waaaahhhhh! Stop growing up! Also, Molly is in the background giving the stink eye…)

The holidays are so wonderful, but they are so short. And hectic. And downright stressful! All of which makes the season go so quickly, which, in my opinion, is dumb. I love Christmas lights, they brighten up my day, so if I want to put some up in September, sue me.

If it was up to me, my whole house would be exploding with tinsel, but I happen to live with a little bit of a Scrooge (some would call him a rational human person, but whatever, I’m sticking with bah humbug) who rolls his eyes and looks at me disapprovingly when he sees the mini-tree I’ve already set up in Tate’s room. Calm down, y’all, it’s about three inches tall and it’s awesome, harumph.


So yes, I am playing Christmas music in my car. And okay, yes, I also bought new ornaments today. And a glittery sign for my mantle. It’s okay, I promise. Next week is Thanksgiving, and then you can all join in on the fun!

Finding My Path : Boundaries, Honesty and Balance

Fall mini shoot beautifulness about to happen! #photography #fall #leaves

This past Sunday was not anything special. In fact, it was probably as normal as could be. The kids were up early due to daylight savings time (blerg), so we made a huge breakfast, with pumpkin pancakes, eggs, bacon, juice and coffee for yours truly. Before the kids got up I did some early morning meditation and reading. I am not a very religious person, but in the last year, spirituality has found me again, and it has been a gift. We went to the park and played outside while the cool autumn wind brushed our pink cheeks. We came home for naps, and afterward headed out to the gym for a playdate for the kids and a yin restorative yoga class for me. When we were all done, I took the kids to the gym pool and we splashed around for a while. We ate an easy dinner and I put the kids to bed a bit early. I watched a bit of TV on my iPad, and then was off to bed around 9 p.m.

Now, this particular day might not sound like a big deal to you, but for me, this is huge. As in epically gigantic. Because this day would not have existed a year ago.

One thing that I have had to face up to as I walk along this path of life is I am a perfectionist. Actually, scratch that. I have always known I was a perfectionist, the difference now is I don’t see that as a positive thing. Before, when people would compliment my ability to “do it all” or how “perfect” my life seemed, I’d fake-humbly nod and say, “Oh no, I’m not perfect!” But inside, I was squealing with glee. My self-worth and happiness were almost exclusively based on doing everything perfectly and being the most wonderful person anybody had ever met, ever, in the history of the universe. My goal was to be everyone’s favorite person, and to show everyone how incredibly amazing I was by doing everything right the first time.

The problem with this outlook is it is absolutely unachievable. I will NEVER be everyone’s favorite person, that’s an impossibility of the highest degree. Also, as it turns out, perfection isn’t a goal that can be reached by any human on this planet, including little ole’ me. So if your goal in life is to be perfect, you will be consistently disappointed. Your life, regardless of how fulfilling and beautiful, will never be enough. And speaking from experience, this is no way to live.

One of the things I’ve really struggled with on this journey is creating boundaries. One of the symptoms of my struggle to be perfect was the inability to create and hold real boundaries within my life. If someone wanted to do something I didn’t necessarily want to do, I’d agree to make them happy. I never wanted to rock the boat or upset people, so I would do, say or act in ways that were not in line with what I wanted for myself. I truly had no idea how to say “No.”

I’m learning boundaries are a gift, not only to me, but to those that I love. When I say “No” or tell the truth about how I feel about something, I am being authentic and real. I never really thought of myself as a liar, but I have had to come to terms with the fact that I have spent much of my life being dishonest about who I am and what I want. This is especially painful, but so, SO necessary.

The crux of this was realizing that perfectionism and “people pleasing” is a very dishonest and sad way to live. And in order to change this, and live my truth (notice I didn’t say THE truth, but MY truth) I have to be able to set boundaries in my life, even if it’s hard. Someone very wise once told me, “Just because you have done something in the past, doesn’t mean you have to continue doing it. You can set a new boundary whenever you want.”

These days I say yes by saying no. I am not everyone’s favorite person, but the truth is, I never was! Do I still want to do my best? Yes! Do I still try very hard? Of course! Do I still have goals and aspirations? Duh! But it doesn’t mean I have to do it all today.

Instead, today I will do the next right thing that comes to mind. I will have a fun day with my kids where I cross absolutely nothing off my “To Do” list. I will not feel guilt or shame over not being perfect, instead I’ll be proud to be a flawed, but authentic human being. I will go to bed with a smile on my face and joy in my heart, knowing my imperfections are what make me my best self.

Then I’ll wake up and do it again. And again. Ad continuum.

Pride and Joy

I am so incredibly proud of Lucy, who scored her first ever goal today AND the first goal for her team in 2 seasons. All of the girls work so hard and have improved so much!!! Today they showed what a lot of practice and a good attitude will get ya :) Bes

This weekend I had one of those moments. You know…those moments. The ones you daydream about when you’re uncomfortably pregnant and can’t imagine what color eyes and hair your child will have. You think about the big milestones in their lives, where you’ll be and how you’ll react.

I’ve talked before about Lucy’s incredible soccer team, an awesome group of adorable girls who work so very hard. Kansas City is a HUGE soccer town, and most kids start playing when they are three or four. By the time they are Lucy’s age, they are quite competitive, with many joining traveling teams and advanced leagues. Lucy loves soccer because she loves hanging out with her friends, but she has never been all that serious about it. And most of her team is the same way. Several are very skilled, but most of the girls have only played one season if any at all, and they are playing against girls who have been on teams for four years or more! Let’s just say, our sweet girls had a tough season.

But it was so different from last year. A lot of things seemed to click in practice, and by the last few games, the girls really started to play well. However, the elusive goal was always a tiny bit out of their reach. The coaches decided to give them a little more incentive, and promised the girls if the team could score just one goal in our final game, they would treat all of them to ice cream.

Lucy talked about this promised treat all week long. It was an even bigger deal for her, as Lucy has recently been in the throes of testing for a lactose intolerance, so she hadn’t had dairy in over two weeks. She practiced well and drew up plays at the dinner table, planning for her big moment.

About halfway through the first half on this cold game day, Lucy stole the ball near the our team’s goal, and started taking it upfield. She was running faster than I’d ever seen her, dodging defenders and streaking down the field. As she got closer and closer to the opposing team’s goal, all the parents seemed to hold our breaths…we’d had so many shots at the goal, and yet, nothing. I don’t know if anyone really believed this would be the moment. And then she shot. It was right in the corner of the goal, perfect placement.

Our entire side of the sideline errupted in cheers. I started crying and all of the parents were screaming and hugging. I’m sure the other team thought we were nuts, but this was our first goal in two seasons and it was a big freaking deal! I looked up and saw Lucy’s smile from all the way across the field. I’ll never forget it. All the girls on our team ran over, tackling her with hugs and high fives. They worked so hard together, and watching them all be so happy for Lucy, not a jealous or envious face in the bunch, was so beautiful. This team is one incredible group of little ladies, and I felt proud to be standing on the same field with them and their parents.

We didn’t win the game, but I don’t know if any of the girls even noticed. It was such a spectacular day, and watching them laugh and grin as they ate their celebratory ice cream was worth a million freezing cold evening practices in the dark. I’m not sure if this is the last season of Lucy’s soccer career (she’s undecided if she wants to keep playing or concentrate on something else in her spare time), but if it is, I’m so glad she went out on such a high note. It was one of those moments I know she’ll remember forever. After the game I told her I cried when she scored. “Me too, Mom!” she replied. “But don’t worry, they were happy tears.”

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