I know, I said I was gone for a bit, but….

There are some people (Hi Erin! Hi Mara! Hi Other People!) who read this site strictly for updates on the family because they refuse to use email and I refuse to use MySpace. So, for you guys, here is Lucy’s Christmas wishlist…just so I don’t have to send it out.

OK, I’m really leaving now.

Wait, here is my wishlist too.

OK, seriously. Bye.


Today is my coworker Kristi’s birthday, and as I am poor and uncreative, she is getting (along with a pastry from Starbucks, I know, what a gift) this post. Where I say what I would get her if she hadn’t forced me to go to an outlet mall and spend my entire grocery budget at the Gap on our work trip this week. Really, Kristi, you did this to yourself.

Anywho, I’ve searched and searched the whole World Wide Web for a gift for the girl who has everything. And when I say “everything” I mean the camera I want, the computer I want, and a John Deere t-shirt?

I think I found it…

Birthday Gift

I’m starting a pool at the office to buy this for her…maybe I’ll just “borrow” some from the football pool, since I haven’t really contributed to it due to the awesomeness of my team.

So, happy birthday Kristi! I hope this post was the gift you’ve been waiting your whole life for.

In Rainbows

I heard about it on NPR. I read about it online. My curiousity was officially peaked. Would a huge, incredible, amazing band really sell their album online….for free? Or for a $1? Or for $10? Or whatever you feel like paying?

Yes. Yes, they would.

And holy, ‘effing, crap! This album is incredible. You need to go download it right now. Seriously. RIGHT NOW! Pay nothing or pay a dollar. Or pay whatever you want, it’s so worth it.

Click here to download Radiohead’s new album, In Rainbows. You won’t regret it.

Can you handle the Might?

There are a few blogs I’ve been reading since the beginning of time. Well, at least since I started working full time after college and decided reading daily blogs was way more interesting then listening to secretaries talk about their cats or cowering to bosses screaming at you for doing exactly what they asked you, because, obviously, they meant the complete opposite. Idiot.

One of these blogs is Mighty Girl, by Maggie Mason, which I mostly liked because she was hip and cool and lived in San Francisco, my dream city. She also has red hair. She’s one of those Internet people that you feel like you know, even though that would probably freak her the heck out since she has never met me before in her life and I’m writing about her like she was my Space Camp roommate.

Maggie also has a fantastic shopping blog called Mighty Goods, which I’ve used on several occasions to find great gift ideas, or to shop for myself. This was back before we had a kid and I actually spent money on myself. This year Maggie had her first kid, and must have had the same realization, because she just launched a new shopping site, Mighty Junior, featuring great stuff for kids that you won’t find on your Baby’s R Us list.

As always, Maggie’s impeccable taste shines through with some great featured products. My current faves are….

Foam Blocks
Foam Blocks
Proven to inflict way less injuries when Lu goes into one of her “fits.”

Skip Hop Foam Floor Tiles
Our neighborhood is made up of mostly older houses with wood floors, so I see those ugly foam mats everywhere. These ones are so cute, I may just get rid of the horrid pink carpet and put them all over the house.

Tuff Cookie Buster Hat
Monster Hat
It’d be nice to hear, “What a cute little monster” and know they weren’t referring to the personality of a certain toddler, but the adorable attire.

Out ’til Monday

Yeah, so I’m gonna be a bit busy this weekend. I have lots of errands and events and there is this book coming out I think I may read. Maybe, you know, if I have the time. Whatever.


But, you know, we’ll see. If I have time. No big deal or anything.

Maybe I’ll make myself a wand in all of my spare time. Because I’m totally not freaking out about this book. At all. Seriously. I am waaaayyy calm. Definitely calm enough to make some crafts.

Stages of Wand Making


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