A Tiny Little Rant

I don’t really know where to start this whole thing. I’ve been having this argument in my head for weeks….I should post this. I shouldn’t post this. If I say what I’m feeling will I make someone else feel bad? What if saying this changes people’s opinions of me? What if people think I’m a bad mother?

Whatever. Let’s do this.


I don’t believe in mom guilt anymore. I mean, I understand lots of moms feel guilty, and I obviously understand at one point I felt horribly guilty myself, but today, I don’t. I’m not sure when it happened, all I know is one day I was leaving Lucy in daycare in tears and a few years later I left Tate behind without a single negative feeling.

My children are so happy. They smile and laugh and love like no little people I’ve ever known. I know it sounds like I’m trying to justify my choice to work…I’m sure that’s what many people reading this will think. But it’s more than that. I don’t have to justify my choice to anyone, not even my kids. Millions of babies are born around the world every day. MILLIONS. So many of those millions of children don’t have a good home or a happy family or food on their dinner plates. My children do. My children want for nothing (excepting maybe that American Girl doll accessory Lu keeps whining about). My children’s lives are filled with people who love them, care for them and bring positivity to their days.

A while ago, I was told by another mother that the way I parent is cruel. I won’t get into specifics, but we obviously have an idealogical difference of “cruelty.” Megan from five years ago would’ve burst into tears. She would’ve felt insecure and guilty and sad and like a failure.

Megan from today? She told said person to shut it (politely of course, she’s not an animal). She spoke of her fabulous almost six year old daughter and how despite any decisions, good or bad, that have been made, she has turned out fantasically. She talked about her beautiful son, who loves her wholly and with no pretenses. She said, quite firmly, that no matter how you mother, if you’re doing what is right for your family, you have no reason to feel guilty.


And I don’t.

Catching Up

I’m at home for a few days with Mr. Tate who has come down with a lovely case of what I’m hoping is not pneumonia, and between the hacking and wheezing, I’m attempting to finally catch up on a few photos from the holidays…




…more to come, if I can ever peel this lovely, sick little boy out of my arms and into his bed.

Jingle All the Way

This post is only relevant to you if you want to watch five year olds do a hip hop dance to the “Shrek” version of Jingle Bells. Which, I’m sure, includes pretty much everyone on the planet.

Lu has performed with this same dance crew for the past three holidays. The first year she seemed terrified. Last year she wacked the girl next to her with her wand during the Sugar Plum Fairies number. As there were no injuries or tears this year, I’d say there was some massive improvement. Next year she moves up to a higher level class and that makes me want to cry. Why do children have to grow up? So unfair. Bah humbug.



It happens every holiday, without fail. I think I’m doing okay. I’m trucking along, wrapping and baking and buying and planning and hosting parties and traveling and crafting and and and and.

Last night I was up until 2 a.m. I got up at 6 a.m. Tonight is Lucy’s Christmas recital and all I can think is “Will I be able to stay awake?” Tate’s first birthday is next week, and I have to make sure it’s extra special, even though it’s during the holidays. Not to mention my husband’s 30th birthday on Christmas Eve. And my father-in-law’s 70th (yesterday) and my mother-in-law’s (next week) and my dad’s (the 27th). And and and.

Yesterday I realized I needed to clear out some memory cards to make sure I actually take some photos at Lu’s recital tonight. The last two years I have taken none, due to (1) leaving the camera in the car by accident or (2) being so ridiculously pregnant I really didn’t give a shit about taking pictures. While I was clearing out the memory card, I found a bunch of photos from our Thanksgiving trip to Idaho that I’d completely forgotten about.


Sometimes, life is really, really awesome. I need to remember that more often.

Here’s to Happiness

Things have been a little bit bananas over here…crazy bananas, some would say*. So I’m following the lead of Naomi over at Rockstar Diaries and posting a few things that are making me incredibly happy today. I’m going to bookmark this page and reload it over the week to keep myself from going all Bruce Banner on anyone at my office. HULK WANT YOU TO LEAVE HULK ALONE!

10 Things That Are Making Me Wonderfully Happy

1. Wearing my cute, colored tights that have been in storage since fall two years ago
2. Running outside on my neighborhood trail and signing up for my first 5k (with my dad!)
3. Baby Tate growling when he sees someone with food, until they give it to him

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4. Lucy “getting funky” at her hip hop dance class
5. Getting family photos taken at Worlds of Fun amusement park
6. Screaming my head off when Lulu scored her first (and second!) goal at soccer


7. My husband randomly asking me to answer math questions whenever I wear my new nerd glasses
8. Trader Joe’s Mint Mint Ice Cream Mouthfuls (oh lord…)
9. My upcoming horseback riding lessons
10. My upcoming trip to visit my BFF in Texas

I think I'm in heaven....

*I have no idea who would say that, but I reserve the right to punch them right in the nose

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