Happy Valentine’s Day!

Of course, I forgot to buy Valentine’s for Lucy or her classmates (hey, it’s been a rough week), but a couple of weeks ago I ordered Trent’s gift. Thank goodness, or he wouldn’t have received anything. When he found it on his carseat this morning, he called me and said “You are weird. Happy Valentine’s Day.” He also claimed to have spent five minutes trying to figure out what it was. Can you guess?

My Heart

After figuring out what it was, he said “So, there is some woman in Canada sitting around knitting anatomical hearts and packing them up in Cheerio’s boxes?” My response, “Yes, and she is awesome.”

Maybe I should have gotten him the boobie pins? Or maybe the “dinky” puppets?

Hope everyone’s day is as wonderfully weird as ours!


Looking for a good gift for your Valentine? Haven’t thought about it yet? Oh, don’t worry. It’s only…..gah! In two weeks! Crap!

Well, I found the perfect gift for my bearded wonder right here. Mighty Goods always has the best gift guides.

If not, chocolates always work. Or flowers. But they have to be nice flowers, not crap. (Husband, hint, hint…someone forward this to the husband) Or cheesecake. Cheesecake works too.

UPDATE: This would be the best gift. Seriously, if there is a geek in your life, you really need this.

Date Night

A few years ago, back when I was pregnant and working at a very scary job at a PR firm with a redheaded boss who yelled a lot, Trent and I decided to get a Netflix membership. There were a few reasons for this, mostly because we were too cheap (read: poor, unwed, pregnant) to get cable and both of us worked all the damn time, so it was easier to have movies come to us then try to schedule ourselves around when things would be on TV. We kept our membership for about a year, and I used to get so excited when I’d see that red envelope sticking out of my mailbox. After a while, though, the film industry seemed to go into a slump and we ended up renting more TV show seasons than anything else. Someday I’m going to have to figure out how to explain to Lucy that her birth story includes myself being interrupted during a very emotional episode of One Tree Hill, and that will be a sad day, indeed.

After Lucy was born and I decided to stay home and do freelance work for a few months to get away from the scary redheaded woman, we ended up finally cancelling Netflix and getting cable. I was home all day and was so bored and sleep deprived, and damnit! I needed my VH1 fix! When I went back to work full time, we cancelled the cable again, as once more we had no time for it, so what was the point?

This Christmas, after looking at our last 2 months of Blockbuster bills, we decided to give ourselves the gift of Netflix. And already, after less than a month, we’ve gone through almost all the movies in our que and are back to TV shows. Have you ever seen Dexter? Holy crap, get Showtime or rent it, please! Because that show is incredible. And it actually did the impossible. After watching 3, 1-hour episodes last week in one sitting, Trent looked at me and said, “Just so you know, this constitutes hanging out. With me. For 3 hours. Watching TV. And actually enjoying it.”

Who knew? All we needed was a clever little show about a serial killer that works as a blood spatter expert for the Miami Police Department to bring us together.

Netflix, bringing couples back to couch since 2000.

Alternative tagline: Bringing ‘effing anime back in to my life and making me want to jump out a ten-story window.

T-Shirt Collector

I have a lifelong obsession with t-shirts. Back in my hometown, there used to be a warehouse of a local sporting goods store that sold old/reprinted/damaged t-shirts by their weight. You could get 10 t-shirts for a dollar. Man, I loved that place.

Since I had Lucy, I’m constantly looking for fun, funky t-shirts for her. Too bad buying anything fun for her seems to cost a zillion dollars. Why is it so expensive to be hip? Why can I not just be hip for the very low price of $1.99?

Well, if I had more money, I’d be very in to Tiny Revolutionary t-shirts.

More Milk
Reads “More Milk, Less War”

Change the World
Reads “I’ll Change the World Someday”

And my personal favorite:
Makes Gold
Reads “My Mommy Doesn’t Dig the Gold, She Makes the Gold!”

Dear Ikea,

Hello, Ikea. Have you missed me? I miss you greatly. I miss your very high ceilings and your play area for kids. I miss your extremely low prices. I miss this bedding. And this chair. And these plates. And all this stuff that would be perfect in Lucy’s room. I wish you would move closer. Then I could throw a dinner party for under $200. Which would be nice, as I am very poor. Have I mentioned that, Ikea? Maybe it would be some sort of tax deduction if you moved here. You should check that out.

Your loyal admirer,

P.S. If you refuse to move here, the least you could do is beef up your online store. Unless you want me to live with my husband’s shitty dresser he’s had since sixth grade and my bed on blocks until I’m 30. Which is just plain mean.

P.P.S You’re coming to West Chester, Ohio and not here!!!!??? Damn you, Ikea. Daaaaammmnnn yooooouuuu!

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